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Politics & Government - 8 September 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

To be the last to die in a worthless war "AND"......To then lose the war like we lost in Vietnam. OH!! The shame of it all!!!!

2006-09-08 09:44:26 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Should Mexico cough up some of the cost?

This is what I think. The US should put a 80 ft solid concrete wall (10 ft under ground and 30 ft above ground). Then a mine field on the US side of the wall (about 50 yard wide).

2006-09-08 09:39:24 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Ok please help my sister, my sister got a speeding ticket so she forgot to pay ticket and it went way up was 115.00 first and for not paying it it went up to 650.00 plus the dmv sent her a letter stating they are going to suspend liscence for the ticket now my question is has anyone had this happen to them and is there anyway for the ticket to get less. I remember my friend was able to go to court and pleaded not guily and the gudge cute the ticket pirice way lower than what it was but also this was 4 years ago. Can someone help please????

2006-09-08 09:37:39 · 7 answers · asked by D'oh! 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

one of the biggest problems with ilegal immigration is that these people use false names when getting a job, getting arrested,filing for welfare and who knows what else.i think congress knows this that is why they were pushing for all illegal aliens to leave.so that they can establish where and who these people are, it would be a hugh mistake if we just let everyone in and assume they were upright citizens who just want to work.i dont know if you know this but some illegals have killed americans and ran back to mexico under non extradtion laws were they cant be touched.this is why we must overhaul america for its peoples safety.do you agree?

2006-09-08 09:36:49 · 10 answers · asked by antho c 2 in Immigration

interesting.......care to try again bushies?

2006-09-08 09:36:04 · 16 answers · asked by bush-deathgrip 1 in Politics

Well, I know that it is much easier to immigrate if you are Jewish - how do they prove this?
If you are an uneducated jew from a poor country - can you still immigrate there?
How hard is it to immigrate if you are a non jew?

2006-09-08 09:34:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-09-08 09:34:30 · 16 answers · asked by S H I R A Z 3 in Politics

support stop illegals and be against the celebration of their culture (because we are in US now not in our country)

2006-09-08 09:33:11 · 16 answers · asked by Ana J 2 in Immigration

2006-09-08 09:32:16 · 22 answers · asked by 10Ksmasher 2 in Government

to sterilization. Don't criminals beget criminals?

2006-09-08 09:31:11 · 13 answers · asked by The Gadfly 5 in Law Enforcement & Police


2006-09-08 09:30:44 · 6 answers · asked by S H I R A Z 3 in Politics

I will laugh because they ( Bush and company ) will lose the Iraq war and will look like the fools they are. Shame is coming to the war supporters. Get ready to eat crow.

2006-09-08 09:28:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Made a donation to a homeless shelter. The three men made a visit to the shelter and made a $6,000.00 donation. This contribution meant an additional $40.00 dollars per person to the men staying in the shelter. My question is, with a cash cow in the upwards of $350,000,000.00, what in the hell were they thinking. I guess no one gives 10% anymore. What are your thoughts.

2006-09-08 09:27:46 · 6 answers · asked by fire_side_2003 5 in Civic Participation

The military need personnel, US prison inmates aren't doing anything. Makes perfect sense. Also, it will make them wake up and see that they aren't as tough as they think, especially gang members. Your thoughts?

2006-09-08 09:27:24 · 19 answers · asked by jim 6 in Military

We killed more of the enemy in Vietnam than they killed of us and guess what? We lost Vietnam. Now, tell me again how many people we are killing in Iraq. You know, someone here is always saying "We are killing more of the insurgents than they are killing of us". So tell me how we are going to win in Iraq. ( By the way war supporters...63% of Americans are now against the war and you war lovers will go down in shame )

2006-09-08 09:27:00 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

or was anything done at all for the persons who lost family, clothing and every thing including hope in the flood out in New Orleans.

P.S...that's why i concluded certain things about the President

2006-09-08 09:26:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I mean, if you have nothing to hide, you should be able to beat the charges, right? Only those that can't beat the charges would go to jail...what's wrong with that?

2006-09-08 09:26:40 · 15 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Law & Ethics

Any other (industrialized) countries within the world, besides the U.S., that have a major illegal immigration problem to the extent of the U.S. or worse, or even somewhat close to it?

2006-09-08 09:25:26 · 7 answers · asked by Shakespeare_the_Dog 2 in Immigration

or should both of these just be written off as a way of doing business?

2006-09-08 09:24:21 · 21 answers · asked by bush-deathgrip 1 in Politics

2006-09-08 09:21:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-09-08 09:21:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

if the war on terrorism is really worth supporting wouldn't a draft be a good way of showing our support? Other countries would see that most american's were truly willing to serve by not protesting the draft and that we were not just paying cheap lip service to the all volunteer army. Or would a draft erode support among republicans (dem's don't bother answering) for the war on terrorism.
Christian fundamentalist republicans wouldn't have to worry. I'm sure they could get out of an actual combat assignment based on their religious beliefs against war. But they would be willing to serve in another capacity, right? They could stand guard at major sporting events, shopping malls, disneyland and other popular terrorist targets. Would you be willing?

2006-09-08 09:21:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I lived in a bussiness address and i moved and wanted to foward my mail to my new address, the postal office didn't let me because it was a business address. i no longer speak to the business owner and i want my mail, what can i do?

2006-09-08 09:20:21 · 2 answers · asked by ariadnamejiamty 1 in Law & Ethics

Let's say you are in the military. You and a fellow soldier are feuding quite often about politics and/or religion. Now, when you are arguing with each other, you truely cannot stand his political/religious beliefs. One day while out on a patrol, your group gets attacked. You look to your left and you see a wounded soldier crawling towards you trying to avoid the barage of bullets. Your training kicks in and you start to run and save him, but suddenly he looks up and it is the man with whom you have been debating. Would you ignore your differences and save him, or would you be happy that he is dying?

This subject was brought up in another post. I was just wondering how many sane people we have out there. Please don't disappoint me.

By the way...I would save him.

2006-09-08 09:20:12 · 22 answers · asked by bluejacket8j 4 in Politics

What point do you feel is most important in the illegal immigration issue?

Would love to hear from both sides.

2006-09-08 09:19:24 · 15 answers · asked by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 in Immigration

what party do you belong to?

2006-09-08 09:19:23 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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