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16 answers

Liberals just mean that the successful Americans who prospered on their own through hard work and motivation are not giving enough of their hard earned money to those who don't want to work for anything if they don't have to. Too many low life scum bags out there. I don't mean all of them but you know as well as I do that many of them have ongoing opportunities to better themselves but just chose to remain losers out of pure laziness.

2006-09-08 09:43:56 · answer #1 · answered by Jeremy 2 · 1 3

They get rich by paying their workers only minimum wage (less if they're illegals), maximizing their profits while keeping their workers in poverty. They take home tens of millions of dollars a year and don't even provide health insurance or other benefits for their workers. This is worse than slavery in some cases. Slave owners at least had to house and feed their slaves. Some CEOs don't even pay them enough to afford housing and food. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, and if it keeps up the middle class will join the ranks of the poor. And don't tell me the rich are entitled by their "hard work". The laborers are the ones doing the hard work. The lazy fat cats probably inherited the companies from their fathers and never worked a day in their lives.

2006-09-08 17:54:48 · answer #2 · answered by ConcernedCitizen 7 · 0 0

The poor may be materially challenged, but that provides motivation to make cheap labor available. Thats just one way that fatcats make big proifts. Then, look at our present fuel crisis. The american people in all their tax brackets (rich and poor)are paying double or more for gas in the last 2 yrs. Not only did the oil companies pass the higher cost per barrel on to the average american, but they tacked on some more so that those execs could laugh just a littel bit louder on the way to the bank. nuf said?

2006-09-08 16:46:37 · answer #3 · answered by prancingmonkey 4 · 0 0

The rich stay wealthy off the middle class.

2006-09-08 16:41:22 · answer #4 · answered by jaike 5 · 1 0

It's not the wealthy working in the factories, in the fast food joints, or in the fields. The wealthy own the factories, fast food joints and the fields. They pay the workers pennies on the dollar and keep the rest for themselves.

2006-09-08 16:41:38 · answer #5 · answered by smecky809042003 5 · 2 0

almost all of the prior answers are very good, i might add the fact that all of our rights that our forefathers founded this country on are being wiped away by the rich(sic). this is also for the more "privileged" as they are able to circumvent rules and laws that the less privileged can not even attempt to snub. i am beginning to think the "patriot act" and "homeland security" are just more tools created by the rich to allow them to continue this exploitation that you elude to. anyone agree or think I'm just an idiot?

2006-09-08 16:56:24 · answer #6 · answered by derf 4 · 0 0

Go with the answers that say exploitation, either from undervaluing their labour, or through conning them into buying products they don't need, or scamming them into donating what little they have to obtain a better place in heaven.

2006-09-08 16:42:01 · answer #7 · answered by St N 7 · 2 0

Why don't you ever detail your questions, Shiraz? Is it that you can't think beyond the question enough to provide a basis for enlight..*cough* enlighten..*hack wheeze*

sorry. When I tried to write that, my computer kept coughing. Guess even the computer knows that you can't provide an enlightened debate. Only slurs and insults.

2006-09-08 16:41:17 · answer #8 · answered by ReeRee 6 · 1 1

by exploiting the work of the poor and paying them less than what their work is worth

example: if, by doing my job well, I earn you $1000, but you pay me $250, who exploited who?

2006-09-08 16:37:23 · answer #9 · answered by Dwight D J 5 · 6 0

By not paying them a living wage, but reaping the profits.

2006-09-08 16:38:23 · answer #10 · answered by Zhimbo 4 · 6 1

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