I was looking on yahoo answers and some say its normal but he has never done this before. It looks painful truthfully, one of his eyes close and his head jus twitches for about 3 sec. Its been happening all day, on and off. His eye isnt swollen, doesnt look injured or unhealthy. Last night it got pretty cold, but i believe he had enuff heat. Also he stayed on the basking rock alot longer then usual today. I read it could be a lack of vitamin b, i have only feed him feeder fish twice. I feed him that, carrots,pellets, lettuce,apple and pheonix worms. Not at the same time ofcourse, iam just saying his diet isnt one sided. His water is clean, the chlorine is out of it. At this point i just dont know, only thing i could think of is maybe he eat a bad feeder fish or he cold. Either way iam worried for him and any help would be appreciated. There isnt a vet for 100 miles where i live, seriously. So iam pretty much have to solve this on my own. Thanks
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