No Goldfish or African Chichlids.
Just want to get idead of what kind of fish i could put in there to make a great community tank.
I own 5 Different tanks in one year. 1) 10 Gallons - Male betta and a Pleco. 2) 10 Gallons - Babies; Mollies, Platties, Swordtails, Guppies and Snails. 3) 20 Gallons - Guppies, Tetras, Gold Nugget Pleco and Snails. 4) 30 Gallons - Rainbows, Mollies, Platties, Swordtails, Dwarf Gourami, Angelfish, Clown Loach, Rainbow Shark and a Pleco. 5) 40 Gallons - Goldfish: 6 Orandas, Black Moor and Regular (feeder) Goldfish and a foot long Rhino Pleco. And I'm Saving for a 125 Gal. Tank Freshwater and a 55 Gal. Saltwater.
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