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Dogs - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

I am looking for a good breed. Here are my requirments

- must like to play
- must be healthy
- must be fairly small (small enough for me to carry around)
- must get along with my bro's dog (beagle)
- pretty easy to train
- Active

I have decided that it is better for me to rescue a dog then to buy one from the pet store. So i need a dog that will most likey be at a shelter. I know i am asking alot, but i know what i want and what i like.

It will also have to be able to live in a cold and warm climate. During winter i can dress it up in a sweater and stuff but it can not be prone to cold.

I also want a dog i can spoil. That i can dress up in sweaters, and cover it in bows.

Thanks yahoo answers. And all of you people that will answer. I apprecite soooo much. I am not looking for a stuffed animal either. And i can take on this responsibiltiy

2007-01-24 06:07:10 · 16 answers · asked by 3

Her rear smells like rotten fish sometimes, ill give her a bath and it still stinks, i thought it was because she was goin in heat, bc she is 8 months and it is about that time. but she hasnt started her period yet or anything, what is the problem?

2007-01-24 06:01:18 · 29 answers · asked by hcgirl88 2

got a lurcher bad appetite any cure

2007-01-24 06:00:58 · 12 answers · asked by bigbin 1

I really close friend of mine was watching my kids yetserday, when I came to pick them up my youngest has a purple eye and teeth marks all arould her eye there is also a red dot on her eyeball.. they dont need stitches and wont leave a scar.... I was very understanding to my friend, dog are dogs my daughter was probley on his head he is a smaller dog shitsu.... but after talking to my sister and anoughter friend ( bloodhound breeder)they think the dog needs to be put to sleep.... It has nipped before...the dog was being a dog Its not like he could say hey get off me... we have great danes and they just move away.... what do you think She is a amazing friend... and I would never take a dog from a family ....

2007-01-24 05:59:10 · 2 answers · asked by GrassRootsRabbits 3

This is being suggested when we take the dog to the vet for spaying. Do most veterinarians and humane societies now scan lost animals that are brought to them? The cost is pretty reasonable so we will likely go ahead with the chip but I am just wondering. (I am getting an ID tag to put on her collar too. )

2007-01-24 05:50:57 · 34 answers · asked by jennifahjunipah 1

I have a 4 month old Queensland Heeler who is deaf. At first I thought she just wasn't paying attention, but I can drive in in my diesel pickup and she doesn't hear THAT. I know you can train dogs with hand signals, but she is such a high energy ball of fire that it is just about impossible to get her to pay attention. I need some suggestions to make her pay attention enough so I can even start to train her hand signals. I don't want to use harsh methods and make her cower, but it is imperative that she learn some manners and limits. She is so high energy that she won't even slow down when you pet her! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking of changing her name to Helen Keller!

2007-01-24 05:50:05 · 12 answers · asked by Nota yuppie 2

she is a 5 year old lab and she won't do it when we're home but the minute we leave she makes herself at home! I've tried laying kitchen chairs on the couch but she just knocks them off!

2007-01-24 05:47:27 · 10 answers · asked by labradog68 1

I went to another vet, and I had to put my Puppy down this morning. I am so upset, he has been so ill since I got him, and I have tryed everything known to man to help him, and I had to make the choice to put him down. He struggled for every breath. My question is, if you knew the first vet you used was negligent, would you tell him about it? I am not looking for any kind of restitution, I just feel the need to tell him what his negligence cost Me, in terms of the pain in my heart. I can deal with the pain in the bank account. I didn't know it would hurt so much to lose a Pup I only had for a month. Would you go see the vet? Call Him? Write a letter?

2007-01-24 05:45:09 · 13 answers · asked by MommaSchmitt 4

Ok, so this is my first puppy (that's why I'm asking so many questions on here). She's 5 months old. Anyhow, I want to make sure that she understands that I am the alpha dog/the pack leader. I take her on a couple long walks everyday. We train with her (and she does well). And I've heard to do things like eat first before you feed the puppy to show you're the leader. Any other tips on showing her who's boss?

2007-01-24 05:43:41 · 14 answers · asked by doza1621 3

...suddenly stops eating her food? I recently got a female Rott, probably one and a half to two years old, and her diet has changed in the past few days (since I'm feeding her different, better food than what she was eating before). Could this cause her stomach to get upset? She was eating fine last night (she goes nuts for Pupperoni), but this morning she won't even eat her treat. I took her out and she did her business just fine, took her on a walk and she did great, energetic, no "sick" behavior.

Is she just most likely dealing with the change in environment and diet?

Also, what would you suggest is the best play toy for a Rottweiler? I don't want to get her a tug-of-war rope toy because I don't want to encourage that behavior. Alternatives?


2007-01-24 05:42:48 · 7 answers · asked by Curio 2

my dog is about 7 months old and has always been a bit fearful of water. we bought him a new water dish and he drank from it for a few days but since then he refuses to drink water out of anything. right now I am having to bring snow in from outside to get water into him but as soon as it melts he stays clear of the dish

2007-01-24 05:37:30 · 16 answers · asked by smurfie72ca 2

2007-01-24 05:36:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a female 8yr black lab ( rescued ) she has a terrible odor and chews at her skin ,, we had a vet do skin scraping nothing shows, getting her spayed in a couple of weeks as we noticed her odor got stronger after her being in heat. We bathe her in medicated stuff vet gave us, she is good for one day !, Her teeth look white so not much bad stuff there. She seems healthy and lively in all other ways and used to live outdoors running loose probably ate bad food , We have pedigree dry food and some meat with it , hope being on a stable diet might help her digestion .. only had her 3 months,,she is starting to look shiny and her coat is growing in nice now,except for her smell ,, anyone had the same and got a solution ? thanks..

2007-01-24 05:27:13 · 7 answers · asked by confused PA LAW 1

why did she do it??

2007-01-24 05:24:17 · 9 answers · asked by sonihotwire34 1

spots on chin looks like teenage acne could it be hormones

2007-01-24 05:15:46 · 22 answers · asked by onslomanic 1

I thank everyone who answered my questions. I did want to let certain ones who asked me questions know these thing:
Yes he has an in office xray, showing a minor graying area on the right hip; no the vet did not recommend surgery; and I have notifed the breeder (who has not contacted me since I told her the outcome); I paid lots of money for this dog and now I cant breed him, show him, and he is a happy puppy, full of love, joy, enthusiasium, runs, plays, but sometimes he limps on the left leg, that was why I wondered about it being on the right hip.
My question: will he always have that limp off and on? Will he always whimper periodically upon rising from a lying down spot?
I have him in a kennel inside my home, he has pillows to sleep on and is quite comfortable. We dont overfeed him, he is about 85lbs now, tall and lanky, not heavy at all. I just dont want him to get worse, I walk him around the block every morning, not too much stress. He plays all day, when tired, goes to bed.

2007-01-24 05:12:37 · 2 answers · asked by CONNIE G 1

I live in an apartment and I am looking for a dog for a companion but i don't want him/her to be too entergetic.

2007-01-24 05:10:20 · 20 answers · asked by nkellyjean 1

2007-01-24 05:08:48 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 3 month old female lab and I have never, ever had a dog who is as greedy as her. She gobbles her food and then begs for more. I'm told this is normal for the breed, but come on....

2007-01-24 04:58:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My yellow labrador is once again up to troubles. She keeps breaking planks off our fence and keeps getting out. We try boarding up each hole she digs, and all the planks she breaks. She will still keep on breaking more planks and getting out.. what should we do??

2007-01-24 04:46:33 · 9 answers · asked by AdventureGho 3

I want to teach my lab some new tricks. She already knows sit, stay, paw, roll over, sit pretty, and high five. What are some other great tricks and how do I go about teaching them to her.

2007-01-24 04:46:04 · 12 answers · asked by Tri-Lambs 2

please give me a list of what a pet owner should expect from there groomers and any rules that should be followed for your puppies saftey... Also I would like to have some short horror stories to include
Thank you in advance

2007-01-24 04:45:21 · 2 answers · asked by GrassRootsRabbits 3

So i really really want a dog :> and i semi got my boyfriend to get me one, it would stay at his appartment and we would take care of it ..me after school ...he would before work and after
well the problem is he wants a different dog than i and we cant decide on which dog and he says hes not sure if hes gonna get one
so i need reasons people
ps. we dont live together i would let the dog live with me but my familys landlord wont allow dogs so it needs to stay with him
what can i tell him to make him want a dog ?

2007-01-24 04:43:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

the vet has sent me a letter saying i should get it done as it is healthier for the dog.it is only six month old, it is a staff

2007-01-24 04:32:48 · 33 answers · asked by ALLAN D 1

2007-01-24 04:23:45 · 9 answers · asked by Sophie 1

From the time I brought her home, she continuously has had bouts of diarrhea or mucous with blood, or vomiting. The vet has placed her on antibiotics three times. She even continued to be sick during and after the meds. I've changed her puppy food from Eukanuba to Royal Canin to Nutro. Any suggestions? Thanks!

2007-01-24 04:19:53 · 7 answers · asked by Janean 1

I just watched a video of a dog fighting it's own leg for a bone. Why do dogs do this and other things (like chasing their own tales)?

2007-01-24 04:17:35 · 11 answers · asked by mutterhals 2

The other day my pug had what my vet calls reverse sneezing, and after that he acted funny, Starring at the walls for periods of time, shivering like he was froze ( but we had laying on his bed with a blanket, Sudden movements with his head downwards, Walking backwards a couple of times, Pugsly is only 4 yrs old. He is at the vets right now so they can monitor him, has anyone had symptoms like thses if so could you please help me.

2007-01-24 04:13:50 · 5 answers · asked by mike m 2

re: 8 mnth old lab. would like to train him for field trials. Not done anything before. Not necesserily competetive but to keep him happy and bring out his best qualities.

2007-01-24 04:09:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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