Unless you have had personal experience with pit bulls, you have NO RIGHT to judge them.
I don't care what you say or who you are, if all you go by is what you hear on the media then you need to get off your lazy *** and do some research before you start bashing on them.
They aren't as cute or frilly as your little yorkie but they are NOT ALL DANGEROUS.
If you would've researched the story that you heard on the news last night about a pit mauling some child, you would have found out that the pit originally was bred/raised to fight, chained up in a backyard 24/7, and taught that it was RIGHT to maul things smaller than itself. The media doesn't say that, does it?
Just because they *look* dangerous doesn't mean that they are- and just because one pit bull has bitten doesn't mean they all will. I don't see you all saying labradors are dangerous, yet they've mauled/bitten before..
You people need to STOP judging. If you don't have sources for your answers then DONT ANSWER.
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keep it real