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Dogs - June 2006

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i go over to mid wales alot, are there any adders?

2006-06-16 22:18:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

can a person have full faith on it.

2006-06-16 21:30:50 · 11 answers · asked by pam 1

I am going to get a dog in September (hopefully!) Will a Beagle be able to: Live outside, be loyal, be easy to train, like bieng patted, bond strongly with its owner and not be snappy at your heels oh and it has to be kinda small not tiny but small

2006-06-16 21:26:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-16 21:11:23 · 3 answers · asked by nikita loves_ 2

2006-06-16 20:43:06 · 14 answers · asked by swerve501 1

2006-06-16 20:10:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

for all the people who answerd my other questin 'my dog is sick' just letting you know my best friend of 10 years deefa didnt make it. thanks heeps everyone.

2006-06-16 20:06:03 · 13 answers · asked by leishie!!! 3

i adopted mOmO about 2 weeks ago. her hunger its endless, she'll eat ANYTHING to her reach. when am in the kitchen she sooo alert as to what i got in my hands. her belly is so hard that am afraid she'll get sick. is this normal i figuere since she from the streets that maybe she never had good meals,

2006-06-16 19:47:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mother and father are both unregistared. Can I still registar my female now while she is pregnant? How much would her pups go for registared compared to unregistared? Do I then have to registar the pups or are they automatically registared? How does this all work?

2006-06-16 19:36:29 · 5 answers · asked by lucky1mom 1

the vet gave him deworming med, but there were no worms. he was on antibiotics, that seem to help during the time he was on them.all systoms came back, had ex-rays done w/no answer vet doesn't know. wants to run burium dye tests that run up to the $1000'S I'AM SINGLE MOM OF 2 KIDS NOT MUCH MONEY anybody can help?

2006-06-16 19:31:06 · 6 answers · asked by catwoman 2

2006-06-16 19:16:34 · 2 answers · asked by David T 1

Stop in an say hi. Give your pooche's name too and what you love about them. Mine is named Cocoa and she loves to cuddle and play alot. She's just a great dog.

2006-06-16 18:54:06 · 6 answers · asked by hpygrl01 3

I would like to buy my husband Chase a pug for his Bday and I would like to know if they come in a selection of sizes like most small dogs.

2006-06-16 18:47:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok my 3 year old dog had puppies and she really mean she only lets them dring off her when shes ready and if they try to drink off her she bites them and yanks on them really hard.. She already broke one of her puppies hip bone from it and i dont knoe what to do..HELP PLEASE

2006-06-16 18:46:21 · 14 answers · asked by angelbaby03851 1

my 4 year old dog has been having diareah. the vet has tested for everything and can't find the cause. we have tried a lot of different medications, but the problem still exists. i noticed that he gets sever diareah only after drinking more water (it shoots out of him). we he doesnt drink as much water and eats, its fairly firm, but then after drinking a lot of water and eating, he can barely hold it. could this be a sign of kidney problems? is this common? he is a king charles spaniel.

2006-06-16 18:32:24 · 12 answers · asked by bob b 1

I have a small, male Boston Terrier who was neutred before being whelped, he even squats to pee.

Recently however he has been peeing up against every tree he can find and seems somewhat distant when I call him or try to play with him.

When I let him run around outside he seems more interested in sniffing then playing, he used to want to play all the time. His personalty just seems to be changing a little. He is just over 2 years old.

2006-06-16 18:31:00 · 14 answers · asked by Paul J 2

Was on steps of pool with dogs when i swam over to the side and when i came up he had run over and grabed my head in his mouth and wouldnt stop biting me. He had to be pulled off me and when i was puuled out he was still trying to attack me. Now that my staples are all out and im healing i want to go swimming again soon. Once that happens can i ever be the alpha or will he know that he is much stronger and bigger then me from now on and never mind me. Never minds me even working with a dog trainer before or after this. Both dogs are buddies and when one starsts to be agressive with me the other one joins in and its like they temporarily forget who i am. Scary .Rottie and french mastiff. Im very small . Should i be scared.

2006-06-16 18:29:18 · 15 answers · asked by Jamie D 1

That's right. In WWI the pit bull was a hero. I'm not writing this to preach that everyone should love pit bulls. A person's opinion is just that...an opinion, and they're entitled to theirs. But whether you like them or whether you don't, your forced to faced with all of the "pit bull attention" going on today. It is most interesting to read up on history of the breed and compare it to all that we hear today. Pit bull bite statistics are comparable to car accident statistics. In the 1920's there were far fewer car accidents than there are today, reason being because there were far fewer cars. The same applies to pit bulls. Years ago there were far fewer pit bulls than there are today. Today there are more pit bulls than any other breed, so it only makes sense to understand that there will be more problems from the pit bull. Simply put, dog bites/attacks are more prevelant today because the dog population is huge and continues to grow - MANDATORY SPAY/NEUTER of ALL pets is the remedy.

2006-06-16 18:27:48 · 10 answers · asked by boxerpitk9 3

2006-06-16 18:08:57 · 3 answers · asked by john_bradley420 2

are they rare, and expensive?

2006-06-16 17:42:07 · 3 answers · asked by macybluedawn 5

Unless you have had personal experience with pit bulls, you have NO RIGHT to judge them.
I don't care what you say or who you are, if all you go by is what you hear on the media then you need to get off your lazy *** and do some research before you start bashing on them.
They aren't as cute or frilly as your little yorkie but they are NOT ALL DANGEROUS.
If you would've researched the story that you heard on the news last night about a pit mauling some child, you would have found out that the pit originally was bred/raised to fight, chained up in a backyard 24/7, and taught that it was RIGHT to maul things smaller than itself. The media doesn't say that, does it?
Just because they *look* dangerous doesn't mean that they are- and just because one pit bull has bitten doesn't mean they all will. I don't see you all saying labradors are dangerous, yet they've mauled/bitten before..
You people need to STOP judging. If you don't have sources for your answers then DONT ANSWER.

2006-06-16 17:41:12 · 20 answers · asked by keep it real 4

I just gave my black lab mix, who is 9 months old a bath with oatmeal dog shampoo. I cleaned her real good cause its been a long time since her last bath. When she was dry, I petted her and realized she was shedding pretty good. I got her brush out to comb her and Ive been combing for 45 minutes now and she hasnt stopped shedding. I have like a huge amount of black dog hair in a pile and its not letting up! Im getting worried! ive bathed her with this same shampoo before and this didnt happen!

2006-06-16 17:35:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is a mix between a cocker spaniel and a feist dog but she is VERY VERY VERY cute.

2006-06-16 17:13:49 · 20 answers · asked by hay-hay 2

My dog has a weird thing goin on.

2006-06-16 17:08:53 · 12 answers · asked by retarded_poop_009 2

2006-06-16 17:05:15 · 6 answers · asked by yam 1

my dog is sick. we took him to the vet and they took x-rays and it shows he has a mass of someting in his stomach. we are hoping its not a tumour. what should we do??? shoul we put him through th surgery which there is no garentees he will survive or should we put him down. hes in sooo much pain.

2006-06-16 17:01:23 · 15 answers · asked by leishie!!! 3

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