I adopted a Hurricane Katrina rescue kitten from an evacuee family whose pet had kittens in their motel room. I got "Cheetoh" an orange tabby at 4 wks, he was hand fed and seemed to have a wonderful personality. By 3 mo. he showed a bit of agression, but I dismissed it to fear of strangers since I live alone. He was so loving, he would suckle on the corner of my housecoat until he went to sleep. He was 7 mos., already nuetered when he attacked me from behind. I was horrified, having to fight my darling off with a sofa cushion, and I called his name thinking he would snap too. When the attack stopped, I had been bitten over 20 times, had several deep gashes and Cheetoh was sitting in the corner with the craziest look on his face! I did have company that night, briefly- which he seemed to ignore. Shortly before the attack, I had been holding him at the front door, he had never been outside since i got him. It took 2 policemen, & 1 aspca ofcer to contain him. Did he revert back to feral?
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