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Cats - November 2006

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In the last 2 days my cat has started to squat as if she is going to have a wee but only a couple of spots come out and sometimes a little blood. She is using her litter tray to wee in but is squatting loads. Someone my b/f works with says there cat done that and it turned out to be kidney failure. I am taking her to the vets tonight but i am now worried. Do you think it could be just a infection?

2006-11-10 02:48:45 · 21 answers · asked by CrayzeeKat 3

he's eating normally and playing normally, I dont think he's ill, but he never seems to wash himself any more. His white patches and feet are looking slightly grubby. any ideas?

2006-11-10 02:36:09 · 21 answers · asked by monkeynuts 5

My cat got hit by a car about 6-7 moths ago. He has to stay inside eversince. Since he was an outside cat he always exercised by running around and hunting. Since he can't go utside till next spring (07) he has gained some wait. he's pretty chubby. How can I help lose some of that weight?

2006-11-10 02:28:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i always know when tony is either mad of irritated because he thumps his tail...is that how cats express their feelings??

2006-11-10 01:54:14 · 14 answers · asked by stevil342001 1

I have taken him to the vet and they said it was from the stress of moving. Now that we are settled and he is still doing it the vet said it has just become a habit and wanted him to go on kitty prosaic lol. Does anyone know how to stop a cat overgrooming without medication???? Plz

2006-11-10 01:35:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to help because she and her kittens are prey to many animals here and i can't bring her inside she has been pregnant 3 times and all of the kittens got killed what should i do

2006-11-10 01:06:45 · 22 answers · asked by YungBeverage 2

Okay, we bought the kitten as a companion for our older cat, (older is Male, kitten is Female) and they're both house cats.

Now the trouble is, when we first brought the 8 week back home yesterday, and at first our older cat seemed terrified, but got more used to the kitten over the space of an hour.

Now the trouble is, i think the older cat is getting a little too rough with the kitten, i know it only means well, but its been trying to grab at her back and such as if to mount her = She's only an 8 week old kitten.

I dont know what to do, i mean its quite comical watching them play fighting, but then the older cat gets a little more rough, and i have to stop them, and put them in seperate rooms, becuase the male is obviously huge compared to the kitten.

The male hasn't been neutered - we use him for breeding, and eventually wish to breed the kitten with him when she's old enough, but that wont be for many months.

Should i keep them seperated fully? or will they stop?

2006-11-10 00:17:56 · 15 answers · asked by Amaloli 3

He has a brother that is more laid back, and really likes me and is submissive, but then I have @$$hole brother, that is such a biatch to me at times! I've been using a spray bottle of water and spray him, but he just licks it off and runs around like a maniac. Once after I got mad at him for crawling into the blinds, I sternly told him NO, and put him on the bed, 5 minutes later he comes running from the other room and freaking jumps on my back, clawing it and then runs away really fast cause he knew if I caught him....

One of my friends says that mixing a small amount of vinegar and water can prevent misbehaviors? Does anyone else know any other ideas of how I can tame my male kitten?

2006-11-10 00:05:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonstar 3

Is there any temperary way to solve the problem, i know that i can have him neutered or get a female cat for him, but for some reasons i can not do that now , may be i do it later .so again i am looking for a fast and effective way to stop the cat from spraying and making loud noises without getting female cat for him or havig Mr cat neutered now now now now!!!!!!

2006-11-09 23:15:09 · 20 answers · asked by Ahmad F 1

I have always heard that animals are not suppose to eat chocolate, however I have fed it to my animals in the past (before I found out they weren't suppose to) and nothing happened.

2006-11-09 22:02:11 · 10 answers · asked by Donnamite 1

I have a two story house and a basement+attic, not really a huge house but a normal middle class sized home. So how many should I get, and where should I put them? or do I only need one in the middle of the house?
Also, what's the best kind of flea bomb? I want something that is effective but won't break my bank. anyone ever use a flea bomb? what kind did you use and was it effective?
How many times should I treat my home also?

2006-11-09 20:56:34 · 3 answers · asked by Bitterly Sweet 3

I have a rescue mother and kitten. The mother now picks on the kitten whenever they get close.

2006-11-09 20:14:30 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was in asecondhand shop and Ipassedby this cat that was so large and was sitting so still I automatically assumed it was fake.I picked up a trinket that was beside it and it lept off the countertop!I was mortified!.............I'd never seen a cat so large!It had a grayish bluish coat and gold and black eyes...What kind of cat was it?

2006-11-09 20:03:52 · 9 answers · asked by Direktor 5

if I put him by the open window he wants to jump out

2006-11-09 19:27:16 · 14 answers · asked by samanthavanheerden 1

My sweet cat is around 3 yrs old and is a Long Hair Domestic cat. She has enough fur for 3 cats with some left over for her. A few days ago I noticed on her back above her tale her hair has become very thin. This does not seem to be occuring anywhere else on her coat.

She weighs so much I have put her on a diet per her vet's instructions. Before I was allowing her to graze anytime she wanted but when I began to portion her meals she would scarf down everything so fast she would immediatly throw it back up. So now I am feeding her very small portions several times a day. My question is -- could her hair loss be attributed to the stress of a new feeding schedule? She also follows me around meowing and everytime I go into my utility room she runs to her bowl and begs. I love her so much and I hate to see her like this. By the way, I have made an appt. to see her vet, but in the meantime I don't want her to be so stressed. Any SERIOUS answers or suggestions would be a help

2006-11-09 18:39:18 · 11 answers · asked by fishergirl 3

i really wanna get a pet but i am scared that my boyfriend will be unhappy. he said we could get one but i know he doesn't want one, i desperately want one...HELP

2006-11-09 17:44:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two Tonkenise cats one is almost 10 human yaers old the other almost 8 years. The older is a girl and she seems to be getting and looking weaker than she used too! I'm worried that she is getting old. I have also just recently introduced a staffy puppy to the family she may just be reacting to his presence. I love my cats and want to know how much longer i have with them?
Can anyone Help? I have searched the web but im not very good at finding what i need i always find useless junk.
Thankyou for your help!

2006-11-09 17:35:01 · 6 answers · asked by Mishka 1

2006-11-09 17:05:18 · 9 answers · asked by wjb 3

2006-11-09 17:03:31 · 16 answers · asked by Vicki O 1

We took our kitty to the vet and they did a fecal test on her and it came back saying that she has roundworms. While at the vet they said that her swollen belly could because of worms or that she was pregnant. I think that she may be pregnant because her belly expanded pretty rapidly since we took her in and the doc agreed. The vet wants us to come by and pick up some wormer, but I don't know whether we should worm her or not b/c of the possible pregnancy. I don't know if it would be possible to speak to an actual doctor without making another appt b/c the girl that works behind the counter seems to not care about people's (animal's) problems. It does no good to complain about this girl b/c this is a military vet clinic. What should I do?

2006-11-09 17:00:03 · 7 answers · asked by Jessica T 3

Does the plastic have a sweet taste cause my other cat doesn't bother with it at all.

2006-11-09 16:48:15 · 12 answers · asked by Ellen J 1

2006-11-09 16:43:33 · 9 answers · asked by crystal k 1

My cat, Abby, eats styrofoam in my house. I was wondering if I should worry because it is bad for her. I try to get her away from it now, but I want to know if it is or isn't hurting her.

2006-11-09 16:33:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love my little girl cat, Ebony, who is just over a year old, so much that sometimes I worry about it! If anything happened to her it would kill me and yet I know that in all likelihood I will outlive her and will therefore have to go through a terrible bereavement one day. Is it normal to be this attached?!

2006-11-09 15:46:46 · 34 answers · asked by martina_ie 3

I have 7 cats, male and neutered females living in the house with me. When Im not home, a tomcat keeps coming in, making the place stink. How can I get him to stay out but leave the catflap alone so the other cats can come and go freely?

2006-11-09 15:26:14 · 18 answers · asked by El Snookerboots 2

I went to my grandma's house to drop off my kitten ,cause she's going to watch him for three days ,cause I'm going to disneyland and the beach with my family and boyfriend. I got everything he needed . And I worry If he'll think I got rid of him and I worry he'll think I dont love him anymore. We'll he'll think that . My grandma loves him and she's glad she is going to watch him, and what can I do to not to worry and get through for three days . And please dont be rude. Thanks I love him like a son and I worry.

2006-11-09 15:24:37 · 21 answers · asked by kitty 6

2006-11-09 15:10:54 · 14 answers · asked by katiekcat5 3

My kitten has buggers beside it's eye (originally thought it was sleep, but is consistantly coming back). Also there is fluid/liquid below his eye. I think he might have alergies or some kind of eye infection.

What could it be and how can I help my kitten?



2006-11-09 15:02:42 · 7 answers · asked by Ben 2

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