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Cats - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

Pumpkin has been seen sleeping on the very top of a tall bookcase. Marmalade sleeps on my face. I haven't found Whiskers hiding place...

2006-11-10 12:46:21 · 19 answers · asked by pumpmar 2

so if i buy a cat from russia, would it know commands in english ?

2006-11-10 12:29:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-10 12:18:16 · 9 answers · asked by Robyn C 1

2006-11-10 12:10:03 · 8 answers · asked by spackler 6

the room they will be staying in , other than that, i cant really do anything else to accomadate them other than having my cats outside , like usual, until night time, when they come in to sleep. Have any of you encountered this problem? and if so what are some of things you have done? He said he would take benadryl because they dont have time to go get a an actual presciption for hes cat allergys- does that help ?
they cant get a hotel because they are all very expensive around my town- they would be staying for 1 day -
any tips ? ideas?
im getting stressed out about hes whole cat allergy deal !!!

2006-11-10 12:03:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

serious question this time (for once) Ive had my cat, tallulah for years now but a few months ago i took in 2 kittens, prob is, our tallulah hates them, even now she kicks off when they are in the same room, she even hisses at me when i feed her. This is the same cat who used to sleep on my face all night coz she couldnt be away from me for a second. She still has a hug but if the little intruders come near me she kicks off, what do ya do?? And before you say it I'm not parting with any of them!

2006-11-10 12:02:17 · 26 answers · asked by ♥Tallulah♥ 4

I have a cat and he almost never can be at home. He is so skinny, and he is not eating anything. he lives with me for 3 years. Can you help me?

2006-11-10 12:01:28 · 9 answers · asked by Alena 5

She knocks over her water bowl (trying to make the water move). I've tried a pump in the bowl. She clogs it with hair after a week. I've tried training her to ring a bell so I'll turn on the faucet. She just learned to scramble after me when I go towards it. I tried leaving the faucet dripping. She only goes to it when I'm at it. I tried a hamster water bottle. She won't drink from it. I don't want to spend $30 + on a water filtration system, but is that my only option at this point?

2006-11-10 11:59:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-10 11:32:38 · 16 answers · asked by forest lover 2

my cat gets sick from cat food some times. she throws up and lies down and eats grass. we switched her food and she stopped for a while. whats going on and why?????????? help me out!

2006-11-10 11:24:04 · 9 answers · asked by livelolloveLoney27 2

2006-11-10 11:11:50 · 11 answers · asked by DJ 1

He is very affectionate, slept with me the whole night 'cept to wake me so I could take him to the litter, and when I got home today came right to me, now sleeping on my lap. I know the change in his life can affect his eating and behavior, but its almost been 24 hours, and no sign of him eating or drinking. I have milk (specially for cats/kittens) organic dry kitten food, some mushy kitten food, and some water as well out for him, but no sign of him touching any of it. Any advice?

2006-11-10 11:09:16 · 21 answers · asked by Erick L 1

they are say 2mm big and dont really seem to bother him and are growing under the fur.

2006-11-10 10:53:56 · 8 answers · asked by Julie K 2

My cat (male, neutered) has recently peed on some of our furniture, and it was pink. we took him the the vet and he said that sometimes male cats may have crystals in their urine (kind of like a kidney stone i'm assuming). what would cause this and how can i make him better? and will he stop peeing on things after it goes away? and yes, we do treat anything he pees on with special treatments for cat urine.

2006-11-10 10:51:54 · 11 answers · asked by Duelen 4

We are getting a new kitten but I think that I have ringworm in the house(from a previous cat). Besides bleaching everything possible and steam cleaning is there anything else that I can do?

2006-11-10 10:21:48 · 5 answers · asked by themassefive 1

2006-11-10 10:14:21 · 5 answers · asked by ballsruler00 1

2006-11-10 10:10:50 · 20 answers · asked by boscomycat 1

Me and my friend r playing this game and i told her she should name the cat Socks but she said that she should name it mittens. ( Please say Socks) jk ( just kidding)

2006-11-10 10:06:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have the stupidest cat in the world! I got it last fall,a boy kitty (who i thought was a girl) When I got her (him) fixed I was told it was a boy! Didn't have any nuts to see!!! Anyway,I had him for 3 months with no problem, inside cat,after he was fixed,still no problems for a few months. When spring time came,he wanted to go outside all the time and started peeing in the house EVERYWHERE! Inside my dryer,on the bathroom rug,on the new throw rug under the table(we have wood floors) any clothing my kids left on the floor! So I got pissed and threw him outside! Now I let him in to eat,kids play and pet him,he takes a nap and as soon as I see him wondering around sniffing..Out he goes! He drinks way to much water! constant drinking water! and can not see very good.His food is in the same place but he can't find it unless you put his nose in it! But yet he can catch birds and mice! He will go a week or more without peeing in the house and then BOOM! the hole house smells!what do i do?

2006-11-10 09:59:24 · 18 answers · asked by spoiledsarah25 3

I work at PetSmart and a woman brought them in and told us their mom had been hit by a car and killed
She gave them solid food, which they're not big enough to handle, so theyve been starved and scared for at least 24 hours.
I offered to foster them until they're big enough to be put up for adoption. My boss said that in all honesty, it would be really lucky if even 2 of them lived that long. I want to do all I can to increase thier chances, so does anyone know any good tips/websites/whatever that could help me.

I have an eyedropper and the cat milk you get at PetSmart, its supposed to be the best kind available. 2 of them are licking out of a paper plate, and I'm dropper feeding the other one.

And I cant get them to poop. My boss said that you should take a paper towel, get it damp, and rub their butt with it (to act like the mother cat licking them) and I've tried that and gotten nothing from it.
I also put a desk lamp in there and a blanket under it for warmth.

2006-11-10 09:24:42 · 15 answers · asked by MRose 4

for a healthy adult cat.

2006-11-10 09:23:27 · 13 answers · asked by paul 1

I have a year old, indoor, cat and I was wondering how often he has to be bathed. Thanx!

2006-11-10 08:44:04 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got a 4-5month siamese kitten today & I waz wondering:

1-What should I name her ?!

2-How do I know I'm not allergic to cats? ( Signs ) p.s: I used to have a pet cat when I waz younger

3-Is there any way to stop cat furr from shedding?

4-How can I stop my cat from going under my bed??

5-What Can I do to stop cat furr from sticking to my bed sheets & cloths??

Thnx Alot!

2006-11-10 08:40:08 · 14 answers · asked by CupCake 3

I recently rescued two siamese cats as i love them. They came from a breeder that had died. When i first got them 2 weeks ago the larger cat who is about 2 was using the litter tray no problem, but later found out that the kitten was not. They have both been in hiding since i have got them an d the kitten is only just coming to me now. Just wondered if anyone had some tips to get this little thing litter trained, i have read a similar question but my problem is there is no were quiet in my house as i have a four year old running round. My other problem also is that the larger cat is now doindg its business elsewere an has not used the tray for 2 days. I know they have been through a tough time but i dont know if i can cope with coming into the smell everyday. Any suggestions will greatly be recieved. Hannah

2006-11-10 08:33:59 · 9 answers · asked by hannah 2

I have five indoor cats ranging from 8 years to 6 months. All resues. The four older cats are all neutered males; age 8, 7, 3, and 2. My 6 month old kitten is a female, scheduled to be spayed next week. All has been well with them until recently. My 3 year old male, Jimmy, has suddenly become aggressive toward my 2 year old male, Fritzer. He began by chasing him, which we first thought was just play, but it has escalated to the point that Fritzer is very fearful and hides except to come out at meal times. Our vet said they will work it out. He said that it would not be caused by our female kittten possibly coming into heat, becuase all males are neutered. The aggresor cat has always been the first one to accept new cats into the household, so this is very surprising. The fearful cat is very sweet natured, and not one to cause trouble. Our house is very large, so there is lots of room for all. Please help me with a solution as I do not want to part with any of my babies.

2006-11-10 08:26:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

She was the runt of her litter, so she's very tiny. She's very lovable and very playful. Any suggestions for a name?

2006-11-10 08:24:17 · 54 answers · asked by Sarah 2

2006-11-10 08:22:34 · 5 answers · asked by david c 1

My cat is always around when I get undressed and dressed. He always finds me. He has this dark look on his face. The other day he attacked my boyfriend durning sex. I'm afraid he's in love with me. How do I break him of that habit before he attacks another pussy?

2006-11-10 08:18:02 · 14 answers · asked by duck p 1

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