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Birds - January 2007

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I recently bought a black-capped conure and I have some training questions... I've had her for about 4 months (she was a baby when I got her, so she's still probably pretty young). She is very affectionate and absolutely loves people, and has no problem stepping up if it means getting out of her cage. She's pretty good in the first five minutes of being out, but then she starts to get nippy. I have heard two different approaches to biting - don't do anything, or squeeze their beak. Which method is better? Also, she likes to sit on my shoulder and once she gets there she won't step up and will bite when I try. Suggestions? Also, I wanted to put some sort of towel in her cage for her to sleep under (she always goes under the paper on the bottom of her cage in the night, which makes it harder to clean) but she likes to chew things. Is it a problem if she chews it? And one more thing, any and all 'potty training' advice would be very helpful.

2007-01-25 17:36:12 · 4 answers · asked by x_just_imagine 2

i have read on the net that it is mainly up to the bird, but i was just wondering if there are any people out there who have a few of these birds (such as breeders) who can tell me if either talks better than the other.
i just bought a congo parrot and he's lovely, he's 11 weeks old.

when did your african grey start talking?

thanx enjoy your day!!
oh yes and any new parrot owner advice would be greatly appreciated!!

2007-01-25 17:35:51 · 8 answers · asked by momma-to-morgan 3

2007-01-25 17:05:20 · 14 answers · asked by Saba 1

Hey, I am thinking of purchasing a cockateil, I am an animal expert and all, I know. But I still want to know other people's ideas and info. :)

2007-01-25 16:46:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello, sadly my baby passed away about six months ago now. I am ready to get another one now, is there a rescue that isn't too expensive? Or does anyone know of a McCaw, preferably B&G who needs a new, wonderful home? I live in Alberta.

2007-01-25 16:35:35 · 3 answers · asked by calgaryjenhere 4

I am thinking about purchasing a chicken for a pet, but am not sure if it is legal to do so where I am living. I had a couple chickens and ducks when I lived in PA, but it was a rural area that was allowed. I am now living in GA, a surburban type neighborhood with a quarter acre of land. Is this allowed or not? I am not looking for farming several chickens, just having one as a pet. Thank you.

2007-01-25 15:52:08 · 7 answers · asked by curious 4

These five birds are a family and visit our house in Melbourne every day. One of them has been coming for at least 5 years!

Mum has always believed that the two adults are homing pigeons that lost their way. I'm not so sure. The strange thing is there aren't any like them around where we live. We only get doves that are brown with spotted necks.

I'd be grateful if anyone has any information. Thanks :)


2007-01-25 15:49:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey i plan on purchasing a macaw this summer..just don't know which type i would like to purchase.. can i have a few opinions on the variety of macaws.. i am really looking at the greenwing or blue and gold .. i want one that is good with children.. and other animals.. i plan to purchase a handfed baby..

2007-01-25 15:41:02 · 6 answers · asked by Betsy B 3

2007-01-25 13:37:07 · 20 answers · asked by Margaret C 1

2007-01-25 12:32:38 · 11 answers · asked by Malia R 1

Thank you so much to those of you who gave us tips on how to get him back into his cage. We have followed carefully what all of you suggested and...IT WORKS!!!! Such a huge relief, not only to us, but to our bird also!! We put a couple of sugar puffs on his perch in his cage and he walks right in!! We're very calm and don't show how anxious we are to get him back in.

2007-01-25 11:02:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-25 10:15:04 · 10 answers · asked by Chidori Sasuke 1

It is known that there are some birds which catch snakes and eat them. However, how the birds kill the sankes before they eat them
is still in question. Do you have any opinion ?

2007-01-25 10:09:45 · 15 answers · asked by behailubgu 1

I work in a funeral home.

2007-01-25 09:54:32 · 12 answers · asked by Peter 1

I cannot have a dog or cat. I am thinking about getting a bird, but don't know if it's a good idea. I want a bird that would be smart and learn to talk and do "tricks" somewhat but I don't want a bird that is obnoxious...I recall a while ago my son's friend had a bird at his house and he said it drove him NUTS but I can't remember what kind of bird he had. Bottom line...I want a bird that's interactive, smart/clever, but won't make a ton of noise and irritate me. I also don't want to spend a lot of money on the bird itself and I don't want a bird that will live decades, as I know some can. Advice?

2007-01-25 09:52:30 · 11 answers · asked by BreadCollision 1

He kind of looks like he is talking

2007-01-25 09:14:47 · 1 answers · asked by Mary M 1

2007-01-25 08:56:32 · 18 answers · asked by cute girl 1

2007-01-25 08:55:40 · 9 answers · asked by cute girl 1

any games like it?

2007-01-25 08:51:42 · 4 answers · asked by eric a 1

i think its rare

2007-01-25 08:50:29 · 6 answers · asked by eric a 1

I found a pair of emu eggs I didnt know what they were (I have two adult emus that I raised this is the first eggs) I accidently cracked one slightly before I knew what it was. Will it hatch?

2007-01-25 07:43:03 · 7 answers · asked by Spiritssong1 2

I am gone for 12 hours on Wednesday and Wednesdays only, which is only going to be like that for 2 months, but my parakeet gets so stressed out. I leave the TV on for him because He loves to watch it. He has plenty of toys, but when I come home there is aways a pile of feathers. He is always happy to see me and stays with me the rest of the night. I don't know what to do to stop it. My boyfriend even sits with him for about 2 hours.

2007-01-25 06:36:34 · 7 answers · asked by Mandie Moe 3

You know how cats like to be pet on the head and neck, but they don't always like being pet on the tummy? Well, where do birds like to be pet? (Besides the head and neck).

If it matters any, I have a Sun Conure.

2007-01-25 04:12:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it's eating the berries on some ivy. It's certainly taking water from the bird bath, and hopping about in the bushes. I believe it's a male, because its head is black and he is white and grey.
I'm so pleased, because although we put out birds seeds and lard balls, apart from our regular Robin, we only get sparrows and black birds. Bluetits and Bullfinches pass through sometimes and occasionally we have a Jenny Wren. I'd love to know what else we could do to encourage these to remain.

2007-01-25 01:58:08 · 6 answers · asked by Honey W 4

Hey well all my birds are growing long claws what can i buy them so they can where there claws down naturally



2007-01-25 01:38:59 · 14 answers · asked by jm_girling 1

they are white with red eyes. i believe they are albino. why the underfeather color?

2007-01-24 23:58:00 · 2 answers · asked by whichiswitch08520 1

Ive got 2 cockatiels, got them about 3 months ago when they were around 10wks old. The grey ones face is changing colour, she used to be completely grey but now the feathers around her face are turning white?!

Is this normal? Should I be worried?

2007-01-24 23:32:13 · 18 answers · asked by Kez ! 1

are birds related to religion
name some of birds that need to be protected
shold we protect birds

2007-01-24 23:13:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

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