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Pets - 22 December 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

2007-12-22 08:53:43 · 5 answers · asked by SarinaChristiina 1 in Dogs

OK...so everyone has OPINIONS on what you should feed. Well, I buy food for a womand and her dogs...for reasons too long to explain...buy suffice it to say I buy the food fer her three LabX dogs.
What I buy them is the Adult Chicken formula Maxximum Nutrition from Wal-Mart.
Is that SUCH a horrid food that I should not be buying it??? Is there something else in that price range that I should be buying?? Am I OBLIGATED to buy Wellness or Innova because everyone says it is "better"???
If you were feeding someone else's dogs, would you buy the "best" because your opinion of the "lesser" foods is so bad, you could not live with yourself if you bought them such bad food????

2007-12-22 08:53:40 · 18 answers · asked by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7 in Dogs

I just bought an aquarium and I was excited to get some fish, then I was told that I need to "cycle" the tank. I'm not too happy about putting a bunch of fish in the tank not that I know they are probably going to die. I feel so bad I almost don't want my aquarium anymore.

Is there some sort of chemical or algae that I can just buy and put in the tank instead of cycling with fish? I'm open to anything other than killing the fish.

2007-12-22 08:49:52 · 5 answers · asked by jonnnng 1 in Fish

You see, I have currently 5 tanks in my house. A 20 gallon Goldfish tank, a 2.5 gallon male betta tank, a .5 gallon female betta tank/bowl, a 6 gallon hospital tank, and a 10 gallon Tropical community tank. I feel bad for the female betta (her name is Violet, she's simply gorgeous.) in her little tank- and if it is possible I would like to move her into my ten gallon Tropical. Currently, it holds four neon tetras, and one female balloon molly. After Christmas I will be getting at least two more Balloon Mollies (two just recently passed away) and probably four more neons (I haven't been able to replace the ones that have died since I first bought them- I haven't gotten the chance). So would it be okay to put her in there? I'm not sure if she's aggressive or not... but I want her to have fun! (Yes, I am concerned about my fishes' entertainment during the day... xD ) So yeah... would that be okay?

2007-12-22 08:38:45 · 9 answers · asked by xxambivalence 1 in Fish

I thought there was only standard yorkies but as I search more their is allegedly standard,teacup, and toy. But I am confused cause I read somewhere that people just say that to fool you and that the dogs are mistreated at puppy mills. I have no idea what a puppy mill is. So if anyone could clear up this up for me it would be much appreciated. Thank You

2007-12-22 08:38:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My dog Kobey is a shetland sheepdog(or collie, we're not exactly sure, but anyways) he's a "bit" overweight. He has a skin infection that comes back after it finally goes away, and he won't excercise or do anything. I have 2 other dogs, another sheltie and a toy poodle, and they're perfectly healthy. I guess Kobey gains some excess weight when he steals their food sometimes, but he won't do anything.
His nose has a white spot on it too. It's not fur, it's like dried out nose. And I can' get it back to the healthy black wet stage.
Ah yes, once we start walking, he'll stop, refuse, start whining, or try running back home, etc.
Please help?

2007-12-22 08:24:49 · 39 answers · asked by Anne K 1 in Dogs

i went to the bathroom. when i came out he was licking his poop so i ran over there but when i did, he ate it already! yuck. will somthing happen to him?

-also... everytime he poops,. he tries to eat it. Thats disgusting right? is there a way to stop him?

if this helps, hes about 5-6 months old pekingese

2007-12-22 08:19:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i have a wiener dog (mini)...he's VERY playfull and goes crazy without toys. but the problem is he hates rubber toys....and if i buy him toys that squeek he will shred it within hours and take the squeeky out and chew on it and almost choke on it. I've tried buying him tennis balls that squeeked so he wouldnt choke on it, but he's just tear holes in it trying to get to the middle. is there anyway to train him to stop destroying his toys? thanks.

2007-12-22 08:10:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs


My nephew just got a baby rottweiler and he wants to know how to dock his tail and what age should it be done at.

2007-12-22 08:09:25 · 6 answers · asked by King Kong 1 in Dogs

My family recently got two kittens which today are about 4 months old. They are extremely social and appears to really enjoy life and us. My question is about their purring. Other cats I've seen purr when they are in the sociable mood and like to play around, but our cats purr a lot more. For hours. Everyday. And when both purrs, it sounds almost like a Diesel engine.

Is this something I should be happy about, that our cats seem to enjoy themselves so much, or is there perhaps an additional explanation?

2007-12-22 08:07:49 · 11 answers · asked by George Van Davian 1 in Cats

my dog cnt stop barking when it starts getting dark, and there is one old neighbour who has nothing else in her life to do but to call the cops for my dog and keeps calling and telling me to shut my dog up !! i mean shes a dog!! she barks !! and she is inside the house but the old woman just wont quit !! and now my dog has hatred towards her and everytime she wants to bark she goes barking where her window is to annoy her even more! im worried everyday that they will take her away from me, she is the most beautiful thing in my life ,if they take her i'll die. how can i make her stop barking especially when she hears far barks from other neighbourhoods??? plz help !! thanks for all serious answers

2007-12-22 08:05:02 · 5 answers · asked by the L eagle 5 in Dogs

If you have a chipoo, a poodador, or some other "designer", and you think they are REAL breeds, what constitutes a mutt?

2007-12-22 08:02:48 · 9 answers · asked by Jen 4 in Dogs

our puppies are sick and we are looking for answers. What are the signs of roundworms in puppies? is there anything we can do before we take them to the vet?

2007-12-22 07:58:06 · 9 answers · asked by roro5150x 1 in Dogs

right now i have a 1.5g fish tank and it has a cave and 2 fake plants a filter a light and some gravel. i have one male betta in it. i am thinking about adding a new pet to it. does that sound like a bad idea? i want to add like a platy or something like that. maybe an african dwarf frog. any good suggestions?

2007-12-22 07:53:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

2007-12-22 07:49:45 · 7 answers · asked by daSilva 1 in Fish

do i feed it live or dead bugs and how much a day?

2007-12-22 07:46:30 · 6 answers · asked by carina t 1 in Reptiles


2007-12-22 07:41:49 · 41 answers · asked by person 2 in Dogs

Just answer need help!

2007-12-22 07:41:34 · 9 answers · asked by zach man 2 in Cats


2007-12-22 07:41:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

its a female and its a grumpy pup :(

2007-12-22 07:40:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

She seems fine, going to the bathroom, eating, drinking, but she lost her balance, her equilibrium seems to be off! She can barely stand up, and walks sideways, falling over in the litter box? What is it? and what can be done? Let me know asap please!! =o(

2007-12-22 07:37:00 · 4 answers · asked by devildogevans 1 in Cats

I made a ball sock(ball inside a sock)

but need more ideas.

my dogs love playing with the ball sock.

2007-12-22 07:29:19 · 3 answers · asked by Koter Boters misses Rufus! 6 in Dogs

because this morning i fed him 3 pellets like i normally doa nd then at around 12 my mom went and got hime some freeze dried blood worms. so then i thought id feed him one and he tried to eat it honestly he did but it seemed like it was too big for him to swallow. could it be that it is too big for him to swallow? was he just not hungry?or is it a possibility that he just doesnt like blood worms? thankyou.

2007-12-22 07:28:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

My kitty (oriental shorthair) is 8 months and from some time he bites me (but not strong, he don't hurts me) when we play. He is happy and not running afterwards. I lightly punish him or shout on him after every action like that. He do this also with other people, always during play or cuddling. Why is he doing this? How to teach him to stop doing this.

2007-12-22 07:28:17 · 13 answers · asked by darkside.hardcore 2 in Cats

which one should we trust? the ultra sound or x-ray?

2007-12-22 07:26:31 · 8 answers · asked by christina l 1 in Dogs

2007-12-22 07:24:09 · 5 answers · asked by Walter B 1 in Cats

We x-rayed her at 39 days from last breeding, the vet saw no pup's, if there are pups did we hurt them by x-raying to early?

2007-12-22 07:13:27 · 6 answers · asked by christina l 1 in Dogs