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Pets - 17 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

Could my swordtail be pregnant because she has a huge tummy? I don't overfeed her. Once every other day. Other female swordtails are getting a tummy on them as well. One male with six females.

2007-06-17 06:24:50 · 6 answers · asked by hamandcheese 1 in Fish

My cat has a virus of some sort and has not eaten or drunk anything for 2 days. Am desperate to find some help today as to what to do. Went to Vet yesterday and will be going again tomorrow but I need some advice today as she is very poorly.So any suggestions as to what to do will be appreciated.

2007-06-17 06:22:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

with regards to her health? or just a different voice?

2007-06-17 06:19:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats


We are going to be moving soon., about 25 miles give or take. I was wondering how do i transport my fish without killing them. I have 2 large goldfish in a ten gallon tank. I know that I need to take them out of the tank. Any suggestions?

2007-06-17 06:19:04 · 6 answers · asked by lcxhip@yahoo.com 3 in Fish

My 7 month old Pomeranian's eye is wrinkling in the middle. Its looks like a small circle in the middle on the eye and its like all wrinkly? What could be wrong w/ my dog?

2007-06-17 06:16:20 · 5 answers · asked by DaNiElLe 2 in Dogs

I have every thing he got all his shots and he is 7 months old

2007-06-17 06:13:54 · 5 answers · asked by Alex B 2 in Dogs

The kittens can eat meat from a plate and sometimes crackers, but they refuse to drink water from a bowl. I tried dunking their heads in before. They will only drink water from a bottle. The best i can do is tie the bottles to a chair so they can drink it themselves. They're a month or two old by now.

2007-06-17 06:10:43 · 13 answers · asked by random 2 in Cats

hi i am looking for a baby or a young tame ringneck for sale. i am in cornwall. can anyone help ??????

2007-06-17 06:06:26 · 4 answers · asked by madmad 2 in Birds

im going to be 18 in a few days.. I have a golden retriever and i would like to know how to show her. like what do judges look for in confirmation i guess that is what it's called? My dog knows all the basic training and so fourth..but i dont know what to practice with her to make her be a " show dog " in the ring..

2007-06-17 06:03:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

He gets mentally blocked out and just gets so mad!! I cant bring him outside... only when people are not around. He's a cross between a terrier and a poddle. He's been neutered. I dont know what to do??

2007-06-17 06:01:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My puppy (toy poodle 3 months) is getting hiccups, I know thats normal, but shes also whining and crying at every single hiccup. All she does is lay down and whine/cry while having hiccups. Every now and then she would cry very loud for like a few seconds and move positions. I was wondering is something wrong or... is she just scared cause this is the first time she has hiccups? Thanks !

2007-06-17 06:01:26 · 5 answers · asked by bee 2 in Dogs

How can I tell if the turtle\tortoise I just found is a boy or a girl? Also how can I tell if it is a turtle\tortoise?

2007-06-17 05:58:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

I have a 25 pound Maine coon. I know Maine Coon cats a larger but 25lbs is too much. He is only 5 years old. I have changed his food to a more healthy type per vet recommendation. My problem is he cries for food almost all day. It has become a comfort thing for him. Anytime a person comes through the front door he runs to his dish or when I brush him, he hears me get up in the morning, I walk by his dish, anything he runs for food.
He meows so loud and for as long as it takes for me to give in and feed him. He doesn't eat human food at all. I need advice on how to break his habbit behavior.
Also advice on exercise for cats. he does have open access to the outdoors. thank you

2007-06-17 05:56:36 · 44 answers · asked by candy2525 1 in Cats

Ans where can I find one for a good price in Riverside,CA

2007-06-17 05:56:03 · 9 answers · asked by ♥ bARbIE ♥ 3 in Dogs

What do the owners of the stud usually get?
do i get a puppy or money or both? how much is acceptable to ask for?
ive a;ways owned both the male and female when i bred so i just want to be fair

2007-06-17 05:52:06 · 8 answers · asked by The Weed Fairy 4 in Dogs

2007-06-17 05:49:45 · 4 answers · asked by Elizabeth G 2 in Reptiles

I have an 8 weeks old german shepperd puppy and I would like to know what type of dry dog food I should be giving him, do you reccomend any brands?

2007-06-17 05:40:44 · 13 answers · asked by ilia k 1 in Dogs

2007-06-17 05:36:45 · 13 answers · asked by Ana M 1 in Dogs

manmade pond is 5-6ft in length, 6-8 inches deep. it is a pro. landscaped garden pond which is lined. there is a fountain w/ a filter on the base working. There r plants around the garden, waterfall flows down the rocks & small green frogs at night. We tried adding 6 .29 cent goldfish in there, but they died w/in a week or 2. Any advice on what i can do to enjoy my pond w. live little goldfish? Please help!!!we also added 2 bottom feeders which could still be alive.

2007-06-17 05:34:41 · 5 answers · asked by A 1 in Fish

My dog is 1 year and 4 months. He plays really rough but the two other dogs never cry or anything, so I doubt he is hurting them. What should I do?? Please help

2007-06-17 05:34:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My dog pooped and it was very wet and while he was walking it was dripping all over the floor, is that a sign of diarrhea?
What are the signs?

2007-06-17 05:32:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Okay I thought that it was going to be pleasant but it has turned out to be hell!! I agreed to dog sit for 10 days. The dog is insane it barks everytime it hears other dogs bark. And when I take it out to the restroom it doesn't go. and when I walk her she pulls me!!! She is super hyper and its getting on my nerves. Last night she went to the bathroom on my whit carpet!!!! Grrr! Someone help me please! Only 9 more days!!

2007-06-17 05:20:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

What is the best way to groom them ?

2007-06-17 05:11:43 · 26 answers · asked by caroline g 1 in Dogs

Sorry if this sounds a little funny. I had my dog neutered on Thursday and I can see the loose skin where it all was- but when he gets excited I notice he has a bump on either side of him privates- it almost looks likes he still has his testicles- they're just higher.

Is this normal? Sorry if it's a little TMI.

2007-06-17 05:07:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs


My 2 year old cat has not had anythin to eat or drink since Saturday morning, she is sleeping all the time and looks very ill, i noticed a very hard lump on her neck. She wont let me touch it, she growles and hisses at me. I telephoned the Vet this morning on emergency for help. She thinks that its an abscess, i was told that i could bring her in on emergancy today but before she even looks at her it woul be a £65 fee. The vet made me an appointment for tomorrow afternoon and told me to keep an eye on her. She said that my cat would be running a very high tempreture and that the abscess could burst and that i was not to worry. Has anyone had an abcess experience before? an when i tke her to the vets what will they do?

2007-06-17 05:03:38 · 7 answers · asked by nightshadeblue 2 in Cats

My 4 1/2 month old rott is sick.. She wont eat if she does the Vomiting it back up..She is drinking her water like normal..She is getting all kinds of her back teeth in and she even lost one of her baby teeth lastnight.....she is playfull..she hasnt lost a lot of weight just a little..She had watery dyhrea but it looking like it is trying to get hard again...I have read about chicken and rice..My question is..Should i try that even though she is trowing up? and my other question is does it matter what chicken we use or what rice we use?

Thank you

2007-06-17 05:00:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Does anyone kno why our box turtle barries himself underneath things!!! also we have a very shallow pool and he always dumps the water out and hides underneath it? Does anyone have a good answer for why our turtle is doing this

2007-06-17 04:37:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

I wanted to get a Panamanian Red Rose Rump tarantula, but I heard that they are not to be handled at all, because if bitten, you would be messed up bad. I have a rose haired but I handle it often, and am not afraid if it bites me. I want a bigger tarantula (like a bird eating T) but I also want to be able to handle it from time to time. Any recommendations?

2007-06-17 04:37:07 · 2 answers · asked by green_e_zeleno 1 in Other - Pets

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