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Pets - 17 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I'm getting a puppy he/she is a bull dog& bull masstiff mix. Does any one know if these dogs are good with children?

2007-06-17 19:11:02 · 13 answers · asked by Doll D 2 in Dogs

i was told you could breed mother son ,father daughter, brother sister this is sick i know but is tis true

2007-06-17 19:06:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

okay so ive decided to let the rabbits mate but how long do they need to "be together" in order for the female to get pregnant? should i seperate them after so many minutes and put them back together later? i am soo confused about this and ive tried google. and how do you know when shes pregnant and what your rabbit is like

i need to know ASAP pleaseee.

2007-06-17 19:01:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

I once had a dog lick my mouth when I bent down to pet him. It was horrible. I threw up on the dog. The owner was pissed at me. I will never touch a strange dog again.

2007-06-17 18:44:35 · 11 answers · asked by estee.tabernac 2 in Dogs

i think he's skinny cause you can see his ribs when he's stretched but idk. anyway, if i give him pellets which he loves so much (i use to give in small limited but he has unlimited hay) will he overeat and explode

2007-06-17 18:31:08 · 7 answers · asked by Nicole 3 in Other - Pets

I was wondering how i should go about softing my water for my fishtank. The only way that i have read how to do it is to build a distiller. does anyone have any cleaver/cheep way of doing this.

2007-06-17 18:05:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

I heard that if you do not let your dog have at least 1 littler of puppies(and get them fixed) they will become very large for a short period of time, and have the chance of becoming crazy as they age? Is that true?

Anthoner question is when a dog is in heat, is there private supposed to be very big like the size of a golf ball, and can that get infected while on walks. In the house she has diapers on but when we take her out it comes off, is that good????
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

2007-06-17 18:03:15 · 10 answers · asked by amann1210 1 in Dogs

Im graduating in 1 year, and my boyfriend wants me to get away. This might sound weird, but I have only my pets... and i acnt leave them. One is mine(Chihuahua) and one is my brothers and we have a cat. Its sad thinking to leave them. My mother said i have to leave them:(

Have you all had to leave animals u were close to?

what do i do to overcome?

2007-06-17 17:58:55 · 8 answers · asked by inthisskin22x 2 in Other - Pets

how do people play with their rabbits? i know they cant play like a cat would but they must play with people.. or how do other rabbits play together?

2007-06-17 17:50:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

2007-06-17 17:40:01 · 8 answers · asked by sudge6915 3 in Fish

I just received a 55 gal. tank from someone and it still has the gravel and a tiny tiny bit of water (just in the gravel) left in it. it really needs cleaned, but i was told i can't use soap or anything. what can i use to be safe? how safe would a vinegar and water mixture be?

2007-06-17 17:19:24 · 8 answers · asked by Britt 2 in Fish

I bought a catfish two days ago, and it was perfectly fine last night, swimming around just fine, but this morning I found it laying at the bottom,dead. I know, that alot of fish dont make it,espically fish from Walmart (which is where I got him BUT, I've also gotten all my other fish there, and we have four that we've had for more than a year,and they are healthy) it seems ok, but it has these red marks on its body. I dont know if maybe that was from the other fish eating him after he died, or if he was sick, or maybe he got in a fight? I dont know exactly what kind he was, but the tag says Pictus (sp?)Catfish.

2007-06-17 17:18:13 · 7 answers · asked by The Warden 3 in Fish

After researching online on what was going on with my Oranda "Bubbles" I found out that it has tail rot. Anyway, I fixed that problem and instead of it laying at the bottom of the tank it is now swimming, but almost all the time it swims backwards.
And it sometimes swims backwards upside down, sometimes twirls around... WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT?

2007-06-17 17:13:20 · 5 answers · asked by Blabbermouthknowitall 2 in Fish

Because I got 5 new guppies two days ago to accompany the one lonesome guppy we've had for a year. They are all supposed to be male guppies, but today I noticed one of them has a huge belly, which to me, looks like its full of eggs. But,that would make it a female. How can I be sure? Is there any other reason the fish's belly would be so large, so suddenly? I really dont want to have 100 guppies,lol.

2007-06-17 16:56:51 · 9 answers · asked by The Warden 3 in Fish

My cat has an allergy, we think it might be to his litter (clay gravel). He's been itching his ears without end. We already tried the special food and he continues to itch his ears frantically, but once we changed his litter the itching seemed to slow down.
More recently, he was itching a bit more by his eyes and has a raw area around one eye where he's scatched off the hair and made the skin red and raw.
My questions are; has anyone else had a cat allergic to litter? and what can I treat the raw area around his eye with that will help it heal, prevent infection and not sting when I put it on? With it so close to his eye I don't want to use anything too stringent. So far I've only been dabbing it with a cool wet washcloth to take the itch out.

(If it isn't the litter he is allergic to then we are totally stumped as to what it could be. He's an indoor cat and his contact to things is pretty limited) Thanks for any help!

2007-06-17 16:51:06 · 6 answers · asked by koemoesiga 1 in Cats

Do you think "The Donald" should get a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Don't you just love it when the pampered ask a single question on Yahoo Answers, thus letting us know that they are in touch with we the turnip eaters? My kids are hungry, have no clothes, are sent to war, work in Walmart, no health care, no dental, out-sourced, no education, and I got some princess asking me for something to give on father's day when my father is overseas fighting to give Ivanka an answer to her question?! I'm laughing my a** off how we continue to grovel at the feet of the privledged! And, furthermore..., wait a minute..., I got the tax collector at the door..., no it's the sheriff..., it's Con Edison..., it's NAMBLA, no it's AIPAC, no it's a Homeless dude! It's okay! I gave him a tie and he said thank you! He just wanted it to hang himself with it! Whew! I thought I had problems!

2007-06-17 16:49:49 · 6 answers · asked by ? 3 in Rodents

I am purchasing a 225 gallon salt water aquarium. It is full of salt water right now. It comes with 250 pounds of live rock and 150 pounds of live sand. The drive is going to be about 9 hours long. The guy I am buying it from said he will drain the water out when I start driving to pick up the tank. How long can live rock and live sand survive with no salt water in the tank?

2007-06-17 16:39:24 · 5 answers · asked by chris a 1 in Fish

What do you think of it?

2007-06-17 16:37:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My friends and I were thinking about putting up a flyer that tells about puppy mills on the outside window fo a Petland store. We're 13, and we really want to start getting people educated about puppy mills and get them not to buy pets from pet stores. Is it possible to get in trouble with police, law, etc. if I do this?

2007-06-17 16:36:52 · 10 answers · asked by ~XoXo~ 3 in Other - Pets

I bought a flowel power filter for my approx 25 gallon aquarium containing 1 Oscar, 2 Blue Gouramis, 2 Iridescent Sharks and 10 White Convicts. These guys produce a lot of waste and I change about 2 gallons of water and run the filter for about 2 hours everyday.

Now, the sponge in the filter has become dark brown and I see tiny bubbles forming on the sponge. Why and how is this happening?

2007-06-17 16:35:12 · 4 answers · asked by Bradford 1 in Fish


2007-06-17 16:31:54 · 11 answers · asked by UR 2 in Fish

My friend always tells me to maintain an odd number of fishes in my aquarium because she said it is a bad omen if you put even number of fishes in my aquarium. How true is this? And what is an ideal number of fishes in an aquarium for good luck? Any oriental beliefs please?

2007-06-17 16:28:48 · 6 answers · asked by Sporty 2 in Fish

yesterday, our next door neighbour gave us a dog becuz he could not look after it. he had found the dog last friday in a hole on the side of the road VERY skinny and cant walk on right back leg, we are taking her to the vet but i just wanted to no what ur oppion is, how to get waight on her ect.... she is a ncye looking dog kelpy cross good working dog

2007-06-17 16:26:04 · 15 answers · asked by Danniela 2 in Dogs

2007-06-17 16:25:54 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My dog (Am. Bulldog) has a a nasty ear infection and needs to take 9 pills a day. These are large pills too. For the first day he took the pills with some peanut butter. The second day he refused the peanut butter & had it with some lucheon meat. The third day he refused the meat and had it stuffed in fries. Today I had to force them down his throat. Cheese gives him room clearing gas. Can anyone recommend anything else? Oh when I say he refuses the items he will spit them up almost vomiting. I have 22 more days of this to go. I need help!

2007-06-17 16:24:01 · 16 answers · asked by speranzacampbell 5 in Dogs

My Betta was healthy and he still seems so. But, I didn't know how to properly clean my 3 gallon tank. I had let some waste bulid up on the bottom and didn't see it under the gravel. Well, I used the Eheim Gravel Cleaner and also a siphon from the pet store. I changed the water about 25%. The water looks a lot better and I am going to test the nitrate/ite level in a minute because it was kind of high yesterday. It was 1.0. So, I notice now that the fish has a bit of a ragged fin. Very, very slight. I had fin rot in my other fish but he is doing well now, but I am afraid for this fish. I will be going on a trip in a week. So, I want to try Melafix on my fish with the start of what looks like a rugged fin. It is just tea tree oil. Is that okay? I don't want a harsh treatment since he has Maracyn-Two last month in his tank because he seemed sluggish and the other fish was sick . Plus, if I am going to start it, I want to start now so his treatment will be over by the time I leave.

2007-06-17 16:13:43 · 8 answers · asked by Mia 3 in Fish


My bronze cory catfish was stuck in the filter, and the bottom of his caudal fin was chopped off. Any way I can heal this and let him live? I took him out of the tank into a quarantine tank already.

2007-06-17 16:12:51 · 2 answers · asked by ZooTycoonMaster 6 in Fish

We have chlorinated water. We also have a beta fish. He lives in a fish bowl with a plant. The last time I changed his water; I let it sit over night before I put him in it. I was just wondering how long water needs to sit before it is safe for a fish?

2007-06-17 16:10:49 · 6 answers · asked by Mikay1823 1 in Fish

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