I just transplanted my two dwarf puffers from my 28 gallon full of community fish (zebra danios, catfish and mickey platies) to their own tank -- a ten gallon tank. I syphoned 6 gallons from the 28 gallon tank, added 3 gallons of spring water, 1 hornwort plant, 2 frill plants, 2 cups of gravel substrate from the 28 gallon with new gravel that I pre-rinsed and soaked.
So far they seem to be faring well. But are two enough for the 10 gallon? I'd like to get 2 more but worry that won't be enough "territory" for them.
Are 4 dwarf puffers going to be overcrowed in a 10 gallon tank that's somewhat planted?
Oh. And I feed them bloodworms and give them treats of brine shrimp and tubifex worms as treats. The black ramshorn snails I get from Petsmart and bloodworms have been their staple diet in the previous 28 gallon community tank, that I plan to continue in the 10 gallon tank.
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