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Pets - 27 May 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

He either must have something wrong with him or maybe this is how they all are, but when he goes pee he pees on his front leg because his stream is so long. Well this gets old really quick, what I mean is bringing him inside and cleaning his right front paw before he can run around the house. Try doing this 5 times a day. Anyway so when I take him outside I hold his ....area....pointing down so it doesnt get on him. I can just imagine what the people walking around are thinking....but what else should I do??? ok try to stop laughing enough to type a good answer....=-)

2007-05-27 13:44:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2007-05-27 13:43:52 · 1 answers · asked by bagofmilk 3 in Fish

One of my Black Moors has a bug stuck to her tail. It's small, flat, kinda greenish colour. I saw it swimming around the tank this week, now it's stuck to her tail. Is this bad? should I try to take it off? How did it get there? Thanks for your help!

2007-05-27 13:40:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

Im starting a 75 gallon saltwater fish only tank. Whats better to use? a EHEIM Canister filter or a wet/dry filter?

2007-05-27 13:32:43 · 7 answers · asked by yd3 1 in Fish

i just got a filter from the cmpany tetra and with it i got algea wipes i was wondering can i use it while the fish is inside or no or do i have to use it when its empty i rele need help!

2007-05-27 13:32:31 · 4 answers · asked by ryanderhino 1 in Fish

Hi. I posted a similar question a few minutes ago, but it was asked incorrectly.

I am seeking a male sulcata tortoise, any age. I am from the Ottawa area. I do not have access to a car. I was wondering if there was anyone in here who breeds and sells tortoises, or simply has some to give away. Im not sure how much one would cost me - im a science university student.

If you do breed and are willing to sell tortoises, would you please contact me. Thank you very much for your time and patience. Cheers!

2007-05-27 13:26:12 · 3 answers · asked by rightwinghotshot 1 in Reptiles

Why is my dog so fat?

2007-05-27 13:22:41 · 13 answers · asked by k-ma; <3 3 in Dogs


2007-05-27 13:22:17 · 9 answers · asked by <3 4 in Dogs

I am looking for a pet :)

2007-05-27 13:21:50 · 10 answers · asked by badmood213 1 in Dogs

I have a male and female cat, both the same age. she is in heat I have done alot of research and everything that can happen to a female cat in heat she is doing. Even the annoying non stop crying bit. No matter what we try to do the male cat wants nothing to do with hwer and I have no clue why. Help. I want her to have a litter of kittens. What should I do?

2007-05-27 13:19:29 · 21 answers · asked by nicole 2 in Cats

Hi, I have 3 fantail goldfish that are about an inch and a half long in my 29 gallon tank. I have a 30-55 gallon filter in there along with an air bubbler and some fake plants and some hideouts. My question is I have been doing some research and would like to know if rosy minnows can go in there with them? I have a heater to put in there on low since my house probably gets too cold for even goldfish during the winter. Right now the tank is at 65-70 F degrees and I have read that they like the tank between 50 to 75 F and goldfish like it between 50 to 75F, so it seemed like it would work out.
Thanks in Advance!! :)
Also, what about some large ghost shrimp?

2007-05-27 13:19:17 · 9 answers · asked by ? 4 in Fish

Is there a breed of dog called a.... hybrid?
Or is that what you call a mixed or something?

2007-05-27 13:18:40 · 25 answers · asked by Sarah G 1 in Dogs

ok. i'm a kid. i have a male betta and i want to know when it is ready to breed so i can sell them to earn extra money.

2007-05-27 13:17:09 · 3 answers · asked by ahhbehmaily 1 in Fish

i was wanting to know what kind of fish would share a tank with him and not get ate

2007-05-27 13:06:35 · 11 answers · asked by mrjts 4 in Fish

He is inside the house most of the time but when he is outside he is allfully hot. He loves to be outdoors but the heat is hard on him. I've heard of people shaving them but didn't know if it was advisable.

2007-05-27 13:00:48 · 17 answers · asked by Shep 1 in Dogs

the saliva is foamy. i am not sure what is wrong with her at all and i need to know what to do.

2007-05-27 13:00:02 · 9 answers · asked by Jennifer H 1 in Cats

1. i have 2 fish that are some kind of mollies. one of them has a very small part of its tail bitten. it doesnt eat and isnt really active, but i cant see anything wrong with it. what can it be?

2. can you use reptile water conditioner on fish? I just wanted to know because 3 of my fish died after i put it.

3. I have 2 black lyretail mollies, 3 dwarf gouramis, and 2 mollies. The tempereture is 82. Is it ok for all my fish?

4. one of my 2 lyretail mollies has an ugly tail and the other one has a beautiful long tail. every time they eat, the one with the ugly tail always chases the other one and tries to bite his tail. whats wrong?

2007-05-27 12:55:04 · 5 answers · asked by Tato 2 in Fish

my cat ,Palmer ,is the cutest damn thing on this planet.

2007-05-27 12:54:08 · 7 answers · asked by Johnnycakes 1 in Other - Pets

if you could have a bird that understood every word you said and followed you around for your whole life what kind of bird whould you have?

2007-05-27 12:52:39 · 13 answers · asked by mike 2 in Birds

It's not that I'm cheap; I'm just not ready to spend four hundred dollars on a cat (like I said, he's a newborn). Could someone suggest places to bring the cat to for free or cheap checkups/shots. Does the ASPCA do this? Thanks for taking the time to read this. Just trying to save a cat

2007-05-27 12:52:13 · 12 answers · asked by Pete 2 in Cats

She's been eating homemade food for about a month or so now.. before she wasn't so gassy, and she was eating Dick Van Patten's Eatables. Now she eats plain chicken or plain beef, sometimes mixed with veggies and potato, and a Pet Tab (dog vitamin). What the heck?! Lol. She farts ALL the time, even if she doesn't have to poo. She's a 2 year old Bichon Poo, by the way.

2007-05-27 12:46:32 · 7 answers · asked by Emo B 5 in Dogs

It appears that he is not getting inside her. He is shorter than she is and it has happened a couple times that once he gets off her his penis is still extened out. Has he mated with her or is he missing.

2007-05-27 12:44:53 · 8 answers · asked by Dribbles & Mitz 2 in Dogs

ago now some are just lying there , they move some but not alot ?????

2007-05-27 12:43:10 · 9 answers · asked by gus_62 1 in Fish

2007-05-27 12:38:04 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Every time i buy a goldfish for 10 cents at walmart they die the next day

2007-05-27 12:27:33 · 12 answers · asked by The Kid 1 in Fish

I would like a dog that is small in size, and is also good with cats. I have 3 cats and they range in age from 5-7 years. Also, one that is good around small children? I have a big back yard so thats no problem. Any suggestions? Any answers are appreciated! Thanks

2007-05-27 12:24:37 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I need help. puppy has parvo. for who has **** to say, dont even bother. Been trying to help. SORRY that i dont have the money to take him to the vet. AT LEIST I AM TRYING. people just say **** it and shot the dog. I know people that had puppies that survived from without taking them to the vet. don't try making me feel bad because nothen can me feel any worse. Okk, Gatorade help hydrates them. For what i looked up, they mostly dye from dehydration. The vet told me that there self. I called. Give me advice. Dont tell me to take him to the vet or i should'nt have a dog if i dont have the money. or if it was one of my family members or w/e. ok I need advice on what i should give him. his name is olie.Dont have him just because hes cute or w/e. I pickedhim up on the side of the road. I beleave he had parvo when i got him. The dog can have parvo for 8-10 days for symtoms to even show. not trying to sound like a *****. my dog is sick and people are just trying to make me feel like ****.

2007-05-27 12:24:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have a tank with Cichlids and a Kissing Gourami, and i'm looking for a really good aquarium snail. At the moment I have two apple snails and an algae eater, but it's not cutting it. Are there any really aggressive snails that can take care of plant matter as well as waste?

2007-05-27 12:21:18 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2 in Fish

Okay, here's the situation.. I bought a puppy for $300.00.. My boyfriend wanted me to get rid of it because it was a small dog and was very needy and attention hogging.. So I told my friend about it and she knows this other girl who happens to have two more of the same kind of dog, so the other girl bought my puppy for $300.00, so I did make all of my money back.. Well, now I am regretting it SOOOOOOO much!!!!!!! I wan't my puppy back SO bad, and my boyfriend said fine, if I can get the girl to give it back to me, then I can keep it.. I was thinking of asking my friend who sold the dog to her friend for me, to ask her friend if she would sell the dog back to me for $500.00 or $600.00. Do you guys think this will work??? Do you guys think that this is an okay thing for me to try and do??? And what are my chances of getting her to say yes!?!?!? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! I REALLY want my puppy back, and i am never listening to my boyfriend again when I have a gut feeling!!!! Thanks..

2007-05-27 12:21:01 · 13 answers · asked by la creme de la creme 1 in Dogs

2007-05-27 12:20:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

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