Hi im just in need of a little help as im very new to this.I have a 10 month old cat that has been confirmed by the vets that she is pregnant.I am a liilte worried to were she is going to give birth , just to let you all know before you start to reply,my house is very tiny with 3 little children so no cuboard space or under beds as all the space i have in my house is taken up by somthing , i have managed to find a spot in my living area were i have put a box with blankets in (she seems to like it as she goes there quite alot ,and just to let you know my cat was not the kind of cat that sleeps in beds and baskets as have tried this since she was 8 weeks old) but with having 3 little children it can get noisy at times, im am very worried that she will find a spot in my back garden somewhere and i will not know if she had them or not , and what if something happens were i need to take her to the vets asap and i wasnt there to help,(and should i still be letting her out as much) ,thanks.
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