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Pets - 26 May 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

i have a pekenise X mini foxy who is always scratching i flea her every day and use the flea stuff from the vet so she doesnt have any fleas i have taken her to the vet several times and he said that she has exmer and gave me steriod tablets and cream and sain to continue the treatment for seven days and she should be fine
she is not
i have tried medicated shampoos and lotions and tea tree oil diluted in water but nothing helps
she is that bad that she has biten of the hair on her front and back legs

any ideas

2007-05-26 19:31:13 · 6 answers · asked by traceybear81 1 in Dogs

This is probably a silly question but maybe some of you out there have some tips. I've had dogs all my life but not long ago we got this sheltie puppy who is now about 5 months old. She is very good and is house trained but the only issue is that she never wants to come in the house when she is supposed to. We are trying to get her in out of the heat or if we have to leave and she just won't come in. It's almost like she is playing a game with us because she'll walk right up to the entry, look at you, but as soon as you walk near the door she runs back down the stairs. We will even walk away and leave the door open hoping she'll come in on her own but sometimes she will just stand at the entry for 10 minutes and not move. We've tried enticing her with treats, by bringing our other dog out. We've gotten forceful with her and kind to her and either way she won't come in till she's good and ready. If you go outside and try to catch her, she runs like a mad woman. Any suggestions?

2007-05-26 18:59:27 · 8 answers · asked by citygurl8503 4 in Dogs

my cats stomache is rock hard and shes been puking and hiding in the same spot everytime we take her to another room she goes in that same spot and she has been going outside alot and she is acting really weird please help me!

2007-05-26 18:56:02 · 3 answers · asked by Ashley C 1 in Cats

I would love the colors to be white with orange and black spots on it. and a playfull/loving temperment I was thinking this cat would be a tortiushell. What do you think?

2007-05-26 18:53:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

my husband and I like to ocasionally take a drink in the evenings on our balcony.
We often leave the glasses outside till the next morning, not having finnished our last drink. I never thought about the fact that the glasses were always empty in the morning but the other day I saw our dog carefully licking the last of the scotch out of the glasses .
He is old with an arthritis hip should I stop him or does that little bit of scotch do him good?

Ps dingoes are very smart the reason I didnt notice earlier is because he was careful not to move the glasses. This has probably been going on for about 1 year.

2007-05-26 18:32:05 · 15 answers · asked by mixie 2 in Dogs

im trying to put up an ad about dog sitting that im going to do in my house but i just cant find a perfect title and i dont know what to put on it either so maybe if you could please help me out give me some i deas. i mean i do every thing and also i been training my family dogs and some dogs from my neighborhood and well i own 2 dogs my self so i have experience with dogs and plus i love animals so much but i just cant seem to get the ideas going so please if you could help me out that would mean so much to me please and thank you

2007-05-26 18:31:24 · 14 answers · asked by dianaroxy56 1 in Dogs

I've been having alot of sick fish and I have just resolved myself that guppies and mollies just aren't the fish for me!! It seems like everything I do just kills fish. I have checked the water and done tons of research of every type of fish I own. I've purchesed tons of medications that never works and I'm sick of it! So now my last guppy is dying (unless he magicaly pulls out of it) and I was wondering what would be a good, cheap fish that would be SUPER easy to take care of?

2007-05-26 18:24:30 · 13 answers · asked by Courtney M 1 in Fish

I have tetras, bala sharks, and angel fish, and was wondering how to best care for my fish, beyond what the pet store dude says.

2007-05-26 18:01:07 · 7 answers · asked by Pandora 3 in Fish

I have 2 fancy guppies and 2 albino cory catfish. About a week ago I noticed that the cory cat had fin rot so I had been treating the entire tank for that. However, in the last couple of days I've noticed that one of my fancy guppies wasn't looking so good. He was not fanning out his tail fin and along the back edge there seems to be a red line. He is not holding his back straight (his tail seems to sag) and he isn't very active. Is it possible that the guppy is allergic to the medication?
I thought that one of the signs for fin rot was a white fuzzy substance on the fins. Is it possible for it to be red and the fin rot have spread to the guppy? If so, the instructions on the fin rot medication says it's almost time to stop treatment. Do I continue treatment for the guppies? The albino cory cats still aren't fully healed!
So, as you can see, my tank is VERY sick! I've had the water tested and it was a little acidic, so I've been adding ph increasers. Please HELP!!!

2007-05-26 17:44:10 · 7 answers · asked by Courtney M 1 in Fish

Hey there - I react violently (allergy wise) to freeze-dried bloodworms - but I'd still like to give the boys a special treat every once in a while....since its that time of the year here, would it be alright to scoop some mosquito wigglers out of some of the ponds here and feed them those?
Are they close enough to bloodworms?
Or should I stick to giving them cheddar?
(they get a pin head every week)

2007-05-26 16:52:49 · 7 answers · asked by freshbliss 6 in Fish

3 of them have already died and im not sure if it was the dirty water or over feeding. id really appreaciate your help

2007-05-26 16:36:44 · 8 answers · asked by wonderwoman 2 in Fish

I don't have anything but a 1 gallon fish bowl my ex-Betta (RIP) used to live in. I do however have an extra submersible heater that I am using with it. I believe she has ick, so I put some aquarium salt in the bowl and used an 1/8 of a tablet of LifeGuard All-In-One treatment as well. Is this okay? I am terrified to leave her in the quarantine tank for fear it will kill her, but I'm also terrified of leaving her in the main tank and having her die. Any ideas or suggestions?

2007-05-26 16:34:35 · 3 answers · asked by Lauren H 1 in Fish

My naso and yellow tang seem to have ick, does a chemical called copper actually work

2007-05-26 16:31:27 · 7 answers · asked by KrAzY 2 in Fish

some one said that he feeds his puffers fiddler crabs to keep his puffers teeth down and little but mine can't even eat a night crawler. So is there a way to file it down or snap it off? Please help me

2007-05-26 16:27:31 · 3 answers · asked by Jessica B 1 in Fish

2007-05-26 16:20:55 · 12 answers · asked by jcweb0303@sbcglobal.net 1 in Fish

2007-05-26 16:12:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I have all different kinds of fishes and i don't know how many times a day should i feed them.....they're always hungry.!!..

2007-05-26 16:06:06 · 6 answers · asked by bioly 1 in Fish

Omg somethings wrong wit him plz help quick!?
he barely reacts to touch, mouth open, eyes half open half closed, stomach kinda full lyk bulging a bit, 1 month, male, rescued from side of road, fed kitten formula a few hours ago, probably abt 2-1.5 tbs of it, cat is tiny, breathing shallowly wen i give him 4mula he rejects it- it kinda bubles in his throat

plz tell me wut is rong an how to fix. juss got him today rescued 4m side of road in a bag in da trash can at a park.

2007-05-26 15:47:12 · 38 answers · asked by Jelly 3 in Cats

My jack russell is 4 years old and I adopted him about a week ago. He doesn't ever really want to play or anything. He just lays on the couch.

2007-05-26 15:42:16 · 16 answers · asked by Richard W 1 in Dogs

2007-05-26 15:39:04 · 27 answers · asked by steph 1 in Dogs

2007-05-26 15:38:56 · 6 answers · asked by amy m 1 in Cats

ok i am planning on getting some new fish and other critters in my 30 gallon aquarium but i am not sure what to get i alredy have 7 guppies,1 micky mous platty ,some little baby fish, 1 sucker fish ,1 dalmation molly ,and 1 ornge molly . what else should i get ?

2007-05-26 15:25:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

How many have have actually had an encounter with an agressive pitbull? As an animal control officer, I can honestly say I have had very few. In fact , if you ask an ACO what type of dog they watch out for, it's usually a Chow (mix) or Shar-pei (mix). The reason pitbulls make the news is because they make good news. Any bite from a bully breed will invariably be worse than a breed that was bred for, say, herding. most pitbulls are also owned by those on the lower socio-econic scale, so it also gives the media a chance to highlight this. One final thing for you PETA types. Ingrid Newkirk herself wants the breed to be done away with. Hardly "ethical", is it?

2007-05-26 15:23:11 · 23 answers · asked by Worzel Gummidge 3 in Dogs

I dont know how to sneak him in and out of the house or how to keep them from hearing him bark

2007-05-26 15:16:09 · 17 answers · asked by molly 1 in Dogs

My neighbor hit and killed a wild rabbit/hare while weed whacking but there was a baby that was orphaned. She brought it down to my house to take care of. It is in our barn in a cage with hay and water. I don't know the age but it has a full body of hair and is about 8" in length. It is not a newborn. What do we feed it? We won't keep it but want to care for it until it is old/grown enough to care for itself. Any suggestions? Please don't say call fish and game or wild life rescue... we can do the same as them and care for it until it is ready to go on it's own.

2007-05-26 15:14:18 · 14 answers · asked by justme 6 in Rodents

Would a dog have the cognitive ability to learn a game such as blackjack or even be able to memorize patterns in such a way that it could play. I understand that the dog probably could not learn how to count or reason with strategy I am just wondering if you could teach him to hit or stay.

2007-05-26 14:54:13 · 6 answers · asked by greg 2 in Dogs

I am a soccer player and when my season starts I will have to travel to alot of away games and will have to have somebody else look after my iguana. Knowing my friends I don't think they will be too keen on grating and chopping a varitety of fruits and vegies like I do, so I want to get some dried food so they can just fill his bowl but I really don't know which to buy.

2007-05-26 14:53:46 · 4 answers · asked by Back To Enlightenment 2 in Reptiles

2007-05-26 14:53:29 · 23 answers · asked by kyle a 1 in Cats

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