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Pets - 1 January 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

Ive heard of it and I have and idea of what it is but would like to know the truth, because I have two female kittens.

2007-01-01 08:55:11 · 23 answers · asked by marya 5 in Cats

We recently hired a girl to watch over our puppies while we are gone overseas. She informed me that she will leave the dogs shut up in their kennels for 10 hours at a time overnight. I have huge dogs: a mastiff, a boxer, and a rottweiler. Typically we let them roam the kitchen/ living room and they have a doggie door to the fenced yard. It's going to be too cold for them outside or in the garage. I don't have a problem with her kenneling them overnight, but is 10 hours too long? I've never taken my dogs to a kennel either, how long do they typically keep them in their kennels there? Am I over reacting?

2007-01-01 08:51:56 · 15 answers · asked by Kodee 2 in Dogs

2007-01-01 08:51:22 · 11 answers · asked by Lisa 5 in Birds

He loves everyone and very submissive. I am not sure of the best way to correct him from his jumping since he is so low to the ground. He is 4 yrs. old and I was also wondering the best way to socialize him with cats.

2007-01-01 08:51:03 · 8 answers · asked by brightncheery1 1 in Dogs

This all happened at 3:00am when I decided to acknownledge his need for love when he jumped on my pillow and started purring heavily. I woke up out of my sleep and gave him lots of lovin by caressing him gently in my arms. He continued to purr heavily and then dug into my arm with his teeth. I then gently tried to remove his head off my arm and he scratched my hand and gave me 5 inch deep wound which is painful. Needless to say, I am not speaking to him and that has been 2 days. Please help.I am upset. No I do not beat him. I say no only. HELP!

2007-01-01 08:47:40 · 15 answers · asked by BellaDonnaRev 3 in Cats

Its smells terrible. Is there a food out there to help?

2007-01-01 08:47:21 · 11 answers · asked by bonniesaint 1 in Dogs

Whenever I clean out my tank for my Betta, I put a good temperature water in there. Not to hot, not to cold. But after a while, the water getts really cold. i cannot change the location of the tank or add a lid. What should I do? Is there anything I can put in there to make the fish feel warm or maybe make the water a bit warmer? I heard or something called "Stress Coat" for fish. Has anybody used that before? Does it work?

2007-01-01 08:46:38 · 15 answers · asked by tz 4 in Fish

I know she is stressed we have another cat that can somtimes pick on her. The vet reccomended us to buy a plug in air freeshener which we have bought, it lets out specail cat hormones, we have been using it for the last 6 six months I hasn't made a diffrence? Help please!!?

2007-01-01 08:41:09 · 10 answers · asked by issabelle w 1 in Cats

Ok, one of my cats is about 7 years old. We let him outside at my old house whenever he wanted to go out but this was with no busy roads nearby. I've had to move into an apartment so I've had to keep him inside the past few years. Now I am going to be moving into another house soon but this one will be on a road with some light traffic but back yard is fenced in. He really wants to go outside again, and now that I will have my own yard again I'd love to let him out but I'm afraid he might try to cross the road and get hit. So my question is, what do I do? Is it possible for me to train him to stay in my backyard only? He really misses going outside, he cries and scratches at our front door all the time.

2007-01-01 08:38:18 · 11 answers · asked by Magenta 1 in Cats

My cat is 15 years old, but it's not her age that is the problem. I started dating my fiance` a few months ago, and this is when the problem started. I know she is punishing me for spending so much time away, but is there anything I can do? I'm at my wits end, I can't stand to get rid of her or put her to sleep but I CAN'T take this anymore.

2007-01-01 08:32:20 · 10 answers · asked by Kellie D 2 in Cats

i got a fistank an so the guy sold it to us with 4 fish and 2 turtles. there are very small (around 2.5 inches in diameter).... i have no idea what breed they are but the guy said that they will need a surface that is not under water where they can rest.... we filled the tank up not completely so whatever solution we find its body can completely be above water...

also what are feeding methods for if you levae on vacation, (with the fish... there are liek 7 day fish feaders,.... wa about for turtles... does anyone know what kinds of turtle this might be...

what special lighting do i need for it....

i was told that it can live in a fish tank... with fish

2007-01-01 08:31:07 · 10 answers · asked by Aaron 2 in Reptiles

What is the differnece between a normal disobedient/naturally aggressive dog and a rabid one? Just wondering cause I saw two dogs on leashs during walks barking at me. I wonder if those dogs have rabies.

2007-01-01 08:28:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

This is a true story, one of the following 2 dogs actually bit his owner on the face, right on the lips. I am asking you to guess which dog was the culprit based on looks, breed and information I provide and I want to know why you think you are correct about the dog you choose.
Dog #1 is a male mutt, 8yrs old, neutered, 80lbs, never violently abused, owned his entire life by a woman who is a straight A student and very popular. This dog was born and raised in a rural area. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n15/jaspertopaz6/Buddy.jpg
Dog #2 is a male American Bulldog, 2yrs old, not neutered, 100lbs, never violently abused, owned by several people before being owned by a man who is a highschool drop out. This dog was born and raised in a urban area. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n15/jaspertopaz6/Nitro.jpg

I lived for over a year in the same house with these 2 dogs, both slept in the bed with me at night, were affectionate, gentle, housebroken and well trained.

2007-01-01 08:26:36 · 37 answers · asked by Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy 7 in Dogs

I would like to let my hamster out of his cage. He's been in his ball a few times but I would like to let him out of his ball. The thing is... Is it difficult to get a hamster back in. I did once and he went under a wardrobe but I want to let him out and get him back in safely.

He likes his ball but he does prefer to go out and about out of it. Does anyone have any experience of letting their hamsters in and out?

He's 75% tamed, I use a glove though because I feel safer and he doesn't mind. :)

2007-01-01 08:22:48 · 26 answers · asked by FuturisticKid 3 in Other - Pets

I am transferring my fish from an existing 10 gallon tank to a long 20 gallon. I bought 2 danios yesterday and noticed that it appears one tends to nip the fins of a Platy. He also chases the other Danio, whose rear fins appear nipped. Finally, I also noticed that the antenne of my catfish were shorter this morning than last night. Is it likely that the Danio is responsible?

2007-01-01 08:21:40 · 3 answers · asked by Darren 2 in Fish

the environment here i think, so it keeps pooing or peeing :) around the house and it's driving all of us crazy! we put diapers on her, so she wouldn't, but she takes them off. Are there anyways I can take her to stop? By the way, I don't think I'd be able to teach her anymore, because she's too old...

2007-01-01 08:20:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2007-01-01 08:17:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i'm trying to convince my sister to get a sable one. its markings are like this http://www.hornescockerspaniels.com/files/black_tipped_sable.jpg
as a puppy. so i guess it will look pretty closely like the dog in the link. and i know the coloring of the dog doesnt matter but it'd be nice to get a dog with coloring that i like

2007-01-01 08:16:33 · 10 answers · asked by yo 2 in Dogs

Does that mean he's dead?

2007-01-01 08:15:45 · 13 answers · asked by Captain Ron 2 in Dogs

Or with our dish spong/cloth?
Am I being unreasonable? He is british, and has been with me in the states for just over a year. I love him, but he thinks I am being unreal and a nag.
Do other people do this?
Is this sanitary? I love my dog of 7 years but I dont eat out of his plates and I dont want him to eat out of mine, nor does he drink from my glasses. His dog doesnt either. I just do not think its clean.
He could wash them in the bathroom sink, I would be ok with that, and if they had their own sponge. We have a small house and the bathrom is very close to the kitchen corner where their bowls are so its not out of the way to take them to wash in the bathroom.
HELP......I will send him ALL replies.

2007-01-01 08:12:11 · 32 answers · asked by bex920 3 in Dogs

I named my new horse Gunner and my boy friend thinks it is stupid. And he named his new horse PayDirt and I think that name is stupid. What do you think?

2007-01-01 08:10:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

My plecto always ignores its food and leaves it for the tiger barbs to eat. Should I stop giving it the algae tablets since I don't want my tiger barbs to be overfed? Or should I try a different type of plecto food for it? If so what type of food should I try?

2007-01-01 08:06:16 · 5 answers · asked by Nicky 1 in Fish

I have a large male hybred he is 3 yrs old and my female hybred will be 3 this month. I want to breed them but he is much taller then she is and ends up on her back ( he has no aim ) this is the first time for both of them. What steps do I have to take to breed the two. She seems to short for him and wont stand for him to get the right aim.

2007-01-01 08:06:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i took all the food out of it and there's no mice in it and no water my cat always runs in if it is out-and out if it is in.

2007-01-01 08:05:37 · 30 answers · asked by catmanhough 2 in Cats

i like the name linus from charlie brown please no smart *** comments!

2007-01-01 07:58:41 · 22 answers · asked by HannahL. 2 in Other - Pets

I have a 30 gallon tank currently occupied by 15 small (equal to or less than) inch long goldfish. What are other fish that are friendly with it them that are not algae eaters? I want to have a variety of fish in my tank.

2007-01-01 07:58:34 · 11 answers · asked by blakefabian2003 4 in Fish

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