Weight pull is a sport for those who want to do something with their pitbulls that doesn't involve tiny leashes, points for color, or special "paper's" and who love to work with their dog to acheive a goal. If that's you, then weight pull may be your thing.
While Pit Bull's are excellent at weight pull it's not for everyone or for every dog. Training a dog in weight pull takes time, dedication, money, and if you're like me and live in an area with very few, if any pulling events you'll have to travel out of town to events. Which again costs money and time.
I don't want to turn you off to the idea of getting involved though. I just thought it fair that you know before hand some of the sacrafices that will be made.
Weight pull is a fun and exciting way to meet other Pitbull
owner's as well. Your dog is also meeting new doggy friends and getting some great socialization to boot.
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