I've had my tiel 7-8 months; he used to be very sweet. He loved to sit on fingers, knees, etc. while we rubbed/scratched at his head & neck. He also loves us cleaning off his head/neck feathers when molting.
Near Halloween he discovered my feet. I prop them up, he climbs down & starts whistling to them, singing to them, exploring them, tapping them, etc. I understand this is similar to mating-like behavior. Now, if I get up and walk around the house, he follows me -- he even flies to my shoulder if I go up the stairs, or into the kitchen or other tiled areas. It's great.
BUT, about the same time, he started biting me -- HARD. He often draws blood. He does it most often when he's been near/around my feet. If I offer him my finger to step up (usually to put in cage to poop -- he's mostly trained), he runs at it and bites. If he is on the floor following me, same thing. He just bit my wrist, drawing blood and leaving a welt. I've tried to be patient, but it's been 2 months now. HELP!
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