I just got contacts on Monday. I have been trying to get used to them and in the first two days, thought what I was seeing was just my eyes adjusting, but I don't think it is. My left eye and contact seem okay. It is a toric lens. My right eye, which actually has better unaided vision than the left is giving me problems. The right eye has slight astigmatism, apparently that cannot be corrected with soft contact lenses and so it is just a +.50 Rx. And I have noticed some "ghosting," especially with things produced by light (computer monitors, headlights, tv screens). If I cover the left eye, it goes away, so I know it's the right eye. I just can't help but think my vision is actually WORSE with the right contact in!!
What can I do?
Is there a contact lens made for "slight" astigmatism?
(I have my follow up appointment on Tuesday, so there's no point in going in early. I'm just looking for some input so I can have an intelligent conversation with my doctor.)
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life is good