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Health - 11 December 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

I don't plan on using just the pills to affect my weight loss, I work out 3-5 times per week for an hour each day, with 30 minutes of cardio. I seem to lose only 1 lb or 2lbs a month, even with healthy eating.

2006-12-11 13:47:03 · 23 answers · asked by Terri 7 in Diet & Fitness

I am the girl, and currently weigh 172 pounds, and would like to get to 107 pounds.

My boyfriend says it's a bad idea to aim for that, especially since I have anemia and hypoglycemia.

2006-12-11 13:46:27 · 22 answers · asked by Lady Myrkr 6 in Diet & Fitness

I've been drinking diet coke all my life, and have never really liked any other sodas. Everyone says cutting back on sodas helps you lose weight; does this include diet drinks? thanks! :) any other tips?

2006-12-11 13:46:09 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous :) 5 in Diet & Fitness

spent 5 days on a zpac; then was reseen a given 10 script for augmentin--taken bid. It's been in my system since thursday and am noticiing blotchy skin ratshes.

2006-12-11 13:45:03 · 3 answers · asked by tibis50 1 in Skin Conditions

Why are they called "love handles" anyway?


I know that when you exercise, you gain muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, so how can I lose weight without weighing more after exercising but still having more muscle than fat?

What exercises can I do that will help me gain muscle, but not weigh more? Is Turbo Jam any good? What about celebrity personal trainer, Joel Harper's Dorm Room Workout? What about simply walking for 30 minutes a day?

Will eating 1 banana w/ a glass of milk for both breakfast & lunch for 2 weeks help me lose 10 lbs. in the 2 weeks? One of my friends told me that and she's trying it.

0 seconds ago
Can you please give a healthy diet to follow so I can lose up to 2-3 lbs. a week? Thank you!

2006-12-11 13:43:11 · 4 answers · asked by LOVE♥ 1 in Diet & Fitness

I discovered I am diabetic (type 2) nearly 3 years ago after seeing my doctor about severe tingling and numbness in my left foot. We think we (luckily) caught the diabetes early, and I can control glucose levels well with pills and diet/exercise (lifestyle) changes. That said, the tingling and numbness has remaining at the same level over the last few years, not getting worse or better.
It is a bit puzzling (to me and my doctor) as diabetic neuropathy usually is distributed evenly between both feet and/or hands... and mine was and is still highly focused in one foot.

I've been to a neurologist on my doctor's advice and after some testing, and two CAT scans, over a number of visits he confirms this neuropathy, but is at somewhat of a loss for a cause. His best guess is that an old injury may have led to this condition... as an aside, I did play football in college and did have a fairly severe ankle sprain on this foot .
I'm curious if anyone can relate?

2006-12-11 13:42:26 · 9 answers · asked by justr 3 in Diabetes

2006-12-11 13:42:03 · 3 answers · asked by Dougles 1 in Other - Health

I know, so many people have seen this question, so many times. I could just search any resolved questions but i'm not. I am 15, and have worn boxers since i was in sixth grade. But i've always had problems keeping the package togther. I'm trying to workout and do cardio, so I'm thinking about wearing boxer briefs or boxers. But its kind of embarassing to me, to tell anyone. (i.e my parents) I do not want to walk into a store and purchase any. Also im a medium in boxers, so do sizes change in Boxer briefs? I just need more info.

2006-12-11 13:41:32 · 20 answers · asked by Donovan G 5 in Men's Health

my daughter has been coughing for 3 weeks now went to dr last friday with alergys shoud i bring her back

2006-12-11 13:40:09 · 7 answers · asked by Tanya 1 1 in Respiratory Diseases

Who claims to be a pyschologist and family therapist? Man that is so sick!!

2006-12-11 13:39:30 · 6 answers · asked by whrldpz 7 in Mental Health

Today at school I went to track practice and pushed myself a little- my leg was a little sore but it was nothing to worry about

Then at swim practice my coach wanted me to work harder and I pushed myself 100%. At the last lap of practice I get this KILLER leg cramp. I couldn't even get up and walk around...I had to hop out of the pool and to the showers on one leg!

I wouldn't really care about this normally, but I have a TRACK MEET tommorrow and it is my first one. I want to do well, but I can't run with such a bad cramp.

I have already tried stretching it out. It got a little better, but I still cannot walk without it hurting. I'm planning on putting Bengay cream on it and a heating pad. Then I'm gonna take some advils and hope for the best tommorrow.

Please help me. I need some miracle medicine or advice on what to do. Any quick fixes for leg cramps?

2006-12-11 13:38:55 · 11 answers · asked by Emily 2 in Injuries

To who, details about person, where, details about chain of events, and what did it feel like (no seriously)

2006-12-11 13:38:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

Do any of you guys have dry skin on your feet? Mine is really bad around my heals and starting to crack a little. And on the bottom of my feet my skin is starting to peal a little. Do any of you know what this could be caused from besides just dry skin? What can I do to get normal skin on my feet again?

2006-12-11 13:37:36 · 19 answers · asked by midnightjoker 5 in Other - Health

cause i am thirteen and need to know

2006-12-11 13:36:52 · 11 answers · asked by jimmy b 1 in Men's Health

I've gotten into a bad habit of pulling out my eyelashes. Now, I don't have very many, and they've become thinner. How can I stop pulling them out so that they can grow nice and long?

2006-12-11 13:35:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

I've never been one to drink lots of fluids. Even when I eat, I barely touch my drink. Whenever I try to increase my water intake, I pee like 40000 times a day. It seems like none of that water even gets in my system. Is it really benefiting me to drink more water if I just pee it all out?

2006-12-11 13:35:25 · 6 answers · asked by two_kee_kees 4 in Other - Health

...i have taken lemon with honey, sore throat drops that you get anywhere...I don't know what I shoud take now because it really hurts?

2006-12-11 13:32:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine

Benzene (petrol additive)
A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia.

Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
A colourless liquid, highly poisonous, used to preserve dead bodies - also found in cigarette smoke. Known to cause cancer, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems.

Ammonia (toilet cleaner)
Used as a flavouring, frees nicotine from tobacco turning it into a gas, found in dry cleaning fluids.

Acetone (nail polish remover)
Fragrant volatile liquid ketone, used as a solvent, for example, nail polish remover - found in cigarette smoke.

Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale on a lighted cigarette. Once inhaled, smoke condenses and about 70 per cent of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the smoker's lungs.

Nicotine (insecticide/addictive drug)
One of the most addictive substances known to man, a powerful and fast-acting medical and non-medical poison. This is the chemical which causes addiction.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) (car exhaust fumes)
An odourless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large amounts - it's the same gas that comes out of car exhausts and is the main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette is lit. Others you may recognize are :

Arsenic (rat poison), Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison)

source: Health Education Authority (UK) - Lifesaver

2006-12-11 13:31:12 · 18 answers · asked by deltagremlin 5 in Other - Health

I use blends which contain BZP (BenzylPiperizine) to function better. But my pupils become dilated. How do I stop this without any adverse reaction? I also curious to find out why this happens? Dehydration?

2006-12-11 13:28:35 · 5 answers · asked by inkolaz 1 in Alternative Medicine

I started liftin weights this month...and my last period was on Nov 3rd. (yeah sorry if TMI) but i havent started for december. is this really odd or am i just freakin out for nothing?

2006-12-11 13:28:29 · 6 answers · asked by Colorguardgrl 1 in Women's Health

Okay my daughter just started going to the dentist today....well when we got there we did our regular paper work...and then they called her back shes 3 shell be 4 in jan well we went back there in this little room which wasnt her room theyd be looking at her teeth in and then the lady was like....were just going to do this and that..mind your her dentist is a man...and then i got up to move into the next room with my daughter and the lady was like no you go to the waiting room...and i just sat there stunned...so i got up in went in the other room well then they called me back there again and shes like yeah shes got 3 cativities and next visit were going to put fillings in them ...{still havent met the real dentist} and we will be giving her laughing gas and then if that doesnt work we will sedate her.....and im like hold up what? and so i get kinda mad...and then some guy whos walking by comes in and is trying to reassure me that itll be okay..i dont know if the man was the dentist or

2006-12-11 13:28:00 · 13 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Dental

I play ddr 40-60 mins a day.i eat a lot of fruits.i also eat fish and meat and veggies.and i jump rope almost every day.what else can i do to lose weight?

2006-12-11 13:26:44 · 18 answers · asked by Shortie 1 in Diet & Fitness

I tried Cocaine for the first time yesterday and did it again earlier today. I am thinking about it now and woyld like to do it. Is coke addicting?

2006-12-11 13:26:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

i do realize its curable and can spread easily. My simple question is...how much is the cure? if anybody has gone through this please let me know! thanx

2006-12-11 13:25:47 · 9 answers · asked by Catastraphe 1 in STDs

2006-12-11 13:25:30 · 8 answers · asked by bittybratandpackrat 1 in Diet & Fitness

i do it a lot. It's definetaly an addiction. Sometimes it's to online . . . you know. I really need serious advice.

2006-12-11 13:25:26 · 12 answers · asked by Matt 1 in Men's Health

2006-12-11 13:24:32 · 7 answers · asked by princess 2 in Diet & Fitness

I have heard that he should stay home for 3 days but I have also heard that it takes at least 24 hours for the antibiotics to work. He has been fever free since last night.

I would hate for him to go to school and have other kiddos get it.

2006-12-11 13:24:09 · 8 answers · asked by Heather 5 in Other - Health

I am 15 weigh 115-120 and am 5'6". I am a . Would losing 10 pounds be bad??i want to..

2006-12-11 13:23:09 · 7 answers · asked by Kira 2 in Diet & Fitness

I'm 23 now, and when I was 16 I was hospitalized for anorexia. Recovery has been hard and sometimes I've backslid, but never too far. Now I'm 5'8" and 142 pounds, and I feel fat and ugly. But I'm afraid that I won't be able to be 'sensible' about losing weight, because I'll take it to the extreme. I have no support system and cannot afford to mess up because I have no one to pick up the pieces. But at the same time, don't I have the right to exercise and diet so I feel more confident?

2006-12-11 13:21:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

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