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Health - 10 October 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

When I talk to my fiancee on the phone or even think of her, I feel sensation in my penis and it got errected. And there is also some fluid seceration (prostatic fliud). I always feel there is some fluid in my urethra. I have been masterbating for last 10+ years and it takes not more than 30 seconds to ejaculate. I also have premature ejaculation problem. I even get discharged while sitting with a female (with in a minute) in the bus.

Please adive.

2006-10-10 20:16:31 · 7 answers · asked by Robert 1 in Men's Health

2006-10-10 20:14:06 · 2 answers · asked by brewcrew2007 2 in Men's Health

I am 15 and 5'3. my dad is 6'1 and my mum is 5'1. Can you tell me ways to increase my height.

2006-10-10 20:13:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

Is HIV transmitted with saliva?

If I have scratch on my finger and if some one who is living with HIV sucks that part will HIV transmitted ?

2006-10-10 20:12:47 · 4 answers · asked by Billy B 1 in Other - Health

I'm 21, and have been on birth control for 3 years. I have been off and on them before with no problems. Well, recently I went back on Tri-Cyclen Lo. The first period started out with 3-4 days of brownish blood then changed to red for a few more days. 2 weeks later I got the same thing, brown for 3 days then red. Well I've had this period for 12 days now. Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong with me?

2006-10-10 20:11:00 · 3 answers · asked by Aimee 1 in Women's Health

2006-10-10 20:07:10 · 6 answers · asked by pendraco2000 2 in Other - Health

On most days i have a bad lower abdominal pain shoot across my abdomen and it stays there for hours, i have to curl into a ball to relieve it! i have been to the hospital cuz i fort it was my apendix but its not that!? what do you think it could be? im waiting for an appointment with a Gynacologist! Please Help!

2006-10-10 20:06:44 · 6 answers · asked by precious_tingzz 1 in Women's Health

I was watching Oprah yesterday, & she had a Dr. on, and they went over what the different colors of poop are possible and if they were good or not. They briefly mentioned white colored poop, but they just said that it was "bad news," & then went onto something else. It was hard for me to follow because I was stunned: I went #2 earlier today and half of it (no kidding, like a stripe) was white, and the other half was normal. I just thought it was a fluke until I saw T.V., what does it mean? Should I be worried? I don't have insurance ... is there anything I can do for it at home, besides eating crayons? That's what a friend told me to do... this is a real question by-the-way.

2006-10-10 20:06:24 · 7 answers · asked by crazypantsmcgee69 2 in Other - General Health Care

It just that all the water from the body is drained out in the form sweat. and most of our body weight comprises water. Sudden weight may be possible. but, you regain it after drinking water. It's a clear way fool people who desperate to lose weight to get their hard earned money.

2006-10-10 20:05:46 · 7 answers · asked by artfrenzy_101 3 in Diet & Fitness

Im 18 and been having regular periods for over 3 years.
I haven't had sex for over a year and i'm 11 days late with my period.
I'm starting to worry and my paranoid brain is kicked into overdrive :[
I do realise that there are 5081 similar questions to mine but i really don't have time to look through them all.

2006-10-10 20:04:39 · 7 answers · asked by plasticheartbeat 1 in Women's Health

2006-10-10 20:02:08 · 6 answers · asked by goatie33 1 in Cancer

So, I frequently have trouble getting to sleep. Most nights, I get about 3-4 hours. I was wondering what I could do/eat/whatever to help me get to sleep. I don't take pills of any kind, unless absolutely necessary, so naturally I refuse to take sleeping pills.
Plus, I don't like going to the doctors. If anyone has any ideas or anything that doesn't involve either of these two things, that would be awesome.

Any help would be great. Thanks!! Sorry if this doesn't make sense. =\

2006-10-10 19:51:53 · 13 answers · asked by ashley 2 in Other - General Health Care

First of all.My age is 20.I couldn't concentrate on my studies after doing this masterbation.
I usually did it 2 or 3 times per day three years ago. Then I afraid on it and tried to abonden it.But , I couldn't control my sexual feelings that time and again I used to do it but not frequently as in the beginning.Now , I did 1 time per day or sometimes 1 time per week.Sometimes , I wouldn't do it continously for 100 days or 150 days.At that time , I found my semen released during my sleep ...not daily once in 10 days or sometimes once in a week.I have no bad habits other than this.I am afraid now whether my marriage life will get affected? Does doing this masterbation lead to any sexual or venerial diseases. I am enjoying something when doing it but feeling inferiorly after doing this.I am in trouble now.Please guide me in a right path by your answers.

2006-10-10 19:49:01 · 21 answers · asked by Mahe 2 in Men's Health

2006-10-10 19:45:21 · 10 answers · asked by Deidara of Akatsuki 1 in Alternative Medicine

2006-10-10 19:38:41 · 15 answers · asked by Marble Magic 3 in Diet & Fitness

I missed my period and im 2 wks and 1 day late, hpt come bak neg but im gettin the cravings and the swollen breasts, but my periods are always regular i neva been this late b4 could i be pregnant? im nt gettin any signs for a period what do you think i need help please !!!!

2006-10-10 19:37:20 · 4 answers · asked by precious_tingzz 1 in Women's Health

2006-10-10 19:34:59 · 8 answers · asked by metalheart19 2 in Mental Health

i,v gone from a size 8 to a size 10 n feel really fat... but i just cant seam to motirvated to do anything about it..

2006-10-10 19:33:07 · 13 answers · asked by Skitz_kitty2000 1 in Diet & Fitness

2006-10-10 19:32:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

Hi...I'm wondering if anybody here knows of any remedies to get rid of a nagging cough...I had the cold about a week ago..and it went away except for this nagging cough. I can't stop coughing..I stop coughing for a while..but then it comes back..and I can feel phlegm too...and I can't cough it out...what can I do about it..?

2006-10-10 19:27:24 · 13 answers · asked by msachtungbaby 5 in Other - General Health Care

2006-10-10 19:25:11 · 13 answers · asked by princess kimberley 1 in Other - Health

For 20yr's now ive hidden as best I possibly can the fact that I puke almost everyday ,I've lost every job for the last 7 years because of me being sick at work I"m at my wit's end and checked myself into a mental clinic which will put me through Orentation 2 fridays from today , I hate life as I puke for hours in the shower . I do drink alcohol I even got a DUI in a golf cart .13 was my .BAL I smoke Weed so I can eat. But sometimes after 6-8 days puking Bile in the shower like I'm doing Heroin which Ive never done , Ill do some weed and it lets me have longer stays out of the shower (It rains in my bathrooms) Also speed or coke to shut my stomach up Help Me I need answers Please Noo Bashing I hate myself as it is I didn't do this to be reamed

2006-10-10 19:24:40 · 11 answers · asked by xmadartisto 1 in Mental Health

it is so embarrassing

2006-10-10 19:19:06 · 13 answers · asked by fighting 40s 1 in Women's Health

2006-10-10 19:18:44 · 3 answers · asked by Michael . 1 in Other - General Health Care

do zoloft and cannabis react to each other ??... what i mean is can zoloft and cannabis kill me??.... i take 100 mg of zoloft every morning im perscirbed it....... but i also smoke weed once in a while can this stop my heart or kill me??

serious answers only

2006-10-10 19:16:19 · 5 answers · asked by tyson_13207 1 in Other - Health

I am about to turn 19, so I am still very young. (not too young for white hair, I know that) but I am at a healthy weight for my height, take good care of myself, eat right, and get enough sleep. Prematurely gray/white hair does not run in my family on either side. I have been under a ton of stress lately and noticed about 8 or so white hairs growing - I plucked them out. I noticed the white hairs are MUCH thicker than my normal dark brown hair. Any ideas? Could I have a chemical imbalance?

2006-10-10 19:15:55 · 8 answers · asked by Yelena 1 in Women's Health

2006-10-10 19:14:14 · 22 answers · asked by Merlyn_chan 1 in Other - General Health Care

I'm 2 months into suffering severally with shingles. Using Zostrix cream and Dilaudid (codein) medication. Not much help. Unable to sleep normally and many ice pick jabs in effected area throughout the day. Any suggestions - PLEASE?

2006-10-10 19:13:50 · 8 answers · asked by danibuoy 2 in Other - Diseases

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