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Weddings - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

i think my partner of some time is planning something as he has been hinting stuff alot

2007-05-01 07:22:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-01 07:15:56 · 10 answers · asked by cubspride78 1

I have just gotten a 14K engagement ring from Wal-Mart....it is a very pretty ring, not very expensive like $250. But I just looked and my finger is turning! I have had numerous gold rings and have never had a problem... what could it be? I hate to tell my fiancee!!!!

2007-05-01 07:08:50 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-01 06:27:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am getting married and my pastor wants me to write down some ways I value my girlfriend .

2007-05-01 06:16:25 · 8 answers · asked by kingcroquet 1

Where I live there is arranged marriage. Originally my daughter was meant to marry a man named Sirtaj but I dont know. He is very mean to women and abuses his mother. Yesterday a generous man gave me a pack of gum and asked if he could marry my daughter. I didnt know what to say. He looked nicer than Sirtaj but he was really ugly and had a large tumor on his neck. She cant decide for herself because women dont have opinions here but I need someones help helping me decide for her

2007-05-01 05:53:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

No canopy or Gazebo available.. just out in the sun.

2007-05-01 05:50:40 · 20 answers · asked by jeaniesfloral 4

My future MIL is shopping around for dresses, for our July wedding. She found a dress she likes that is $950. My wedding gown only costs $375 and very simple!! Our wedding is very simple. Do you think it is appropriate for her to get such a expenssive dress? Also, on top of that, my fiancés name is on her mortgage and she barely can pay the bills, let alone afford a $950 dress. She even told us when we first got engaged not to ask her for any help (money), because she can't afford to help. (Which is fine.) My fiancé tried to confront her, but she through a fit and said "I need to do things that make me happy. The bride got to pick whatever dress she wanted".

She doesn't support or marriage at all and doesn't like me. She asks my fiance things like, "Oh no she's preganant isn't she. That's why your marrying her!!??" (I'm not even pregnant)! I feel like she is going to get this dress not to make a scene. What do you think? Any advice?

2007-05-01 05:46:56 · 17 answers · asked by mlsherratt 3

I don’t want to have a party reception right after the ceremony where’s as my soon to be husband does. I grew up in religious house hold and my parents don’t drink or party. Plus a portion of my guest is church goers and they also don’t drink or party. So I was thinking of having a nice quiet reception at the church where we’re gonna have the wedding ceremony and then having an after party at a club or something.

2007-05-01 05:41:34 · 23 answers · asked by always_sweet_b 2

2007-05-01 05:27:14 · 17 answers · asked by khurrami 1

My fiance and I live in south florida. We enjoy caribbean like weather year round with beautiful beaches, palm trees and stupid drinks with umbrellas in them. So we want something different! Yet VERY romantic. I'm originally from NYC so scratch that idea. And we're really don't want to have to travel 10 hours to go anywhere. We'll save that for another trip. Where, preferably in North America are amazing, VERY romantic, honeymoon spots that we can enjoy.

Also, and resources would be helpful too that we can research or contact.


2007-05-01 05:24:00 · 18 answers · asked by Grisham 3

I would like to plan my own wedding and I don't want to hire an expensive wedding planner, I would rather do it myself but I need some help.

2007-05-01 05:23:19 · 12 answers · asked by Tee 1

do u believe it to be disrespectful if my soon to be husband is inviting an ex-girlfriend (who hes discussed marriage with) to our wedding???

2007-05-01 05:10:25 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm getting married in late August. Our colors are periwinkle and silver. We are also planning a small outdoor ceremony in a gazebo in a park. We are doing silk arrangments and i'm trying to figure out what flowers would compliment each other and mixing them with the garland for the gazebo (haven't figured that out yet), what to do with the bouquets, and how to incorporated the styles into the coursages and boutineers. I really don't want roses, so I'm trying to come up with something unique. Suggestions?

2007-05-01 05:02:39 · 6 answers · asked by Krissy 4

I'm doing an editorial for a magazine, and I need to know some opinions on whether wedding dresses cost too much, or if you think that the prices are right...Thanks for your time,

2007-05-01 04:39:15 · 28 answers · asked by Weasle 2

So my fiance likes white gold/silver thick bands, and i think he has hinted that he would like diamonds in his.. men, what does ur wedding band look like?

2007-05-01 04:13:41 · 14 answers · asked by <3 2

My sister was planning her wedding for Sept 2008 & now she changed it to Sept 2007. My fiance (Scott) has no more vacation left and might not be able to come to the wedding. Scott is an Air Traffic Controller and his job is a lot more demanding then most. He is going to ask for it off but there are no promis b/c by then he will be done with his training & will not have the weekends off. He also won't be able to ask for this time off until later b/c no one knows who his supervisor will be, so he will have to wait until Aug. to ask. My mom does not understand this. She has also said to me why doesn't he not come home for Thanksgiving and use the time for the wedding. I told her that was not fair b/c he won't be coming home for X-mas and would like to see his family for 1 holiday. I know if it were reversed & Scott's brother was the one getting married & I told my mom I was not coming home for Thanksgiving b/c I was going to the wedding my mom would be mad. What should I do???

2007-05-01 04:11:50 · 20 answers · asked by Amy J 1

My sons wedding is in 11 days. We have had to pay for most of the wedding because the brides family isn't able. The bride and groom have also contributed but food and such we have had to buy. Anyway the bride started a new job and would like to invite 25 people she now works with. That would mean more food, cake, favors, tablecloths, drinks and so on. I need some opinions on this. I say if they weren't good enough friends to invite when you did the invitations then they should not be invited last minute.

2007-05-01 04:00:09 · 16 answers · asked by jimsusierickard 1

If you read my latest posting you will see that I am having some troubles....Do guys go to bridal showers? Like ages 9,11,14, and the groom??? or no?? Please!! Help!!

2007-05-01 01:42:42 · 20 answers · asked by Brown-Eyed-Beauty 3

My fiance and I have been together for 7 years, and for that 7 years he has had this friend that treats women like crap and has never had a long term relationship. He is 30 and lives with his twin brother. We have never really gotten along because he thinks that I "tie my fiance" down. I think he is either jealous or does not understand what it takes to be with someone long term. My fiance wanted him to be in the wedding party, and I was not happy about that. His friend has made negative comments about our relationship and us getting married from the beginning. He has had more of an attitude lately and has been flaky to my fiance so I told my fiance that I would not be happy with him in the wedding. So my fiance told him he was no longer invited and that he was sorry. This basically ended their friendship. My girlfriends say it was a good thing because my fiance had to choose, and he chose right. Others say that you never x a groomsmen. Am I wrong in this picture?

2007-05-01 01:32:51 · 23 answers · asked by Elizabeth R 1

I need help I am a Jr. Brides maid my Mom is the "Maid of Honner" And my 7 y/o sister is the flower girl. Now, heres the story. The bride (Elanie) asked her sister to be in the wedding and her sister didn't like the idea. So we are the only Bridal Party there is. Then there is Elanies 3 boys. This is the 2nd Marrige. Me and my Mom are deprate!! We don't know when to throw it whether it should be a surprise or not. We aren't related to her sooo we don't know any of here frieds or family!! We (Me and My Mom!) Need ideas and Advice. The wedding is May 26th!! It's coming up soon PLEASE HELP!! What do we do!! NO STUPID ANWERS PLEASE!!!
We don't know any of her Friends srry.
It's May 1st!! I am going insane! We don't have anything planned. Because, someone died in my family..So it has been tough.. I was thinking it could be just a simple get-together just with her step-mom

2007-05-01 01:23:40 · 16 answers · asked by Brown-Eyed-Beauty 3

I'm giving my cuz a Bridal Shower in June.....I know I have seen or heard about this wishing well....It's made out of laundry basket, mop, broom and cookie sheets....Have you heard of it?? Is it easy to put together? Should I use tape, should I cover it with white paper??


2007-05-01 01:19:20 · 5 answers · asked by njgal14 1

I get married, oh my gosh, this month!!! I want to get my parents a gift to thank them for helping me with wedding plans.

I don't know what to get them-they both watch this series, and I thought about buying them the book so they could always enjoy the pictures.

2007-05-01 01:15:01 · 7 answers · asked by Learning is fun! 4

My fiance and I Iive in Missouri and have discussed getting married this summer. What licenses do we need? Where do we get these? How much time between getting the license and the actual ceremony before the license is null? Also, we want his father to perform the ceremony, and to have a small outdoor service. Any tips or advice?

2007-05-01 00:16:44 · 2 answers · asked by lynnrd 3