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Marriage & Divorce - 6 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

found person online and go's to see them once a month spouse claims they are only a sex buddy and they know that my spouse is married spouse claims they have no feeling for that person but yet they do more then just sex when they are to gether they do things cupples would do spouse says they would never leave me they love to much.

2006-08-06 19:54:54 · 13 answers · asked by over22yearsgone 1

If your best friends that you have known for years came up to you and ask if your husband could give his wife a child because he was unable to have kids, would you let your husband do it.if you completely trusted your friends.

2006-08-06 19:48:58 · 15 answers · asked by Cobra 5

my parents r getting divorced and i need advice

2006-08-06 19:17:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband and I have been together for 13 years but only been married for 10 and we have 2 kids , but I feel that we are falling apart , we dont really talk or have our intimate moments or really kiss, or love eachother like we use to , I know that we are fadeing away from eathother , but I guess our kids are becoming the glue that holds us together , I really want a divorce , but he won't I don;t get it , our love is lost what should I do??????????????

2006-08-06 19:11:43 · 20 answers · asked by E.M. 4

Is marriage still sacred to anybody out there or has this thing called divorce made it too easy to escape?

2006-08-06 19:06:43 · 14 answers · asked by ѕомєопєѕ▪ ваву ♥ 3

I mean if you and your spouse are not getting along.. and nothing yet has helpped.. How do you stay with them love them and respect them . with out getting mad or hurt when they do something to you like yell at you or make you feel like they dont care anymore...??????

2006-08-06 18:50:52 · 7 answers · asked by Jerika E 1


Lets say your gf is treating you like crap and shes the only one that will give you a chance, so you are stuck with her unless you wanna be alone and so therefore you have no choice but to try to get her to change. So since you don't have the choice to be brake up with her and be with someone else, is it ok to sleep with her bestfriend to make her jealous as a well to get her to change?

2006-08-06 18:30:51 · 10 answers · asked by 56 1

Serious Answers Please.

2006-08-06 18:23:07 · 23 answers · asked by 50+Brat 3

I'm contemplating divorcing my wife of a little more than 2 years. We have a 21 month old daughter. I'm active duty military, and have been gone for a good chunk of my daughter's life. I don't want to lose her, but I can't stand her mother any more. We don't agree on anything, and her idea of a "partnership" in marriage is her controlling everything. She doesn't want to get a job and put my daughter in daycare, when we really need the money. I wonder what she does all day. The house is a mess, she doesn't belong to any clubs/organizations, nor has really any friends. I'm the sole income, and I feel that I've come up with a few ideas that would great for our family, but she didn't think of it, it won't fly. I've really had enough. She is gorgeous, but is rarely interested, when I am practically an addict. I haven't cheated on her, but honestly, I would have if the opportunity presented itself. I do love her...I just want to have some say in our lives...and I don't want to lose my baby.

2006-08-06 18:22:09 · 34 answers · asked by Teyo H 1

2006-08-06 18:13:33 · 21 answers · asked by wannashopnow 1

can ppl truly forgive and forget ??if so HOW?

2006-08-06 18:12:52 · 10 answers · asked by tainted.luv 1

At first he was ok with it, then he said his conscience got the best of him. I don't buy it. He's single, so what's the problem?

2006-08-06 18:11:52 · 5 answers · asked by MoMoney23 5

in America the wife is entitled to a settlement from her husband especially if there are children involved does that apply to this country too?

2006-08-06 18:11:14 · 13 answers · asked by f.harrison 2

if one's married to a girl living far away and she is working with a prestigiuos company and boy's runnning his own business which is also doing quite well. The boy cannot leave his business and the girl had consented at time of marriage that she'll soon join him at his home place. Dilemma is the girl wants to come to boy's place but somehow she's not able to. It's been over one & half years now since they got married but they have not spent a single night together under one roof. Everytime she says she'll come on so n so date but doesn't keep her words and asks for more time. That has happened for three times now. what should one read into the situation as of now? they both love each other too much.

2006-08-06 18:08:44 · 6 answers · asked by krishp 1

now he keeps saying i am rushing him and that he needs to be more established in life what ever that means. we don'y spend time together so i don't know it i should even care weather we get married or not. Should i stick it out or just all it quits. Any adivce

2006-08-06 18:02:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Other than the norm! Just trying to get some ideas for better enjoyment when my man is at work. Please post honestly.

2006-08-06 17:43:48 · 16 answers · asked by missy146833 3

2006-08-06 17:41:34 · 10 answers · asked by Gabe H 1

I have been in a marriage for 10 years now. When I met my husband he was divorced for a year. He has two children from that marriage. They are now 11 and 15. His ex conntinually takes us to court for more money every year and in the past 5 years it has increassingly got worse. She has remarried and lives in a million dollar home and enjoys all the immenities of life, I.E. vacations, maids, jewlery and so on. We live in a regular track home that has been remodled but no where near a million dollar home. My husband has always gone out of his way to take care of his kids. We now have two children of our own. We have made every effort to make a six person family while we have the teo girls from the previous.They are included in our vacations and family life. The ex lies and won't allow us to have the girls and in constantly difficult. When we go to court and spend thousands of dollars fighting back and forth she does nothing but lie to try to get the court on her side.i am at my witts end

2006-08-06 17:38:38 · 9 answers · asked by blended trouble 1

Why cant we bring ourselves to put out anymore? What are those underlying feelings of disgust for?

2006-08-06 17:35:26 · 10 answers · asked by Nuni 1

What is your spouses phrase that they use over and over that just PISSES YOU OFF??

2006-08-06 17:34:50 · 17 answers · asked by Poestalker 4

2006-08-06 17:31:31 · 35 answers · asked by jamie h 1

2006-08-06 17:30:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have girlfriend in China and my one day marrying her. I been Divorce before and want to be safe. What can happn if I did get Divorce from her. I live in the USA and just want to know what could happn if I did come to Divorce and she from China.

2006-08-06 17:28:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been married for 6 years, I want to have sex with my husband everyday; I think of him all day long and all of my thoughts are of me and him having sex, I'm wearing my husband out. As soon as he gets off from work I want to have sex, I never had an affair and I don't want to have one I love him so much, sooo much. He is my whole life. He thinks my sexual behavior is so funny, but it's not.

2006-08-06 17:26:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm in my 20's, and married for over 2 years (we dated for less than a year then married.) Then, for the past several months, I feel myself falling out of love with my husband, due to his lack of financial responsibility, his negative attitude towards other people and our dull sex life. To make matters worse, I've begun to have an affair with a friend I've had a crush on for years, after maintaining online communication for 3 years. Note: I feel myself becoming emotionally attached to this friend...he is intelligent and very attractive, but he has made it clear that this is just about the sex. I keep thinking that the affair is just a result of my bad marriage, and that I should leave and pursue better things and find myself (I am young and still struggling with my self-identity), regardless of whether or not the friend is in the picture. I do feel a responsibility towards my husband and that I should stick it out and maybe things will get better? I'm also terrified of being alone.

2006-08-06 17:26:04 · 40 answers · asked by pinkcardigan 1

Let's say your spouse did not want children. He/she was honest about that from the beginning, so you can't get mad at him or her. You had no desire to have children when you got married either, so it didn't bother you. However, as the years have passed, you've started to think more and more about having a child. How would you address this problem?

2006-08-06 17:24:41 · 11 answers · asked by Kiki 6

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