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Marriage & Divorce - 7 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

why bother living if there is no love in your life and all you do is work and pay the bills? and nothing more? there is no one that wants to love me or be with me?
so if all there is left to do after the age of 40yr, why live anymore? what is the point? there is no love?

2006-07-07 18:18:43 · 42 answers · asked by cats3inhouse 5

A friend's wife had a 10 year affair, with the help of the adult children this couple stayed together but have little touch or communication either generally or intimately do you think that they should stay together? This was 5 years ago....to me it appears that it is separate lives in the one house....cheaper than divorce.....this is a 37 year old marriage.

2006-07-07 18:17:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-07 18:12:17 · 3 answers · asked by khan h 1

my husbands ex wife and i have always gotten along famously being able to hang out and even socialize together she had a bad break up and ended up moving in here now her ex and her have mended the relationship and are now both living here but not contributing financially or otherwise i dont want to be rude and cause a fight but they dont seem to be working on getting out of our home i really just want a polite way to get them to see that they need to move on and out of our home and into their own. just don't know how to word it...PLEASE HELP!!!

2006-07-07 18:03:00 · 10 answers · asked by Ewok 1

When my husband and split up and he filed for divorce. he tired to take my two kids awy from when he had not called or even tried to see them in oever 8 months. i told him that if he would give me the kids i would not ask for anything (child or sposal support). He agreed then disagree and agreed and disagreed. I tried to talking to him many time and basically i was kissing his *** and he farted in my face. I told my lawyer to do what she had to do because i didnt want to lose my kids and stopped trying to work with him. when the court date came he did not even show and fired his lawyer the same day. I was awarded custody and child/sposal support temp. He was mad and said he woudl agree at the next court date that he would not fight for the kids if he did nto have to pay as much. When the time came he called into court and when the amounts were awrded he said nothing, but he called and yelled at me telling me i was several horrible things. Should I feel bad for him?

2006-07-07 17:58:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-07 17:55:07 · 7 answers · asked by ali_kafil 1

2006-07-07 17:52:37 · 10 answers · asked by marlene m 1

When he gets mad I'm really afraid of him. He is not Physically abusive, but mentally and emotionally he is, and I'm afraid that one day I might push him enough to become physical

2006-07-07 17:46:41 · 12 answers · asked by Amanda D 2

i had to let him go! we got married almost a year ago, and still aren't living together. he says he want to, but i don't know when. i live an hour away with my 2 big kids and grandchild...how can a marriage work when u don't live together? i know i'm right, i also found out he'd been talking to another female until a week ago (it "may" have stopped then, but dunno 4 sure). he changed his cell #, but didn't take the steps for us to move in together. and, this was what i wanted for us to work it out and stay together. now, i know i'm not asking too much. right?

2006-07-07 17:43:48 · 21 answers · asked by thundakat312 4

2006-07-07 17:40:05 · 2 answers · asked by Don H 3

I consider myself to be a faithful christian wife. I believed my husband was a faithful christian husband. I found out he spent a lot of time watching xrated videos of women on the internet. He was obviously hiding it. I feel cheated on. My ex husband did this to me as well. I thought I was pretty good at satisfying him. How am I supposed to forget this?

2006-07-07 17:21:56 · 51 answers · asked by mama 5

I'm done and tired of the emotional abuse.I'm tired of feeling like I'm nothing. I met another man, and I won't sleep with him, but I don't see nothing wrong with seeing him.I can't just leave my husband, I don't have a job and I'm in over my head with credit card bills.Besides my husband is scared that I'll take his business away from him and has even threatened to leave the country and leave me with his debts.I feel like I am so desperate to find anybody that pays me any kind of attention. What do I do?

2006-07-07 17:13:49 · 18 answers · asked by curly98 3

Does that mean that it is more likely for a divorce because one person wants to meet new people?

2006-07-07 17:10:29 · 18 answers · asked by cassidy 2

That their man cheated and if they do it again they are out of there. Who are they fooling? If they weren't strong enough the first time what makes them think they will be the 2nd time? Why do women lie to themselves when forgiving the 1st time gives the guy the green light to do it again?

2006-07-07 16:58:30 · 27 answers · asked by wakalualua 1

i did something very wrong towards my husband, i lied to him that i was pregnant...in the time he discovered about it, he was so mad...even his mother, to the point that she wants to annul our marriage, he is living with his parents now and i am afraid that he will be convince by his mother to leave me forever...don't i deserve second chance? do you think, he still love me despite of everything i did? can he still forgive me? anyway, i'm feeling so guilty...

2006-07-07 16:56:41 · 23 answers · asked by ann 1

I would like to wake husband early morning for sex, what is a good way to start, so he dont say no, its too early. or that he isnt in the mood??

2006-07-07 16:45:18 · 27 answers · asked by cats3inhouse 5

2006-07-07 16:43:00 · 7 answers · asked by mitchshusband 1

im having some what of a problem with my future 1. she is well...a *****. but only behind my boyfriends back...4 exsample...2day, my boyfriend came home early from work becuz he wasnt feeling good at all...he came home took meds and went to bed, well his mom called, and left a message, i woke him up to listen to the message and it just said to call him, he hands me the phone and says text her and tell her im sick and ill call her when i wake up. so i did...i said hey its ally, i just wanted to let you know that he wil call you when he wakes up,he is fine just has a common cold ill let him know you called. she texted bak n asked if he was alright and i said yeah he is just fine.an hour later she shows up at our HOUSE.w/o calling.knocks.i thot it was his gma so i told her 2 come in, and she walks in doesnt say hi right walks right over 2 the bed n feels his head and goes wow you do have a fever...like i was lying. then walks thru my house and tells me that i need to clean...what do i do?

2006-07-07 16:42:20 · 18 answers · asked by iheartskcs 2

Honestly, when you get a divorce, it has nothing to do with the kids. So, why do women play headgames to get the kids to live with them so that they can get childcare and child support. I dont think its fair to the kids. You know, eventually the kids will figure out the truth.

2006-07-07 16:41:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my hysban officially separated in Dec. of last year. He then 2 weeks later started messing with this other chic he claims is just firend w benifits. We had been talkin about workin on our marriage and getting back together while he was in Cali. on temporary orders. He came back and the first person he saw was her. Not even considering I might be emotionally hurt due to my 2nd misscarraige i had (the 1st was in 04' w/twins at 5 mos. in which he didn't want) , 2 1/2 weeks prior (in which he didn't want either). So why be with a woman that has kids??

2006-07-07 16:38:55 · 17 answers · asked by yelloerose07 2

im not happy with my life right now and if ido somthin to change it i know its gonna break my heart even worse what should i do

2006-07-07 16:33:37 · 6 answers · asked by william g 1

she isnt working and she is hanging with loosers. how do i show her that i want her back-the person she was before this mess. and also that the life she has now is pointless and she could loose me and the kids. i also need to mention that she is bi-polar 1 and doesnt always take her meds. do i let her go and move on with my life. or do i fight for our marriage??

2006-07-07 16:32:17 · 12 answers · asked by tnkster71 2

If yes why. If no why. (Let's keep it friendly and state our own feelings, not judgements.)

2006-07-07 16:30:41 · 10 answers · asked by Sarrah 5

2006-07-07 16:27:13 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife, just out of the blue, told me that i can have other sex partners if i want. She says that it has to be for sex only, no feelings. Why would she tell me this. We have been married for 8 years and have a 4 year old daughter. I have never felt, befor now, that she would cheat on me and i have never considered cheating on her. I love her with every ounce of life that is whithin me.

Is she cheating on me and how do i go about asking her without damaging our relationship.

Please help if you can. Thankyou.

2006-07-07 16:23:22 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-07 16:21:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I met a nice young lady who i think likes me,but i don't know quite yet how i am going to tell her that i am still married.I have been seperated for many years,but i think it will make me and her feel a little at ease if i at least tell her that i'm filing for a divorce.I don't have a lot of money and i don't want to spend a lot of money.I'm kind of nervous about letting her get too close to me right now because i don't want to make her feel used if i wait until we get into a serious relation to tell her that i am married.She will be hurt,i know it.

2006-07-07 16:17:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Has your man ever told you that sometimes you get your self too CLEAN down below? My hubby told me this last weekend and said that I get it so clean that he can't smell my natural scent........ OK yes this is funny but I swear it is true......... He said he likes my natural scent of way down there........ Has anyone ever told you this? We had been out all day and I wanted a shower before we played around and this is what he said....

2006-07-07 16:10:29 · 27 answers · asked by ~ Lavender ~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 3

i just feel it disgusting....i once even tried it bt could not ...i don't feel like having meals for days after that...its affecting our relation..please help

2006-07-07 16:07:36 · 8 answers · asked by xyz_111 1

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