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Family - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

heres my problam. lets say u have been looking for ur father for 11 years. and someone was helping u find him and stuff and u have a phone number for someone who maybe ur grand parents and u want to call but u are not sure if u should if u did call what would u say. and would u be ur self or say u are someone elts??? i need help plz

2007-03-16 07:02:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I’m 18. I live with my father, mother and sister. My family and I work on different levels. I’m trying to be a “better” person, and although I may not have any clue what the means, or how to go about doing it, I’m trying. I have convictions. I ask “what is the truth”. They either say, “why put in effort to find something when things work now?”, or even worse, “there is no truth, or ignorance is bliss”. I can’t stand it any more. Things I find interesting to talk about, such as philosophy or religion, are the topics they have spent all their lives blocking out. They don’t say they hate me, because they don’t. However, they hate what I am. I can not, and will not, become like them. I understand they are not bad people. I truly believe all of us are at one point lost. It is understandable for them to be different from me, and to reject me. This is a cry for understanding. There is no help in this case. I just need to deal with it, and eventually find a new family.

2007-03-16 06:56:21 · 8 answers · asked by OrangeBunny 2

I was wondering, is there an adoption center or an orphanage, (I don't care where in the world,) that you can go to, and chose the child that you like? Like you actually get to talk to them for a few minutes?


Kind and respectable answers only, please

2007-03-16 06:41:37 · 5 answers · asked by Leah ♥ 1

What would do if you had a family member who was consistently showing you no respect or appreciation , even after you go out of your way to be nice and help them? And if they treated their friends like gold and you like crap? Could or would you cut them off? or Would you keep trying to make things work over and over again, because they are a family member?

2007-03-16 06:22:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a mortgage of $2003 a month. I bought this house two years ago for my son to have a backyard and more space to be able to play and develop abilities he was lacking. It was hard to take him to a park and have him play with other kids. He was very sensible to noises and showed severe reaction to changes.
I work from 9 to 5 as an Office Manager and devote to my son the rest of the time. We do the homework, play, work on his speech therapy, and more than anything else we exchange expressions of love. For autistic children the emotional field is different from ours, but in my son's case, moderate autism, he has learned to interact with others and show emotions. He laughs a lot and tells me constantly that he loves me with all his heart.
It's hard to provide for him. He only eats certain foods and wears certain clothes.
He's 6 y/o and the needs keep increasing.
Yet, my salary sounds too much for the government agencies and I don't qualify for any type of aid. Please, help!

2007-03-16 05:58:15 · 3 answers · asked by Annabelle 1

I am leaving for Rehab in 2 weeks and my husband is trying to talk me into signing over my rights to our child to him. He says that it would just be while I was in treatment. The only problem is....he will be in Iraq and she would live with my mother-in-law. He is saying that she would bring her to AL after I was stable. So I am worried that he will end up signing over rights to his mom (who would fight tooth and nail). I need to know if I dont sign over rights could he assign custody since I will be in rehab? Also is there any guardianship forms that we could use that say that I give up custody UNTIL I am done with rehab then I resume full custody again?? Thanks

2007-03-16 05:50:18 · 4 answers · asked by Lizzy 1

im only close to everyone in my family except my dad, we just dont get along really well, i mean i just cant socialize with him, how do u people get along with ur dad?

2007-03-16 05:38:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-16 05:32:29 · 33 answers · asked by bowsgirl1 7

Hi my name is Hallie, and I am using my babysitters Yahoo! account, because I asked her, and she said yes, I could ask one question. My question is I really want a little sister, and I am 10 years old. I have an older bro. My mom can't have any other kids, because for some reason, when she had me, she never got her period again.

So, I want her to adopt a girl, who is 4 years younger than me. I want her to be american, or at least look american, (no chinese please, I want her to look like she is my real sis.) How can I convince my parents to get me a little sister?

Can you give me info on adopting? How much does it cost? There is enough room in my house for one more kid. And please have nice, respectful answers.

2007-03-16 05:23:34 · 5 answers · asked by Leah ♥ 1

I moved out and now my mom acts distant when I go visit her and our relationship just isn't close to what it used to be
can anybody tell me why?

2007-03-16 05:21:09 · 15 answers · asked by danity0414 2

He lives states away. Sends no child support or gifts on birthdays or Chirstmas, rarely ever calls. After the breakup, our little one had a lot of anger issues that had to be dealt with and we have made a lot progress. I'm worried we'd be setting her back if we tell her she has a sibling. Not only would it be upsetting to know she has a brother or sister she can't play with, she's smart enough to figure out her "daddy" is spending time with a new baby and none with her. Do men understand the cruelty of their actions? We don't intend to keep it from her, but I think we should wait till she's more mature and better able to express herself to us verbally, at five she'll act out and then we'll have to guess whats wrong.

2007-03-16 05:21:07 · 8 answers · asked by LoneStarLou 5

2007-03-16 04:59:36 · 11 answers · asked by bowsgirl1 7

Mk well ya see... i found out that my phone bill is about four hundred dollars... WAY OVER! My fathers pissed as hell, and i could lose my phone for about six months. the thing is i found out that my supposed friend had "borrowed" my phone and texted a bunch of people so now its basically because of her, how do i convince my dad to give me another chance and not take away my phone? (hes really pissed... and not easy to talk to)

2007-03-16 04:58:12 · 2 answers · asked by bretard 1

when im at the bars they work at i just get people thrown out ,banned and sometimes reported to the police,if i dont like their shoes,the way they look at me,who theyre with, it makes me laugh

2007-03-16 04:46:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my ma left my pa b4 my 1st birthday an she has been happily married to my step dad for 17 years now and says i dont need to no my real father so she will not give me any info about him! all i no is he is called jimmy charleton an he lives in ayr in scotland but he actually comes from county tyrone in n.ireland. if any1 can offer any help on how i may locate him i would really really appreciate it!

2007-03-16 04:43:41 · 19 answers · asked by steffibaby24 2

ok well my dad and this chick were dating and then he knocked her up and we left there was 4 kids involved all girls now he recently got back together with her and they fight constantly with 5 kids 1 going on a year old what should i do all 5 of us kids are afraid we are gunna have to move away again HELP

2007-03-16 04:37:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter's father and I separated when was 3 yrs and now she is 15. During all these years he had never paid child support until 4 yrs ago that the court found him and made him pay for all the arrears he owed. He did pay the arrears and then when he was up to date with payments he stopped again. Now it has been two years and I have not recieved a dime from him or seen him. It seems that he filed for income tax and the court took his federal and state check from him and now out of the blue he re-surface complaining to me that they took his check and suspended his licence. He is threating me to file for joint custody for my 15 yr old daughter because he doesn't think he should pay anything unless she is with him. Now my questions is can he file for joint custody for a child who is 15 and has never been in her life. My daughter and I have always been together and I'm a little scared that he might have the opportunity to take her from me.

2007-03-16 04:32:11 · 14 answers · asked by Sexy PuertoRican Lady 2

My mom has broken promises to me since I was five... See I live with my grandparents and I have since I was 1 and a half. My mom would promise that she would come over and see me so I would sit and literally wait for her on the front porch for hours and I would cry over it alot! she would never show and I would always ask her why she did not come and she would say I forgot.. well now I know that my mom is on drugs... so that changes things a little bit. But now she wants to be a part of my life and try to control me and everything.. I have given her so many chances.. what do you guys think I should do.. its really hard because I still love her I just dont want to put up with the crap that she does or anything like that!

2007-03-16 04:28:08 · 23 answers · asked by glitt002001 1

I am trying to find out the day a family member passed away a few years ago. Does anyone know of any databases/websites I can try?

2007-03-16 04:23:46 · 6 answers · asked by Kelly T 2

im doing a report on parents and drug abuse, do you know where i can get a video or documentry on this topic? If so do you know the title??? Thanks a Bunch!

2007-03-16 04:22:37 · 6 answers · asked by mZZ. sExII mOmmA 2

2007-03-16 04:10:58 · 10 answers · asked by Man U fan 1

Have you ever said something that you really didn't mean? My brother was sitting beside me in lunch when he heard me say "My parents do nothing for me." I was mad that day. Ok, really mad. But the point is that he went and told my parents so now they hate me! They said they are very diappointed in me. they didn't even give me a chance to explain. They just dealt their punishment and that was it. Now I hate my brother. Shouldn't younger siblings mind their own biusness? Is he just looking for a way to make me look bad and him look good? I'm so totally confused and need a good apoligy for my parents. Can you help me out? I'd appreciate it.

2007-03-16 04:09:13 · 9 answers · asked by Ripsi W 2

My mums started thinking about sorting out her Will, she dont no where to start tho... what does she have to do first???
Who does she got to talk to about it???

2007-03-16 04:08:36 · 7 answers · asked by Loving and loved 2

I said and did some really cruel things to them. As a teen, I thought I knew it all and that they only wanted to ruin my fun. I chose my (ex) boyfriend over them in almost everyway and at one time completely quit talking to them. Told them, I didn't like them, when I got older I wouldn't come home to visit. Talked about them. Really cruel things. I have a lot of guilt about it. When I think of some of the things I said to them, I want to cry. I'm 24 now and I realize that my parents are the best friends I could have ever had and Iove them with all of my heart. We are not inseparable. They forgive me and of course we've moved on, but its hard to get over the guilt of things I said/did.
They say it was just a phase and that most teens go through it, but I feel so bad.
suggestions/comments welcome. Thanks.

2007-03-16 04:06:16 · 14 answers · asked by florita 4

I'm 31 yrs old and have a daugthter who just turn 15, yes I had her very young. Her father and I separated when she was 3 yrs old and he has been in & out of her life since. The problem is that he is mandated by courts to pay child support now and has to pay all the arrears he owes to her and now he is threating to file for custody because he is forced to pay for support and wants to take her away from me. My questions is can he do this and will the court give him custody, I don't use drugs, I have a great job and my own apartment, will the court take this into consideration. Also if the court doesn't give him custody he will try to get joint custody and either way my daughter says she doesn't feel comfortable with the father that she does not know well will the court speak to her and take her feelings into consideration? Please help with as much input as you can.

thank you

2007-03-16 04:00:06 · 11 answers · asked by Sexy PuertoRican Lady 2

Shes been lying in the floor here for like 4 days now, and hasnt moved at all. Her body is quite hard, and in fact she is rather stinky. She wont even speak to me, i find that quite rude. She just lays there with a glazed over look on her face as if im not around. What can i do to get her up off her lazy butt and motivated? She needs to get a job, im tired of supporting her!

2007-03-16 03:58:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's taboo and frowned upon socilogically, morally, religiously, and in many places, legally, but I get the feeling, based on the membership levels of websites and chat groups, that this is a highly practiced phenomenon, especially between cousins and siblings. The surprising thing is how much of it seems to be mutual, as in not forced upon one party or another. New studies show we have biological blocks that keep us from finding relatives sexually attractive. So my question is, how widespread is this, really? Is it really a serious problem, or just a few freaks?

2007-03-16 03:53:54 · 1 answers · asked by Theta Zeta 1

My grandma lost her husband about two years ago and here lately she has gotten abusive, I geuss it was always there but I didn't know about it. My grandpa protected me from it but now that he is gone its like she is a completely different person. To tell you the truth I absolutely hater now. She hasn't gotten his headstone and its as if I'm a slave to her instead of her grandchild. I'm 17 and I'm about to graduate within the next few months but I don't know if I can handle it that long and I really need someones advice on how to handle her so that I don't end up commiting suicide because of the way treats me. Please you guys this is really really important and I need help, I swear she is a psycho and I'm afraid that if I don't do something soon she might try to kill me or have something done to me that can never be undone. I'm also 3 months pregnant by my fiance and I know that the stress isn't good for the baby so PLEASE hurry and help me.

2007-03-16 03:53:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

everytime i failed the exam ,my father would turned to be terriblely mad without considering my excuse .especially this time,i failed with anatomy exam because of the bad cold.hardly i went back home when he got mad.
what sould i do to keep him calm down?

2007-03-16 03:48:04 · 8 answers · asked by happy 3

My dad.

2007-03-16 03:46:51 · 13 answers · asked by Rachel 1

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