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Family - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

2007-02-12 09:50:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My baby's father is really a joke. See I will get on him to get a job and help me take care of our child. We currently for financial reasons don't live together. He doesn't have a job but I do. We have a 2 month old baby. I take care of her because I can't stand for her to be to far. But it is hard for me to drop her off at his house (he lives with his mom, I live with my grandmother.) then go to work. I don't know how to drive (I am to scared) And he doesn't have a car and his mom can't pick and drop her off everyday she has stuff to do. Well my baby's father will come see her and give me a few dollars for her. Well see he lies out of his @$$. Like I told him I need $200 so we could get in an apartment. He told me that he had it. So I said OK (I didn't beleave him in the first place) Went to his house to get it he said it was somewhere else and he would have to bring it to me today. NO BABY DADDY YET. Durring this whole time I am acting all excited he lies soooo much. what should I do

2007-02-12 09:47:06 · 37 answers · asked by lonelybridget 1

I thought that it would help if my mom read what other ppl wrote and, she thinks that everyone not agreeing with her is cuz i didnt put in that yes my 10 year old sister goes with her gramma every sat now does that make a diffrence?

2007-02-12 09:44:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've became a vegetarian latley and my grandmother and mother don't like it. My mother told my grandmother that she don't need to buy anything extra for me. Its really breaking my heart because my mother don't believe in the things I do. She has never praise me in anything or tries to help me with anything. I really don't know what to do next. I'm running out of ideas...

2007-02-12 09:20:58 · 13 answers · asked by amerasu345 1

I have a friend who's dad abuses her. he hits and beats her up and calls her names I won't say! What can i do to help her?

2007-02-12 09:18:50 · 11 answers · asked by smilesandponytails 2

Tomorrow report cards are due and we have half a day of school.My mom doesn't know that. If I tell her, she'll come meet my teachers and pick up my report card. But the thing is that my report card probably is going to turn out bad because I haven't been paying alot of attention and I sometimes don't do the homework. If it's bad, she'll go to my teachers and tell her my bad (60-90) test grades and that I talk during class. She will get mad for me not showing het the teats. If I don't tell her, than I can hang out with my friends probably until 2:20 and then I'll forge a letter with my mom's signature to get my report card because they don't give report cards out without a parent's permission. And if it's good, I'll give it to her. If it's bad I'll keep it to myself. PLEASE HELP ME. WHAT SHOULD I DO??

2007-02-12 09:16:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am finding it really hard to find a private landlord list,place etc for a house in somerset ,, devon in uk,, i want private rented house not estate agent,,does anyone know of any site si can look on,,pls

2007-02-12 09:13:36 · 6 answers · asked by mam26 3

You have to understand first of all, I work, not because of a choice, but I raised 2 kids alone following a divorce with no child support and we did ok. I never was given the option to stay at home, and when I was on welfare for 2 yrs, I was enrolled and graduated from college and went straight to work.
My boyfriend gripes about how lazy his ex was and how she went from him to another husband immediately for money reasons.
He told me she stayed at home and raised there kids and had what he calls the disease of the month....always going to the MD for something.
We were discussing breast feeding and I told him I never did it because I always had to work. I said you can only breast feed if your sit on your as.s, like your ex wife did. He got mad and would not speak to me all afternoon. I just told him what I thought of her. His daughter also doesnt have a job and is always borrowing money from him and her excuse.... breastfeeding. Lazy, lazy.
Am I being rude?

2007-02-12 09:12:53 · 2 answers · asked by happydawg 6

My brother spent the last 3 days down here in Florida visting with me and we had some fun, it had been almost over a year since we last saw each other in person, so it was great having time to chill out with him and have fun. Now the only down side is I am feeling a bit down and blue that he has gone back home in New York, since I am not sure when the next time we will get to hang out and have fun will be. Any ideas on how to get over the feeling you get when Company you did not want to leave has gone home?

2007-02-12 09:07:00 · 5 answers · asked by Jasen A 1

My mother in law drives me nuts - and the rest of his family are no better.
My Husband and I have been together for 4 and a half years, married for almost one year. His mum has always been an issue for us. His family are the most anti-social bunch I have ever seen, at least when it comes to me. I go over to there houses, lucky if they say hello to me half the time.. I have to make an obvious hello to get something in return. At family gatherings I will make an effort to go sit with them and join discussion, but they do not ever turn and involve me in the conversation. Hubbys mum is always calling whenever we have a family gathering or xmas etc, and will have something to complain about and like to make arguments out of nothing, and the thing she says that I hate the most when on the phone to hubby 'is beck in the room, go to a different room'. What sort of crap is that! And after the family function etc she will call again to have a winge about something. The year of planning our wedding was horrible when it came to her, and she will rarely say something in front of me so it is hard for me to get my opinion in. This is driving me insane! I get an upset stomach every time we are heading over to see them.
Does any one have any ideas?? I am very sick the excuse that I stole her son away - get over it!!

2007-02-12 08:59:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have had 360share for 3 years now can some one tell me what is going on with it do we get are money back .

2007-02-12 08:49:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want my tongue pierced really bad & i told my dad about it and he thinks the idea of it is disgusting. i gave him research and i was really good for a while. i'm turning 18 soon, so i'm going to get it done no matter what but i just wanted him to know, even if he doesn't approve. how do i make him more accepting of it?

2007-02-12 08:25:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

She will be given lots of flowers and chocolates. Any other ideas? It is very difficult because she can afford anything she needs.

2007-02-12 08:24:28 · 28 answers · asked by Caroline 5

well i live on a fram for 30 years my father say it well be mind when he left this world but my father went and gave the fram to my twin sister and gave me 10 day to get well i lost it all 11 cows i sold for 1500.00 the barn th pond i build 30 year gone my heart is not there any more i cry all the time i mean your own family doing this am 53 what do i do now because all the moeny i make went into the farm

2007-02-12 08:17:57 · 8 answers · asked by linda l 1

I went shopping the other day to get my husband a vday present. Money is tight so i just got him a big box of chocolate and a nice card. I told him that i did not get him something big so for him not to go all out. He said he was going shopping today for some things for our baby. He actually went shopping twice today, once by himself and the baby then again with his dad to get his mom something for v-day. Today i decided to go to a school uniforms store and get a catholic school girl uniform for a special valentine's night. We are not going to be able to celebrate v-day on v-day because he has to work so i called him to tell him that we would celebrate it tonight since we are going to eat dinner with his parents tomorrow night. I asked him if he got something so we could exchange gifts tonight and he said he did not because he did not think about it. I know i am a girl and i am probably over reacting, but my feelings are really hurt that he is not putting more thought into this

2007-02-12 08:17:26 · 7 answers · asked by micah z 4

i have a photo and i want to put a quote with it, its a picture of my mom and my sister. I don't no what quote i could put on there!! I've searched all over the net for a mother and daughter related one, and i can't find any! Any ideas??

2007-02-12 08:15:31 · 2 answers · asked by bex_xoxo 2

Okay i have 3 questions all conserning my mom. My grandmother thinks my mom is Bypolar, becaus she thinks she say's somthing but she realy didn't,she tell's me to do somthing then she changes her mind and tells me to do the oposit and she is allways blameing me and my brother for things that are out of our controle(She also has trouble finnding and keeping up with her stuff and is messy).
1)Dose she have a mental disorder, and how do find out if she dose(without her finding out).
2)Do you know about any good jobs, I need a job so i can get imansipated and move out.
3)Do you know any cheap placethat i can move to.
Please help i just really can't take it anymore she is driveing me up the walls( it goten so bad that i'm secondgeussing my self thinking maby that i'am the crazy one @_@.

2007-02-12 08:14:14 · 9 answers · asked by Asha J 2

theyre so annyoing theyll say I bought these movies and I bought my son these games ...and my dad make so much money...and I live in a nice neighborhood, and I like my side of town every weekend its something..ok so they make money and can afford to buy stuff...but I feel theyre doing to brag... are they? how do I get them to shut up

2007-02-12 08:02:05 · 8 answers · asked by Lorena 3

On a recent show Oprah Winfrey had a panel of working and stay-at-home moms and said the friction between these 2 groups seems to be the implication that working Moms are made to feel that they love their children less (those that choose to work, not the very few w/ no choice other than daycare).

Oprah concluded both Moms love their children the same, but I actually think that since love is displayed by ACTION, dropping your baby off with strangers every day because Mom feels better as a working woman, versus the ACTION of sacrificing the money, status, comfort, etc of working to care for your baby all day does actually mean that the mother that stays home loves her baby more, is more selfless and shows love through action rather than mere words (and a few rushed minutes in the morning and a few tired hours at the end of the day...)

Is this an off-base opinion?

PS: I left a high-powered career 1 yr ago to stay home with my baby; HARDEST job ever but best decision of my life.

2007-02-12 07:54:54 · 16 answers · asked by Finnale 2

I am depressed and if I tell my dad he will just say that I`m ok and that I only want atention. My brother hates me, he never cared about me and he never told me that he loves me. If I think he never asked how my day was or anything else. I don`t have friends and I don`t know what to do. My brother always says that I get everything. When he has an ipod and when I asked my dad if he can buy me a laptop (mine is old and wrecked) he said that I don`t deserve it because I don`t have good grades. I`m the 5th in my class and my brother will have to repet the class! And I`m the one who doesn`t deserve anything and who gets everything! He gets an Ipod for nothing and last year for my birthday and Christmas I didn`t get nything. I just want to be given away for adoption or run away from home or just get killed. I think it just isn`t worth living my life!

2007-02-12 07:38:42 · 13 answers · asked by silly_bitch 2

i have a 8 1/2 daughter in Or me California. in 2000 her father and i had joint custody and he had physical custody.CA(i wasn't working that's y i was denied for physical custody He then took off to Or in 2001, w/o my consent the only way things are ok & not have him take off again go off god knows where with her is if i keep it cool. my dad passed away when i was real young and i wanted her to get the chance to spend time with her dad.things were ok. in'04, d grandma summon me for custody battle in or, come to find out she has been taking care of her those times i thought she was with dad, i have no $ for lawyer & in training for mgmt & i can easily loose it , gma told me that when i get on my feet i could have my dghtr the cstdy is for insurance purpose. now she wont let me be alone with her when i visited 2x, not returning my call when she said she will, don't send me pictures, not calling me when she's sick holidays. i'll be n OR wed to mon,what can i do about this?need help

2007-02-12 07:35:51 · 3 answers · asked by whyalwaysbadthingshappen 1

They treat high school boyfriends and girlfriends like they OWN them!
As the mother of teenage girls the violence I've heard about is alarming!
I think I have raised MINE to understand the difference between dating and actually being MARRIED, but I'm sure I'm not the first parent to think so.

2007-02-12 07:28:26 · 15 answers · asked by Renee D 4

My MIL comes over and needs her 30 year old nephew and girlfriend to drive her to our house because she doesn't drive on highways. She always makes plans to come over around dinnertime and never asks me if I need anything or even discusses if it would be okay to come around dinner time. I wound up cooking and serving everyone. I hardly got to eat myself as well as my husband and had to sit on the floor of my dining room (we just moved in and only have a kitchen table) while everyone ate like there was no tomorrow. Afterwards I cleaned up and my mil's nephew starts grabbing more food (chips, cookies) without asking like this is his own house!
I am beyond p!ssed off and need to tell people our house rules. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of. My husband says that they come over so infrequently that he's not going to say something. I disagree...but how do you tell someone how to behave?

2007-02-12 07:18:39 · 20 answers · asked by qtpie 2

2007-02-12 07:06:29 · 8 answers · asked by Infinite 1

My mom is about is about to kill me. She question every move I make. I have a job, my own car, and I don't ask my parents for money or anything. I'm fixing to turn 21. She tells me what I can do with my car and what I can't do, everytime I go somewhere if it's not resonable she wont let me go! IT'S MY CAR! I PAY THE PAYMENTS, I PUT GAS IN IT! Arrgghhh this is about to drive me crazy! I have talked to them before about this and they won't listen. I'm on the verge of just packing it up and moving on. But I know if I move out it will kill her! But she won't let up.

What would you do?

2007-02-12 07:00:37 · 11 answers · asked by angel2005_2001 5

My father and my stepmother quarrells all the time and the start from their room and bring it outside and sometimes even fight, I just don't know what to do and my stepmother usually brings my mother up whisch I hate cuz she hasn't done anything to her for her to talk bad about my mother, I don't know if to talk back when she talks about my mother cuz it's not me she is quarrelling with but it's my mother and I hate it.

2007-02-12 06:52:42 · 3 answers · asked by asogdy 2

want to know if these incidents really happen in life and anyone ever heard of this, because i am so disgusted with him and he knows i would never tell anyone but im ashamed to know him or be around him now. I know its true becuase i walked in on them one time at his house. His mother in law's husband is deceased and i know there not blood related but this is sick

2007-02-12 06:47:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

O.K. me and my twin decided to swap lives for a week without anyone's knowledge. It was going great but my BF is liking my sis more then me. I mean it seens like he's having a better time with her then me. And he doen't know it. what does this mean?

2007-02-12 06:45:13 · 6 answers · asked by may 3

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