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Family - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

His birth mother has lied over the years and says she can't remember, he has been given the name DERECK JACOBS. Spelling may be different. The father may not know, but he has twins would be approx 40 give or take five years. He might know the family name-MIDDLETON (kim is the mother, kim's mum-the twins nan is called doreen-kim has two sisters). From London, Lewisham the twins are 22 in the summer. any info please help...thank you.

2007-02-12 02:24:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am enjoying most of the delicious yummy for the past 5 months untill 2days back I was caught, the next day there was no storage, and 2day I found 2 additional containers
Now I'm much emprassed to face them in house,
now :- How should I face them ?
should I assume that extra is for me or for what it is ?
I'm so addicted that I curse sundays as I could not enjoy my fiest
also I get free motion on drinking it, with out which I'm not able to Concentrate on my studies. pls help?

2007-02-12 02:23:45 · 10 answers · asked by Wonder M 1

reen is my girl friend`sname help me out to find her proper email address pls.........

2007-02-12 02:11:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The father of the child wants to take our baby away from me, and i don't want that to happen.The baby should be with its mother which is me.He threaten me alot by letting me know that where he is baby should be there with him, without counting me in the picture.I'm scared and i need advice on how to get my child's full custody.

2007-02-12 02:07:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

who is a very special person in your life? and why this person is so special for you.

2007-02-12 02:02:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok...my parents are really really mad at me for recently breaking up with my boyfriend of over a year...but the truth is...i just didnt love him anymore!!...and they cant understand this....its been 2 months now and i have another boyfriend....and now they wont let me spend any time with him b/c they think im just gonna break up with him too!!...they got WAY too attached to my last boyfriend and now they wont forgive me....they act like they wud rather that i stayed with him and been unhappy so they are happy...rather than me be happy with the guy im with now....wat do i do?!!?...wat shud i tell them??...please help me!!!

2007-02-12 00:57:22 · 17 answers · asked by shsgrl 1

i am doing a presentation at uni and was wondering how people feel about this benefit and if they feel it is working for them and helping improve their circumstances or if is making things difficult...your input will be very much appreciated,in my experience of it i have mixed feelings, it has helped me get into work but is just a major hassle as they always get it wrong, and i have always ended up owing them money, and feel that i am better off if i work full time rather than part time, just wanted to know if it's the same for everyone?

2007-02-12 00:35:50 · 16 answers · asked by maid marion 2

My 14 year old daughter will do nothing she is told to do ,she shows no respect for her father or me and constantly skips school she is now permantly excluded and is forever running away ,we are at the end of our tether with her ,she has a terrible attitude and does not like discipline , the police have to bring her home all the time ,and as I am disabled I can,t control her can anyone help.

2007-02-12 00:28:29 · 34 answers · asked by jaydeetapp 1

Since I last spoke to you all my grandson has an interim care order put on him for 56 days and the mother and father got to answer to bail in march .I hope he goes down for life.

2007-02-12 00:04:43 · 4 answers · asked by jaydeetapp 1

i had a fairly unhappy time growing up.my father drank a fair bit but i adored him still do.he,d come in drunk and id still jump on himfor a cuddle even though my mother told me "not to talk to him when he came in " it resulted in her not speaking to me for days on end.she constantly put him down .she was also a total clean freak if i left a toy lying out it was snatched up and put in a cupboard as i had been told not to leave things lying around.the house had to be like a show house all the time friends werent allowed over the door for fear of messing up my room.now married with my own family i feel like im turning into her and it terrifies me,my husband is a gem but i always find fault somewhere.i find myself tidying up constantly and getting annoyed if my sons room is a mess.i know this isnt normal behaviour and it,s starting to really bother me im aware of doing it but cant seem to help myself.

2007-02-11 23:52:05 · 11 answers · asked by smiler 4

my aunt roothie is in her eightees and she still chasses after men, even yunger ones who are twentie. i am afraid she will go too far so shuld we stop her she is too old to be a horendogg!

2007-02-11 23:21:59 · 11 answers · asked by Timothy 4

my problem is regarding my father in law who lives with us for 20 yrs. He has taken some advantage with me by touching my behind or by holding my waist and once telling me i am very pretty while trying to pull me inside the room. of course, my reaction is to push him outside and telling him his a *****. I told all these things to my husband, which is his son. nothing happened. One time he hold me again on my waist and butt, i pushed him . I told my daugher about this , by the way she's 23 yrs old and she confronted his grandfather directly.The old man keeps on denying all these. until he left our house. Now after a year my father in law wants to come bacxk to our house. Me and my daughter same with my son don"t want him here, but my husband think it's time to forgive him for he is old and have only yrs. left to live. I plan to leave our home together with my daughters and sons. Is this right? God Forgive me but its too much. I cant tale it anymore.

2007-02-11 23:20:03 · 6 answers · asked by sheilahgarcia 1

2007-02-11 23:16:23 · 7 answers · asked by elena c 2

2007-02-11 23:14:53 · 6 answers · asked by elena c 2

2007-02-11 22:41:51 · 4 answers · asked by ANDY D 1

ok, my sister is 4 yrs younger than me with a 4yr old and a 2 yr old. they are great kids and i would do anything for them (and my sister) however i feel like my sister is taking people in her life for granted. she is 21 yrs old and doesn't work, has a council house and help with her bills etc, she is single however the father of the kids does help out a lot but sometimes he doesn't do what she demands, she then calls me and expects me to drop everything to do what she wants, yet when he is saying yes i don't get a phone call from her, and have to go out of my way to spend time with my neice and nephew (I do not get on with the father) and feel she is being unfair to both me and our parents. she only ever calls my parents when she wants something and he's not around, she has anger issues and whenever anyone tries to tell her something she doesn't like she goes mad............any suggestions??

2007-02-11 22:31:26 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dearest Sexy,

I have a proposition for you. I have been thinking about this for many many days now, so I am 100% sure this is something I'd personally like to do.

Remember when we had that misunderstanding about where you would stay after you move to Winston-Salem? I originally stated that only a short-term stay was workable. Well, I thought about it for awhile after that, and decided that it might actually be a good idea to share a household. Let me give you a run-down of the idea I had in mind.

I think you would be a good roommate, when you move to Winston. If you take this offer, you would be in for 1/3 of the expenses (since there would be 3 people here.) This comes out to about $350 a month which includes all current utilities. I would simply ask for that as a flat rate each month. You would have your own room, and Nessa and I would share a room (the bigger of the two, currently my office).

Even though we are involved with each other in an intimate way, I still think looking at this like a practical roommate arrangement is best.

Here are some reasons why I think this will be beneficial. From a compatibility standpoint we are both quiet people, have similar sleep patterns, value clean and tidy housekeeping, are frugal, don't watch TV much, and have mutual respect. This arrangement stands to help us both financially; I could pay off debt and afford online college. I'm sure you could do something special with the extra cash, whether it be saving up, investing, helping your mom, going back to school, or anything your heart desires.

Domestic tasks would also be simpler if we break it into roles we both enjoy. I could make dinner most nights, and you could take care of most of the yard work. Food expenses could be casually shared & we could benefit from buying in bulk. Cleaning house is something we already do in our current homes; I feel assured you are the type to clean up after yourself even with a woman in the house.

It's important to note that due to work, travel, and school, we would still not have a lot of time to see each other even if we lived together. I would be busy once I got home, and we might be seeing each other only at dinner.

You would have time to yourself probably every week since you get mostly weekdays off. I would still visit my family every other weekend. But, we could go on dates/"sleepovers" just as usual when Nessa is away (Wednesdays and every other weekend). Except, there would be no 2 1/2 hour drive to worry about.

The things that might pose problems are as follows. We could not probably have 3 cats here. Also, there may not be enough room for all your furnishings. These are two things we will have to work on if you take this offer.

You will also have to decide if you are prepared to live in a home with a 7-year old. Some days are fun, but some days are annoying. You would not be expected to take on a parental role. However, because Nessa admires you she will probably seek your attention sometimes. She is talkative and asks lots of questions, and wants to be included in things. Every so often she might pitch a fit over something that seems irrational and it is a very unpleasurable thing to witness. You are a good role model, and this is also a benefit to me & Nessa. But, you have to consider whether this is a benefit to you. Think about whether being a male role model is a rewarding experience to your heart, or if it doesn't really do anything for you. Remember it is normal to get disgusted by children, especially when they are not your own. Just recognize whether you are willing/able to cope with such feelings from time to time.

Anyways, I plan to get rid of some more junk if you decide to make this move. That way we won't be so crowded. I do think there is plenty of room for the three of us, as long as we stay reasonably organized and avoid excess. Neatness will be important.

If you'd like to do this, let me know. You do not have to give an immediate answer; just think about it. Please read at least twice before making a decision.

I hope you have a deliciously wonderful day!

Yours always,


2007-02-11 22:25:49 · 20 answers · asked by xxx_death_kiss_xxx 1

No matter what the predicament this relative spouts out her opinion of what I should do even though I haven't asked for her opinion. Then, if I don't take her advice she gets angry. She is always angry at some one because of an arguement but she never realizes it's her own fault. How should I respond to her?

2007-02-11 22:14:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-11 22:07:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm 16 and yesterday my boyfriend proposed to me, however before that he had asked my father for permission behind my back. i don't even talk or see my dad anymore, he should have asked my brother. anyway, my dad said that would be fine, my boyfriend said he didn't have to persuade him or anything. now my whole family is blaming my dad for my engagment - what should i do?

2007-02-11 21:56:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

even though she died 2 years ago.She never really liked me and always said hurtful things to me, she often called me a bastard and said she wished she had killed me at birth, maybe this was just anger?.She never took the time to get to know me and we rarely spoke partly because her negativity was choking me.I find that i am like her in some ways, i always see the negative in things.I try daily to improve and have but i am still so angry that she neglected me and never stuck up for me.I have had a string of troubled relationships ( with friends and boyfriends) all my life.Before she died i asked if there was anything that i had done to her her answer was that sometimes i would not cook a meal for her when i knew she was ill.I feel so guilty and ashamed that i still hat* her.I accept that i am partly to blame as i did not make enough of an effort and should never have given up trying to bond with her.
I've had counselling.How can i be happy again and are there any good books i can read?

2007-02-11 21:41:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

over the past few years my dad has had depression and was on prozac and other stuff,

he works nights so he hasnt got a social life or any mates, last night he said that im his only mate and started crying, i dint know what to do,

i want to do something with him like a weekend fishing or summat, any ideas people?

2007-02-11 21:39:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

fishing weekend, camping trip, anyone know? im in the uk and live in bristol(south west)

2007-02-11 21:34:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

They treat me like a small kid, don't let me go out, i can't have a boyfriend...its just hell

2007-02-11 21:32:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my brother inlaw is helping me move in a week, i want to get him something nice as a thank you but he doesnt have a great lot of interests.. other than his wii and stella! but buying alcohol seems thoughtless and he's got everything in the wii range.. HELP!!!

2007-02-11 21:22:53 · 15 answers · asked by happyglitterthatrocks 1

My sister is a nasty-*** pill popper that doesn't bathe her kids for days at a time. She also moves any douchebag she's known for 5 minutes in with her and her kids and they usually beat the piss out of her. She's a complete moron and I wouldn't trust her to watch my dog for an hour let alone raise any kids. Should I report her to the proper authorities?

2007-02-11 21:19:31 · 8 answers · asked by I hate you 1

i want a leagal step to have my rights

2007-02-11 20:51:08 · 7 answers · asked by ayieh 1

My mom passed away when i was only 10..had a 3 year old brother then to lok after..dad was never really close..so for te most of my life i was left alone..could never be like other kids..had to to hom,e chores..even now i am very lonely and sad and miserable..i have loads of responsibilities on myt head..taking care of my brother, taking care of the food and college..this is too much for me..m only 20..i can never have fun like other lucky girls..i had a nervous breakdown last year and i havnmt been able to comeput of it till now..i am not able to eat properly too..thats why feel weak most of tyhe time..am taking antidepressants and suffer from body dysmorphic disorder..my father is always abusive towards me even though i work so hard to keep the house running..i am really miserable..pls tell me what should i do?..should i get out of my home and live alone..shoudl i leave my brother alone?..pls tll me..i am lost...this is not what i thought my life would become one day.

2007-02-11 20:47:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My father in law is a such a jerk I really don't like him!! He thinks he is the ruler of everyone and everything. I just don't see Eye to eye with him and his ideas!
Should I keep biting my toungue or should I TELL him what I think????of his ideas or would that be just wrong ???
He Frustrates me to no end!!
If I don't do something I will one day just loose it on him and Freak out!

2007-02-11 19:31:54 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2

both of us working , when we came back from our jobs we fell so tired because of that we dont have much time for sex and if he do it he onley takes one houre or less so that makes me not happy ?!
what should i do to help both of us ?!>>>>....

2007-02-11 19:08:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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