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Family - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Who has custody of a child if a couple is unmarried & seperates ?

2007-02-23 06:41:32 · 10 answers · asked by pam w 1

my mom put me in foster care and i have to suffer cause her boyfriend doesnt like me at all. How would i let her know that he is trying tto push me out of her life that way he can hurt her.

2007-02-23 06:38:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am a good huband and father, but some times i like to drink. my wife hates to see me drunk. should she understand that it is my way of unwinding. i am by no means a drunk. i am very responsible i never miss work i like to stay with my family but sometimes i do get drunk. i am never abusive or mean i just get stupid. should i ignore her or should i be more responsibe. it is a major problem with us. i feel that she should understand that i enjoy drinking and she thinks that i should not drink so much

2007-02-23 06:36:45 · 10 answers · asked by jeff v 1

My father and stepmother have been married since 2001, been dating since 1997. We have had a tentative agreement of I don't push her buttons, she doesn't push mine. But lately her behavior is getting worse and worse, and she's been acting very passive-aggressively and putting my father in the middle.

My father is having hip and spine surgery in less than a month, and she wants to make sure I don't "take charge", whatever that means, of my father's health. As his daughter, of COURSE I'm going to step up and do something. But she's such a control freak, she doesn't want me involved.

I feel sorry for my father, as he's put in the middle of all of this, and my stepmother won't speak directly to me, only through him. How in the world do I handle this woman??

Any suggestions would be helpful.


2007-02-23 06:36:03 · 12 answers · asked by x_filequeen 1

im looking for a poem about an older brother and a younger sister. any ideas?

2007-02-23 06:32:47 · 13 answers · asked by chadley☺ 3

I am a 23 yrs old mother of a 2 yr old. My mom and I have had problems since I was 15yrs old. When she slept with my boyfriend. She was married with 3 kids she told me I stoled her BF from her. We have had problems ever since. We will go months without speaking. This last time she accused me of something I didn't do and saud alot of hurtful things about me to my husband and he cut the contact off with her. I had a child that was murdered and she told my husband if he left my other daughter would be dead in a month. Because she claims I sleep all the time. But yet she never came around to know that. It always starts withone thing and leads to others. She won't talk about things like what happened with my boyfriend she acts like these things never happened. What do I do? Just keep contact cut off? PLEASE HELP she makes it seem like its all me

2007-02-23 06:29:45 · 7 answers · asked by Sherry E 1

I have experienced these kind of problems for a very long time it doesnt get any better. I also suffer from severe anger problems..as well as these

How is your esteem?Low self esteem!
Are you agressive in your behavior?Unfortunately yes
Any substance abuse?Drink alot and smoke..Use to do coke about 5 years ago..
Eating disorders?Suffered from anorexia but am coming up from it i am now 108 and am 5'2
Any depression or anxiety?I have severe depression and axiety attacks.
Trouble with work?Only concentration
I cannot trust men, I hate to be touched, Very uncomfortable when i get stared at by men, I feel like i'm gross, Can't stop thinking about certain times in my childhood, very questionable..
As for my relationships I can't get close to men, I am very tempermental towards them.I always tend to ruine long term relationships and short term ones, I still cannot trust them..
I am now married and I still have a hard time trusting him, I get very moody with him and push him away

2007-02-23 06:12:39 · 27 answers · asked by Kasja 5

2007-02-23 06:08:11 · 25 answers · asked by livinglife 1

2007-02-23 05:58:21 · 28 answers · asked by Joey 4

2007-02-23 05:53:44 · 16 answers · asked by loopy lou 1

Although we live 200miles apart now. I have just been informed that my ex wife is moving to France in May and taking my children with her. I see the children when I can and have them to stay with me in the school holidays. What are my rights , and can she do this. I live in Manchester, Uk.

2007-02-23 05:41:59 · 5 answers · asked by Mark R 1

calling me at work?

My parents relentlessly call me at work. I've told them nicely to stop, but they don't.

If I tell them my number has changed to a number that is long distance call for them, (we use work cell phones, and some people change area codes to make it more convienient for clients to call), do you think they will call less?

I'm talking excessive calling over nothing important. In dire emergency, they can call me on my personal cell.. but no, they keep calling me on work cell and I'm around co-workers all day .... sometimes my co-workers think I'm getting prank calls since it rings so much!

2007-02-23 05:41:40 · 4 answers · asked by Yeeeeezzzzz 1

I'm not sure if i was molested as a child but my sister as well as I suspect it due to certain things i remember as a child, certain things my sister remembers..I can really only remember getting locked in a dark room with him in their, I can remember him hitting me and threatening me ect and his wife(my grandma) going to her room everytime and crying when i would come out..I was about 4 around the time when he would watch us, I remember never wanting to go around him and being afraid of him..I am now 20 he is dead and so is his wife, my father is no longer around which was his son and My sister and i have talked to my mother about this and she was so upset to hear these things and cried and told me she should have listened when we would tell her please don't make us go and all she could say was she is so sorry..
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE SIGNS adults show when they were molested as a child??
I still think about it to this day and that was 17 years ago, i do not trust men at all!

2007-02-23 05:26:30 · 18 answers · asked by Kasja 5

My little sister is turning 11 in a few weeks. And I'm very cluless about what to get her! She's a girlygirl and likes almost everything that girlygirls love! I can't buy her clothes because she already has a ton! Any ideas?

2007-02-23 05:25:13 · 31 answers · asked by hunter_green29 1

Just wondering. . .

2007-02-23 05:20:52 · 16 answers · asked by Livin it 3

I am married with 4 boys 16,11,9 and 8.I lived and payed rent $800 in my mothers 2 unit house for 5 yrs.We payed for a new fence,water heater,windows,front porch and rehabbed the second floor apt and attic.My mother lived in the attic apt while she went thru chapter 13 for 5 years.We also payed 1/2 of the insurance and water and taxes.My sister lived in the basement apt with my grandmother and only payed for her own bills.My mother sold me the house for 1/3 its actual value 1 year ago .My mother and grandmother have moved to texas and I need to get her out so we can spread out.She is 41 no kids and no direction.She started to pay $350 in rent after some family members made her feel guilty I wanted $500.I made her pay her own gas and light but she hooked up an extension to my phone.She recently sold the fridge she was using because it was too big.She refuses to realize when I bought the house I own all the furniture and appliances.My husband is a pushover.How do I do this with no drama

2007-02-23 05:17:27 · 17 answers · asked by Zim 4

'm 28 yrs old, I work for my father and I am treated like an 18 yr old. I have a younger brother who is addicted to drugs and my family refuses to believe it. He threatens my life and has stolen from the family and is very violent. I am the outcast because I refuse to be treated this way. I dont know what do to.

2007-02-23 05:15:56 · 12 answers · asked by Andrea 1

What are some of the signs that adults show when they were molested as children???
I can remember only certain things from when i was little, my parents worked so my father's dad had to watch me, my sister, and my cousin when we were little and shyla and my sister would always go outside whatever well i remember always asking if i could go and crying when they would leave me their, I also remember when they left my grandpa would always throw me in a room..
My sister has brought up that she also remember's everytime her and my cousin would go outside I would cry and say please don't leave me here, she has also witnessed him throwing me in a room and him coming in as well and being in their for a while and she would hear me screaming as well as him hitting me and threatening me..His wife at the time would never do anything i remember her going to her bedroom and shutting her door everytime ang cry and held me when i came out.I don't remember anything else is it possible???

2007-02-23 04:59:22 · 14 answers · asked by Kasja 5

i got yelled at and degenerated. told off my self pphone was taken away im going to annother school

is this right or abuse

2007-02-23 04:58:48 · 3 answers · asked by Scream Your Secrets 3

my 14yr old sister has a bigg attitude problem && it started getting worse when our mother was diagnosed with a medical problem..she can be very abusive at times && is constantly yelling at me && my father when she doesn`t get her way..she`s not really a spoiled brat but i think it has something to do with our mom`s condition && i also think part of her is hiding what she feels just b/c she just wants to be strong like her big sis...is there anything i can do to help her?

2007-02-23 04:53:16 · 5 answers · asked by xxgoincrazy313xx 2

Why are so many girls under 18 getting pregnant nowaday and have a loser boyfriend who is 3 to 5 years older than them?

I'm 23 and I have few sources of income, I make a bit more than average people. Yet I still haven't even start to think about buy a house and I shudder at the thought of having a child. Also I remeber in high school I and my friends have sorta of a phobia of having children at a such young age.

I'm still scratching my head as I try to figure out how could having a baby and a boyfriend who have criminal record and low paying career being a such great thing. What's the explaination for this?

2007-02-23 04:41:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

He was in the military and stationed at Fort Bragg, in 1977. I know his last name and his rank. I only have a possible first name, though it could be a nickname. He may not be alive, but I would like to find my half sisters all 4 of them. They may not know that I exist. Back in '77 they lived in the New York area. I am getting married in 8 months and hope they can be there.

2007-02-23 04:13:34 · 14 answers · asked by Lena C. 1

On May 12th I will be walking/running in the Revlon Run/Walk For Women. Last year I did it under my friends team.. This year I want to form my ownn team for my mom who is a breast cancer survivor and for my aunt who was just diagnosed last week with brain cancer. What are some good names for a team?

Here's the link to some of the teams already formed. Scroll down and go to Team Lookup.

Thanks for all your help!


2007-02-23 04:07:12 · 4 answers · asked by ♥ Sweetpea 2

it is not just the drugs I disagree with but her lack on parenting skills, I made a visit over to her house , she was still in bed at 10:30 am, and the child had not eaten breakfast. Any way ever since that she has gotten very angry with me. Now has decided that I can no longer see my grandson. Any ideas on how to smooth the ruffled feathers, of my daughter?

2007-02-23 04:06:47 · 5 answers · asked by Cure 2006 1

it seem life everyday when I go into work the owner/ who is a recovering alcoholic if that makes any difference is changind what he wants me to do. There are several of us that work there and most of them have been there for a while but there is one woman who is part time and she is making it hard on everyone because she complains that she can't get her job done without my help. Which means I do my job and hers also that is why the owner keeps changing my job. I am to the point I am ready to say screw you and leave. I have never done that and have been in the work force for 20 years but I have never experienced such undecisive people in my life. I don't think they could make a decision if it was staring them in the face. Yesterday when I went to work and they told me of yet another change I let it be known that I was not happy so instead of being adults they avoided talking to me. How do you handle childish people in the work place

2007-02-23 04:05:51 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now more then ever before, grown adults are finding it harder and harder to leave the nest. Is this a result of the higher cost of living or just mere laziness. or is it something else? 50 years ago this would be unheard of, but now we just shrug our shoulders and accept it, why?

2007-02-23 03:53:35 · 19 answers · asked by graduate_boy 2

My husband had a very abusive father almost killed him and his mom by pushing them both of a moving car, my husband rolled under the tires and almost died and also had a baby brother that died when he was just 5 months or so for an unknown cause i think it might of been the father but nobody knows, the father was a beater, alcoholic ect...My husband's mother left him finally when my husband was 4 years old or so and remarried a wonderful guy...My husband was raised by his mom and her husband..He thinks of him as his real dad and all..When we get in a fight we has a habit of grabbing my arms and squeezing me but would never hit me however he thinks he is going to end up just like his real dad and become a alcoholic and a beater, he is the sweetest most caring person i have ever met why would he feel this way??He did not grow up around his real father but by a wonderful man that is also sweet and caring, he couldn't end up like his father if he didnt grow up around it right???

2007-02-23 03:49:28 · 19 answers · asked by Kasja 5

me and my boy friend have been together for well this is our fourth year together he is 19 and i am 16 and we have an 8 month old baby boy. my mother and dss keep trying to break up our family were trying to find a way out to be together any suggestions?

2007-02-23 03:48:35 · 8 answers · asked by brittany l 1

You had a mother in law that seems to *never* pay attention to you when you try to explain something...
You had told her that you didn't want your 9 month old baby eating sugary things because you were told by your DOCTOR that this will make the baby "hyper"...
Your husband knew about this...
Your husband takes the baby to a Smoothie shop, you called your husband, overheard someboby talking about "ice cream", asked your hubby: "Is th baby eating ice cream?" and he said "No"...
When hubby and baby came back, baby would NOT go to sleep and you couldn't figure out WHY...
Days later you learn that, indeed, your mother in law fed the baby ice cream that night, causing baby to stay up til 11:30 pm...
What would you do?....

2007-02-23 03:44:31 · 9 answers · asked by Feed the models! 4

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