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Family - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

2006-10-18 00:39:13 · 6 answers · asked by ga44male 3

2006-10-18 00:31:39 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-18 00:26:21 · 13 answers · asked by Sarah B 1

Last week my nan banned me from going iceskating after i came in really late. I really need to convince her ive changed but i need to do more than that. Dont suggest cooking her a meal because i cant cook!

2006-10-18 00:12:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is turning 12 in November. He's told me a few things that he'd like but I'm not sure what to get because I don't want to disappoint him with my selection. Is it tacky to get a 12 yr old a gift card from one or two stores so he can pick something out himself? I do this for Christmas presents for adult friends but I'm not sure if that's okay for a child?

2006-10-17 23:53:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

day off what better way to spend it ?????

2006-10-17 23:39:26 · 15 answers · asked by keith0866 2

2006-10-17 23:15:41 · 25 answers · asked by dallasfan 2

The weekend is just around the corner and for once, I don't have plans, except for a little ATV riding. Just looking for some ideas. What are you doing this weekend?
My case, 40+ years old-A YOUNG 40+ - teenager still at home who has his own life of course-husband.

2006-10-17 22:52:30 · 5 answers · asked by BIZ Z 3

don't seem to be able to get into town but need to pay a bill using my debit card. .

2006-10-17 22:19:46 · 3 answers · asked by kalecajo 1

my daughter is 6 she had her tonsils out recently and her dad promised to be there, he turned up 5 hours after her operation. he says he will phone her and then doesnt even after me reminding him by text. she asked me why daddy always lets her down, i don't know what to tell her.

2006-10-17 22:19:37 · 15 answers · asked by noangel3 2

I'm looking to find all kids playgrounds, adventure parks, outdoor leisure areas in Greater London.

I've tried local councils and they're ribbish, so thought I'd ask the experts... i.e. you lot...

Could you either list the ones you know or any links to where I could find a comprehensive list.

Sadly, need this info asap (by midday today - eek!)

2006-10-17 22:09:18 · 2 answers · asked by Freddy-da-Fool 1

Me and my husband got married a couple of months ago and I have 2 kids from previous relationship and we have one of our own. I got upset because there are no photos of me or my eldest 2 kids with my in laws but loads of hubby and baby with them.I got upset and angry and told hubby which caused a row.He said it doest matter but everything has changed between us and in laws now.He is a real mummys boy and cant understand why im upset.I dont know wether to forget it or have it out once and for all? He says no because they can get shitty when confronted and we have o keep the peace.What do i do?

2006-10-17 22:03:51 · 15 answers · asked by Clare B 3

2006-10-17 21:54:34 · 43 answers · asked by michael b 5

2006-10-17 21:47:49 · 15 answers · asked by matrimony x 1

I was punched on the Face By my Sister, teased By my brother and my mom Bumps me on the Narra Set.... Do they still love me? I mean.... Are they Teaching me A lesson?

2006-10-17 21:28:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe it is so important to give hugs to your family and extended family. I always try to say I love you every time I talk to and see them because you never know when it might be the last time you see them. Do you agree, and have you gave any of your love ones a hug today?

2006-10-17 20:59:27 · 32 answers · asked by Doug favors universal insurance! 3

I'M 10 years old & my mom&dad always say to me that Ishould save money.But how?I've got many things to buy like some stuff I need in school & sometimes Idon't even some money left to save!!! I need your best advise.THANKS!!!!!

2006-10-17 20:29:11 · 10 answers · asked by johann l 2

I am married to a man that I love more than anything.

I have a child from a previous relationship.(I was very young when i had him.) He is 11

He has a child also. She is 6.

We also have a baby together who is just about to turn one next week.

We have had an easy time of it but for the fact that after i had the baby I got very sick and ended up being diagnosed with having bipolar disorder and was admitted into hospital.

I took my medication and i have managed very well with my medical condition.

I have just found out that i am pregnant again. I am shocked because i must be the most fertile woman in the world. We have been very careful.

So my dilema is this... My husband and i spoke about abortion because we said that we were not going to have anymore children. Now that I am i am starting to think that we could make it work but i know my husband is not going to be cool with this.

Either way I am going to have to go back onto medication. What do you think.

2006-10-17 20:28:28 · 6 answers · asked by alilovespete 2

2006-10-17 20:21:15 · 1 answers · asked by D-Mart 1

My father died in January. He was an amazing man who fought for 12 years in court over various things with my birth mother. He remarried and currently I am living with my stepmother because my real mom pretty much abandoned me after he died. She stopped all forms of child support (which were being garnished to begin with). She is also refusing to pay for my college (which she already has 2 years of back-pay on, ordered by the courts). She slanders my deceased father. She says that he was not a good man. She talks horribly about my stepmom as well, even though my stepmom is providing everything for me at this point.
I hadn't heard from her in 2 months until a few days ago. She sent me an email telling me she is having surgery Wednesday. She also said that she "never stopped loving me" and she "forgives" me for not talking to her etc...
I felt obligated to send her an email wishing her well on her surgery. Why can't I and would you just stop talking to her? How do you do that?

2006-10-17 19:25:54 · 11 answers · asked by Christie F 2

im a very clinging mum thats why his going to daycare at 2yrs 6mnths

2006-10-17 18:56:18 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm so proud that I have a loving and caring boyfriend however my mom does not like him because he is not a college graduant..and this is our main problem as of this moment.

2006-10-17 18:51:14 · 13 answers · asked by florj 1

if someone told you your a bad parent and you dont take care of your kids and its far from the truth? how would you react?

2006-10-17 18:47:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Female robins choose a mate by seeing how well he builds a nest - in other words, they only mate with the guy if he is responsible enough to provide a good home for his wife and family. Female humans sleep with guys who are irresponsible and unable to care for themselves or a family and then have a baby, complain that the guy doesn't support them, or they support themselves, the child and the guy, and complain that they have to do everything. When did equal rights become "women have to do everything?" We need to learn from the robins. Two parents to every home should be the goal, not the exception - one to build the nest, the other to care for it, whether it's the man or the woman in each role.

2006-10-17 18:37:13 · 6 answers · asked by PDY 5

my stepsister is going to near the town that i live in on a business trip and i haven't seen her for five years. I don't necessarily miss her, nor have i kept in touch with her. Her mother (my stepmother) and I don't talk and never really got along well. When we were kids, I got the impression that she thought i was annoying and stupid. I'm not sure weather I should go out of my way to see her or if she even wants to see me. I wouldn't mind catching up with her, but I don't want it to be majorly awkward for either of us. Should I make the effort and call her .. or should i just forget about it. I don't know.

2006-10-17 18:36:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter’s father hasn't seen her for over 2 years, I know he loves her and her biggest wish is to see him & for him to come here to see her in her environment, with her friends… since the other 3 times was me taking her to him. (he lives several states away) We'd been planning on them (both him and his wife) to come here for her birthday... more than anything she wants him here for it... I had said I would try to help... His wife a week ago told me they would definitely be able to buy at least 1 ticket… well, when I said I couldn't help due to bills both he & her were aware of the situation, and even though they fully know I'm not a threat...He's not coming... A week ago had money for a ticket, now no? he was really edgy telling me.....I don't know... What I do know this is the 3rd time of him trying telling me one way or another he was going to be here for our daughter, and he doesn't come through....

2006-10-17 18:26:37 · 4 answers · asked by SunRise 2

My brother is 24. He is a pilot. He went away for two months and got back last Wednesday. He is driving me mad. My mother asks him to do something and he takes it to the enth degree. I walk the dog and expect him to feed the dog. But no, he doesn't. So I yell down the passage asking him nicely to feed the dog. But he's too busy watching cartoons to even think about it. He doesn't hear. I go through to the same room as him and ask if he has fed the dog. He answers on about time number 5. He is driving me mad. And yet my mother thinks he's so mature and he's definately more mature than I(age 17).

2006-10-17 18:21:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please say why it is fair or why it is not fair.

2006-10-17 18:16:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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