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Family - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

i was being very nice an thanking everyone about the good job they have done with their answers, i had 12 answers but could not look at them, i read the rules and still i dont understand why mine got deleted, does anyone no why, i try to send back to them to give a valid answer to why they done this, but it wont let me

2006-09-22 15:45:56 · 7 answers · asked by louise 3

I got a stepdad a mom and my stepbrother whos 16, im 15. I started wondering about my life when i was on the fone with my girl. And she was listening in the background and she asked me "ash is there a ******* wrestling match going on in your kitchen? am i missing something?" I told her that corey and his dad where just having it out again. So she told me "You know that's not good right?" I didnt get it at first i was so used to watching corey's dad hit him and watching corey swing back that it didnt make sense that this might not be good. The deal is that my stepdad needs beer as much as he needs oxygen and corey's a rebellious troublemaker. I only moved in a month ago and i wanted to know if i might end up like corey with the marks and the cuts and everything. And does this happen in every family?

2006-09-22 15:34:02 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

throughout his whole life, I have always showed him how proud I am of him, but now that he is almost 20 years old I feel like that bonding is fading away. I miss all the wonderful things we shared together, all the small talk we use to share and all the things we use to do together like going to the fair, going for a bike ride, play basket ball, catching a movie and hearing the words you are the best mom.
What can I do to regain that bonding? I so miss him!!! I miss having my son in my life. The more I try and the more I explain how we once done this and once done that the more he shys away from me. Why do I get the feeling he is ashamed of me as his mom. What to do? I am very confused and don't understand were I went wrong and can't seem to get out of him of what has changed all this.

2006-09-22 15:30:19 · 10 answers · asked by butterfly 2

my husband doesn't mind, but i do
i love my parents, and i think they are great, but i don't want them to raise my child.....
i want to raise my child differently, not the way i was raised.....
i don't know how to tell that to my parents, they are really looking forward to live with my child....but if i say no - than i will have to say why, and i dont want them to think that they raised me "wrong"
what to do?
i am a workng new mom, and my hubby is working as well
both full time

2006-09-22 15:19:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-22 15:18:32 · 7 answers · asked by honeypb 1

Please i need all the answers i can get! so please help me out!

2006-09-22 15:12:47 · 3 answers · asked by LALA 1

L. G. Parker was the medical doctor who signed my husband's grandfather's death certificate. The A.B. Smith Undertaker Co. took care of the burial. We would like to know if there are still any records from either of these offices, that would be available today.

2006-09-22 14:55:21 · 2 answers · asked by Curious 1

Cymbalta or Celexa

2006-09-22 14:51:39 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-22 14:46:15 · 2 answers · asked by Blucontrell Esminosa-Garcia 2

Well ive heard of some people's relationship's where they only go out because they feel sorry for that person and it is hard to tell them that they dont like them.It's really sad,Because alot of my friend's are like that when in a time they are ready to tell there bf they dont like them,But how there bf love's and care's alot about them.Is there any way to tell them if theyve been with them for a very long time.But without the heartbreaking?Cause it is pretty frustrating and hard for a situation i dont even know the proper advice for them.

2006-09-22 14:37:32 · 5 answers · asked by Lovemykids 2

2006-09-22 14:15:40 · 3 answers · asked by cody g 1

what if u where walking to ur house and it was burning from a fire that some 1 else started and all u had was like a 10$ what would u do...... and u where like 13, 14 years old and cant have a job...

2006-09-22 13:59:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

any one know??

2006-09-22 13:57:40 · 10 answers · asked by dustinltbfe 1

My wife wants a divorce simply because she is unhappy. I have tried. I just got served today. The lawyers tell me the best I can do is shared custody and pay her. I can not live without my 3 boys 6, 8, and 10. At 50 I can not start over. This was my life plan. If I get the boys I will give her 24/7 visitation. She is free to come and go, date what ever. I don't care. I need my boys. I have no one in my court.
Does anyone know anyone who can help?
On top of this she is going to a women of faith conference in Orlando next week. Would a woman of faith do this??
If you are a speaker at this event I sure hope you address this issue and direct it to all pastors and divorcing women.
I don't think my boys want to live a day without me or their mom.
God please come through...

2006-09-22 13:42:29 · 14 answers · asked by col. mustard 1

2006-09-22 13:23:22 · 18 answers · asked by Lovemykids 2

I am so freaking sick of my brother, he is twenty and still lives with us... not to mention he is a complete failure. My mother called me "stupid", etc. because I did not want to give my stupid brother MY hard earned money from working all because my brother does not carry extra change in his pocket. Twenty dollars? Not much eh? but I already wasted SEVENTY dollars on him, and NO one has paid me back. My mother insists that I am a "horrible person". She babys my brother and treats me like crap. I am sick of ebing treated like this. He says something rude to me, and then I say something back, and then she starts yelling at me. Seriously, I know that sibiling rivalry is HEALTHY, but my mother insists on making me feel like a stupid failure. My opinions are never important and she is more concern with my brother and work. I tried talking to her, but then she plays the victim and gets pissed off at me. Is there anyway that I can ever approach this woman? EVER?

2006-09-22 13:16:39 · 10 answers · asked by Ohay 3

i just visited my real father but i miss him an my mom don't let me go back what should i do?

2006-09-22 12:56:14 · 5 answers · asked by Servers 2

i just wanna say, always be grateful of ur mothers, because u only get one!!! i dont want this to be a depressing thing i just wanna to remember the good things about, and to think if im half the person she was, id be doing well, thanks for taking the time to read this!!!! ps i know its not a question!!! i just wanted to people to stop and think, life can be hard but someone has it worse, thats my motto to life any way

2006-09-22 12:55:37 · 25 answers · asked by MissElection 4

No family I can stay with, no friends who would have parents that would allow me to sleep at their place. What's the next option?

2006-09-22 12:46:38 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Rite heres my story:
I dont have a dad, i have 2 sisters and one brother who each have different fathers, my mum is an alcoholic, my stepdad was murdered, my brother is a drug addict and sleeps around, my younger sister is turning into a chav, only 3 of us have jobs (not paying well tho), i got my girlfriend pregnant at 16 and we have a baby boy called Leo, and to top it all i live in Birmingham.
I just dont understand why its me that has to be so common. i try not to be when i meet new people but they seem to see through. its really having a bad effect on my self confidence and love life. is there any way of becoming 'uncommon' or something? im just really depressed about it.

2006-09-22 12:36:15 · 7 answers · asked by Brummie Geeza 3

well.. im 13 and she is 16.....we just started talking and one thing lead to another...should i be ashamed?

2006-09-22 12:19:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

He father left before she was born. Does he really have a right even if he left us.

2006-09-22 12:00:46 · 35 answers · asked by BabyGirl 1

She says that I should probably go on the Pill because I have a boyfriend, even though I'm not sexually active. What should I do?

2006-09-22 11:36:16 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently had surgery adding 27 titanium rods to my back i have rhemetoid athritus and am trying not to depend so much on them but cant afford hiring help..any suggestion??

2006-09-22 11:33:04 · 4 answers · asked by Alli 3

I have a few friends that told their mothers they were pregnant, and their mothers were so happy. I feel horrible because my mother will not be happy at all. I will be 24 when my first child is born, my mother will be 46 and this will be her first grandchild. She has told me recently to wait until I am 30 because I am way too young to have a baby.

My husband is 26 and we have been together for 5 years and married for 2. I have a college education, a career, and I own a house that will be paid off in a few months. We are very happy together and plan to start our family no matter what her reaction is.

I am not sure if she feels she is too young to be a grandma or she thinks I will make the same mistakes as her. She had two children by the time she was 21 and was divorced at 23. I am not going to turn out like her, how can I deal with my mother’s reaction?

Also, how did your mother react about your pregnancy?

I need encouragement!

2006-09-22 11:25:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother is one year yonger than me he knows im bi the only one in my family that knows but now he just told me he's bi to i cant help being gay it nots the best thing in the world but now it seems like i've pulled my bro into it is it my fault i dont get

2006-09-22 11:04:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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