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Family - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

2006-09-10 16:33:47 · 14 answers · asked by allykitty63 2

I was walking down the street when this smelly dirty old man asked for money so i said no get a job so i got in my lexus and as i was driving away he walked up to the car so i threw some champagne in his face-my wife said i shouldnt have done that i shouldve thrown water because he couldve used a squegee and sold it to one of his hobo friends for drugs?

2006-09-10 16:30:28 · 33 answers · asked by Uallsuck 2

I am 22, married, and starting a great career, but I feel lost. I feel like this isnt the life I am suppossed to be living. It is almost like I fell into some mold. I am proud of my acheivements and the things that I have accomplished. But this isnt me, I have become what others want to see.

I am still trying to figure out how I got to this point. Like I was myself one day and this person the next. But now I think I am in denial trying to convince myself that "this is it" this is what life is made of. I feel I am in so deep it's too late to turn it around.

I have set such a good example for my family, that if I try to be my true self I will truly dissapoint them.

I want to know are there any others that feel lost like me? And if so how do you cope with it?

2006-09-10 16:29:25 · 10 answers · asked by lalala 4

2006-09-10 16:24:53 · 36 answers · asked by yowww kelly clarkson 4

It is very hard to live here with my parents. They seem to be sick of me being here. I have a job, and am trying to get my life back together, but it is so hard. They get mad when I stay at my boyfriends on the weekends, but I sometimes just don't want to come home and deal with the stuff here. I don't know what my question is exactly..any advice besides move out...cuz I know that ...that's what I'd like to do.

2006-09-10 16:21:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont get along with anyone in my family, most of my time is either spent in my room or at a friends house, and when im not, it always leads to a fight. help?

2006-09-10 16:14:36 · 23 answers · asked by tmhangel 1

Okay, sometimes when I am out with my friends my girlfriend will interfere and interrupt our conversations. Not only this, but she can bring up some really stupid topics that I don't care to talk about. I have been thinking about what to do and a friend suggested maintenance spankings in where you spank your girlfriend before you go out to establish the fact that the man is in charge and when she goes out her butt will be sore and she will be reminded to know her place and not act out of line. To me its kind of like punishing your girlfriend before she does something so I'm kind of iffy on the whole thing. Is this a good idea?

2006-09-10 16:11:10 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mother came to dad and said she could not care for 4 year old daughter. Father had been paying child support in kentucky and also had child for last year. Mother has moved to georgia and won't tell where nor will she agree to joint custody. Father is working in texas now with daughter doing fine but is still having the wages taken from his check sent to mother . What is procedure to get the wages from being taken out if he is raising daughter and mother won't agree to at least joint custody. They were never married but the father's name is on birth certuificate and the mother asked father to raise the child. Now that he has said something about paying the support, she wants child back, but still has no means to care for her.
what agency does he contact first that won't take the child from him and give back to mother? Child is better off with father by far!!!

2006-09-10 16:08:20 · 14 answers · asked by goneblonde 3

2006-09-10 15:59:28 · 12 answers · asked by Frankie D 1

my daughter going to the Marines

2006-09-10 15:55:39 · 11 answers · asked by mtajkt69 1

Two people with the heart of a child,
A couple that's meek and mild
When to their house we go,
The spoilness does show
They teach us how to make the crafts,
How to look past our rough drafts
The rough drafts of being a kid,
And let us do the things our parents forbid
How Grandma would read us stories to sleep,
How Grandpa could show his love with no peep
Now I am a man reminscing of such,
A story a mass of us can remember the touch
The difference of feeling when in their home,
The feeling that anywhere you could roam
They stood above me and I looked up to them,
How I looked up to her and I looked up to him
Now sadly the clocks have struck every hour,
In both of their lives but they haven't lost power
They look up at me as I stand at their grave,
And they still tell me of how to behave,
Grandma' warm hugs looks down with the sun
Grandpa how he smiled when the Giants won,
Now, I miss their humor, There smile with glee
When I was with them and I could be me.

2006-09-10 15:52:17 · 10 answers · asked by E.F. Landeros 3

i dont mean like for no reason, but is it illegal to slap them and hit them if they do something wrong?

PS: dont tell me its immoral because its the best way to raise a kid (call me immoral if you want, i dont care)

2006-09-10 15:43:37 · 32 answers · asked by PT 2

My girlfriend calls me sometimes and just asks these relatively unimportant questions like "how was your day?" "how are you?" and "what are you up to?". This is just a waste of my time. Also, I feel that when I need to talk to her I will call her, but for her to call me is not her place. I feel that the man should do the calling and the woman be on the receiving end. Unfortunately, I need to find a good way to say all this without sounding like a jerk to everyone. Any ideas?

2006-09-10 15:36:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know,but latly I get the feeling that my mom hates me or something.She always puts me down&crtisizes me& no matter what I do its never good enough or its not nearly as good as she would do it.& Shes been losing weight& it seems like shes shoving it in my face.How shes "lost 2 pants sizes".Its really frustrating&kinda heartbreaking to be treated that way by your own mother.

2006-09-10 15:34:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-10 15:30:33 · 8 answers · asked by jhojhie019 1


alright, how come peole think its soo sick to date your 2nd cuzin.. ive been researching.. if you had kids it wouldnt be messed up or if u marry yer 1st(now thats sick).. many people do marry there 2nd cuzin i mean come on adam and eve were siblings i dont understand..

2006-09-10 15:27:26 · 17 answers · asked by Keylee 2

Married for 6 years and still miss my love (even though we are not in touch)

2006-09-10 15:26:18 · 19 answers · asked by princess 1

A man has a son who is now 18. When the boy was 15, he wrote him a check for $1,500, postdated three years. He told him if he managed to reach the date of the check without (1) any tickets, (2) being involved in any accidents or (3) breaking any house driving rules, he could cash the check. His goal was to provide an incentive for him to play by the rules long enough to form some good driving habits.

A few months shy of his 18th birthday, he received a speeding ticket. He fessed up about the ticket promptly, and was bemoaning the fine of $126. The father gently reminded him that the ticket had actually cost him $1,626, as he had failed to fulfill their bargain. Is the father a genius for coming up with the carrot that made him a good driver during his crucial first years behind the wheel, or a jerk for piling on a $1,500 fine? Note that his younger sister is watching carefully to see how this is resolved.

2006-09-10 15:05:50 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ever since people found out I told my daughter to drop out of school to take care of my son, I can't believe how many people have got on my case about it saying I am a bad parent. I'm beginning to wonder if I live in a screwed up town. Sure it bothers me, but what really bothers me is when they tell my daughter than I am a bad parent and try to get her to go against her father. She is a good girl and wants to make her dad happy, plus I don't think she really liked school anyway. I mean I let her go to school for 10 years plus kindergaten. I feel like she has enough education and now it is time for her to take care of my 3 year old son. I mean just for a few years is all I need and then she can marry and have a man support her. I am a single dad and its not like I can take care of him. Plus, raising kids is a woman's job. I am hoping I will have some people say I did the right thing because I'm getting so much negativity I'm beginning to doubt my own decision...its unreal

2006-09-10 14:58:13 · 22 answers · asked by Sandstorm222 2

His real dad had nothing to do with him.The man he knows as his dad has been their since he was a baby.We are married and my husband has adopted him.My son dont know a thing.And i was wondering if he doesent know should i tell him.

2006-09-10 14:52:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 25. Have been working in the I.T. field for four years and working very hard to get certifications, so I can move up faster and make more $. I got what I wanted for now. However, I don't know what happened suddenly; I lost interest in doing I.T. in the past few months. My father owns a business, and it has been doing pretty good recent years. He will retire in 2 years, and my mom told me that the business would be mine. I'm not too certain about that because my father never said that to me in person. Computer has always been one of my hobbies, and I'm happy of starting my career in the I.T. field. None of my friends in the same field are better and making more $ than me. Perhaps I'm getting old, and I feel having a hobby job is not realistic. I don't know why, but all I want now is to make more and more $ regardless of what I do (of course, legally). What's wrong with me? I want to start my own I.T. consulting business, but it's quite hard, and I don't know where to start.

2006-09-10 14:52:25 · 9 answers · asked by itguru5354 1

My daughter, who lives on the coast of oregon, had her first baby in may. I had just started a great new job here in reno nevada, had not been here long enough to take time off. My fiance and I had a fight about this, but he doesn't pay my bills. Was it wrong of me not to go rushing to Oregon to see her?

2006-09-10 13:38:17 · 25 answers · asked by mslorikaraoke 3

2006-09-10 13:32:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother says I shouldn't keep telling my son I love him, he says men don't like it, says it's bad for lads. He could never hug my mum either.

It's said by me thus, "Luv ya loads." at the end of text messages or emails. "Love you my son." when I hug hallo, or goodbye. And when we disagree, which is often, because he has Asperger Syndrome... high grade, IQ 129. But is emotionally quite young around, 8-10 yrs. He is 23, works full time and has, since he was sixteen.

2006-09-10 13:13:23 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am curious to see what other parents expect from thier children ranging in age from 5-8. What chores if any do they have and what is done as discipline if they don't do their chores? I'm having difficulty with my little ones not wanting to do their chores lately. It is becoming a problem and I would really appreciate any advice. They use to do them with ease and without hesitation. Now... they seem to be rebeling and I need to figure out what to do quickly before it really gets out of hand. Thank you for your answers and God bless!

2006-09-10 13:10:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

well... my brother left.. 2 months ago... (moved out) and since he is my only brother and my mom works ever day i miss him.. and i feel so alone....

2006-09-10 13:06:49 · 15 answers · asked by too fr3sh 1

I want to have an emancipation... but I'm 13 and you must be 14. Look at my other ? for details why. Any other suggestions?

2006-09-10 13:03:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have always had a rule in our house that our kids were not allowed to date anyone more than 1 year older than them. The "rule" was really to protect the kids from the heart break of dating someone older who would graduate, go to college, etc.. and leave them behind. This rule worked fine for the first three kids (who are all 20+ years old and moved out now). The guy she was sneaking to see joined the Navy and was scheduled to leave tomorrow, now I find out that he is being delayed until January. I'm afraid it will be hard to keep her from him for that long.
What should I do? Would you let your daughter at 17 date someone who was 20?

2006-09-10 13:02:46 · 17 answers · asked by â?¥~ Tootsie ~â?¥ 1

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