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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Family member said this to me...and I'm confused...what the hell does it mean?

2006-08-18 08:44:27 · 4 answers · asked by RUNINTLKT 5

I want to name my new baby daughter Ellie but I would like it to be short for something. Maybe Elizabeth? Anyone got any other ideas?

2006-08-18 08:38:56 · 42 answers · asked by Lindy O 2

im 13...i dont do anything around the house cause im always out with people.my parents find it surprising that i even come home for dinner sometimes....and my parents give me everything i want....i don't do any chores....i don't even have to clean my room!so what do you think?do you consider me as a spoiled brat?

2006-08-18 08:32:17 · 80 answers · asked by Anonymous

The other night, I heard laughing from the bottom of my garden, so I went down there, and I saw a heap of little fairies dancing around, sing and dancing, and they told me that they were magical fairies, and they can grant me 3 wishes, should I trust them? or should I just go back inside and take some more of my anti-psychotic medication???????????

2006-08-18 08:30:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cousin always asks me to hook her up with all my friends, but she's a player and has had sex with too many ppl and none of my friends like her. Now she is mad at me. What do I do?

2006-08-18 08:01:39 · 21 answers · asked by Scooterpoot 2

Ever since my gran was held hostage in a bungled bank raid back in 73 she wont go into banks anymore.The amount of dollars under her mattress is now getting silly. Any ideas as to what I can do?

2006-08-18 07:55:57 · 19 answers · asked by intotrouble 1

My father recently found out that he has prostate medistatic cancer which means that it has spread to his bones. There isn't anything they can do to help him. He doesn't have life insurance I now I am worried.

2006-08-18 07:52:29 · 7 answers · asked by loveandpeace 2

the man who raped your wife or kid, would you take it?

2006-08-18 07:45:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday I recieved a e-mail from a hospital saying that they admited a Sharlom Terry who only had my yahoo address and a passport to go on to contact a next of kin. They say she needs a blood transfusion, and want me to send money. Also asked that I sign one of her blank checks. I am truly concerned as I've not heard from her since the 14th, and usually hear from her daily. The money detail makes me think that this is a scam. Can someone find a way to contact her family to see if she's alright?

2006-08-18 07:42:49 · 11 answers · asked by prsplayercstm24 1

or help with the kids or decorating he just lets me do it all do you think this is acceptable behaviour or am i to soft what should i do please help

2006-08-18 07:41:46 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

when I realized that my mom favoured my three younger siblings than she did my brother and I, I guess that's because she married their father, my older brother G never met his father when he was 15 and I cannot tell you what my dad looks like. We were always the black sheeps in the family. We were always beaten or left outside to sleep. My mom gave up on my brother J, and expects me to do the same, something I cannot do. So should I call her back or should I just walk away and never look back?

2006-08-18 07:37:44 · 18 answers · asked by Sweetwater 1

Honestly, I can not stand kids of all ages. They yell, scream, ask ridiculous questions. When I am around them in a store or in public, I feel like I need to take meds of some sort just to tolerate them. I am 31. I've never been married and certainly do not have the desire to have any kids. As you can see, I simply do not have the patience to tolerate the little brats. I would never physically harm a child. I just DO NOT want to be around them. But it seems like everywhere I go, they are there. People just keep having them. When will it ever stop??? I feel like once you have kids, you come second. I'm sick of my family, friends, and society, looking at me like I am so sort of freak for not liking kids. If people choose to have them, fine!!! I don't. There are many people out there that have kids that shouldn't. At least I am not one of them! Is it so wrong to have other goals in life than to have children???

2006-08-18 07:35:51 · 50 answers · asked by Angrygirl5 3

He is old, has diabetes, but is very independent. He has all self made issues on not joining his children...for e.g. he feels he is happier wherever he is, who will take care of his business, what if the daughters in law and his son disrespect him..what if ..... there are so many what ifs...we've tried everything to convince him but....

2006-08-18 07:34:31 · 23 answers · asked by chweetestme 2

"I wasn't told to do that" or "I just don't like it"...
Bed left unmake after waking up, going to bed or waking up without showering first, wearing shoes in the house, dishes left in the sink and was piled up, not wanting to eat vegetables, still in their pjs at noon time, brush their teeth at noon, messy rooms, creased clothings. Are parents of todays teens pampered their children too much? Teens (not majority but a great deal of it) nowadays were told,as a child that ,if they dun like certain vegetables, they can don't eat it (even though it is good for them) and mummy won't cook them again, they can leave their room and not making the bed after waking up. They can leave dishes in the sink and glasses elsewhere. What happened to the old fashioned upbringing that we were once taught-as a child-to eat what was dished out and explaning the nutrional value of food and clean up our mess and be a responsible being? What can you do with step children when you have no control over them?

2006-08-18 07:25:16 · 5 answers · asked by CuriousityKILLS 1

When I was in high school & college, my mom always said I was a "party girl"... now I need to "stop working so much." Back then I ate "way too much"... today I'm still very thin, so she tells me I look like I have cancer (nice, right?). Whatever I do or look like, she is disappointed. Are parents ever satisfied?

2006-08-18 07:13:44 · 17 answers · asked by Bunny*Run 4

i have never met her all i know about her is that she is about 39 years old and that she lived some where in mcallen,texas.

2006-08-18 07:08:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Aifter a funeral service is over,will you stil be able to get an obituary of the person?The service for my moms friend who passed is at 1:30pm today. I already went at 11:30 and signed the book but they wouldn't give me an obituary,I'm not going to be able to make it back til 3:30 when my husband comes home,will I still be able to get an obituary of that person at 3:30pm?does the funeral home keep them?

2006-08-18 07:06:53 · 21 answers · asked by Lin 3

keeping in mind that my brother can't fight.

2006-08-18 06:59:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-18 06:55:52 · 10 answers · asked by Cags18 3

I'm 24 years old and live overseas with my husband and daughter who is about to be two years old. My husband and I have been married for 2 and 1/2 years now and he is in the navy. I travelled here to be with him after he told me that he would leave me if I didn't move. I got here and ended out loving it so much that I am happy to be here for him and to see the country but we fight all the time. I'm a good wife and mother. I stay home, cook, clean, take care of our daughter and give him his space but he often puts my feelings and the things that I do aside and tells me that I only think of myself. I'm alone all day until he gets home and I have no adult interaction anymore.my husband keeps leaving and saying he's not coming back but he does. I can't take it anymore. I want to die but I can't leave my daughter.

2006-08-18 06:53:25 · 8 answers · asked by hot_in_lovely 1

2006-08-18 06:44:36 · 8 answers · asked by Eric Inri 6

My brother and his girlfriend have been dating for about 6 years, about 2 years ago, she broke up with him because she decided she was gay. Well, she couldn't get a cell phone in her name because of her bad credit, so he put it in his name. Well she she decided she was gay, she had the phone shut off and left the phone for him to pay the bill that she RAN up! He didn't have the money so I loaned him the $400 and took over the contract. Well they are back together, and she still owes me $400, I haven't really said anything to her about it....but I want my money!! what should I do?

2006-08-18 06:37:34 · 21 answers · asked by Jamie 1

My wife and I sleep in the nude, and when our first child was younger we didn't take any overt precaution to hide it from him. We never made an issue out of either him or us being nude, although once we were up and ready to go in the morning, everyone was clothed. With our daughter, she likes to jump in bed with us in the morning (she's 7) and I have no issue with my wife being nude, but I don't feel comfortable with her seeing me. Because of this, I make sure I wear boxers before I go to bed.

I consider us a liberal family. We don't think the human body is something to be ashamed of or that it's "dirty", however, I just think that after children are school aged, their parents shouldn't be overtly walking around the bedroom or house nude if they're present.

What do you think is proper etiquette?

2006-08-18 06:36:57 · 57 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-18 06:32:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my family is me, my mom, dad, and my younger sister who's six. Her role in our family is the perfect little girl (princess) that never does anything wrong. In real life she's the wicked step-sister. She'll lie straight up to my parents and get away with it. The only reasons why she will lie is because she did something wrong, or she just wants me to get in trouble. I wish she would lay off and give me some of my OWN space. I can't escape her. She's even aloud to enter my room on any occasion even if I'm not there at the time. I get sooo depressed because of this. Seriously, I will do NOTHING wrong and somehow end up in trouble! For no reason at all. I've talked to my mom and dad about this but they give me the stupid speach "you're older and should know better!" I tell them Yes, I know. Then, I'll tell them that there's more to the story, but they say we don't wanna hear it! I've talked to my sister many times but she just smiles and says TOO BAD! I need an answer to my problems!

2006-08-18 06:30:48 · 9 answers · asked by magendazzler 2

Just wondering.

2006-08-18 06:28:03 · 37 answers · asked by DeDe 3

Can a homeless man be put on house arrest?

2006-08-18 06:27:56 · 33 answers · asked by Justlookin 3

I'm searching for my sister Manuela Hicks, maiden name Fey, born in Germany Hamburg( 13.12.1960 )Where is my sister?
Manuela Hicks, age 45 (husband Rick Hicks)
Children: Tina, 25-26 yrs., Robby 24 yrs., Steven 16 yrs.
last known place of residence: //////Spokane, WA 312 W knox ///// DATE 1993 //////
My attempt to find her in the USA was without success. Please, who knows her... inform me!!
Best regards, Nanne, Darmstadt, Germany( Deutschland ) (((( FOTO is from MANUELA )))

2006-08-18 06:25:02 · 1 answers · asked by nanne 1

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