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Family - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

I like a guy that is my age but i dont know how to ask him out.
and I ask my sister how I should ask him out they just laft at me
What should I do

2006-06-18 20:03:22 · 17 answers · asked by tinkerfan33 2

2006-06-18 19:39:42 · 29 answers · asked by Hot Girl_94 1

My dad works, but on his days off he gets drunk.. We usually end up fighting while he's drunk. About 2 years ago he went to an alcoholic annonymous meeting and he stayed sober for about a month.. Then said he was only going to have one beer, then he went back to his normal routine. He always starts arguments with me when he's drunk about little things and ive told him he has an alcohol problems, and he also knows that he does and he won't do anything about it. Some of the things he says when he's drunk are really hurtful and i'm actually relieved by the end of the night when he's passed out on the chair or sofa.. I think he drinks because his mother had alsigma's, and couldn't remember who we are when we either rang her up, or went to see her.. she died late last year and his drinking has become more and more out of control.. i usually ignore him now, when he's drunk but i just want him to stop! What can i do.. I'm 16 also and ive always thought about moving out of home.

2006-06-18 19:25:34 · 14 answers · asked by #.::PenguiN::.# 2

2006-06-18 19:20:47 · 20 answers · asked by ctlnmcgahey 2

My grandma is a NUT CASE! but anyways she comes off with some of the crazy stuff ever. Like when Shes yelling at some one she tells her self to shut up. and then if your arguing with her and say thats stupid she goes "Oh so now im stupid, thats real nice! and your like i didnt say you was stupid i said that was stupid and she flipps out like a mad man. I dunno I just need some really sarastic stuff to say back to her, its funny to see her face when someone comes back at her. like i said shes a nut case!

2006-06-18 19:18:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom grew up in poverty.When young,she worked hard 2 earn money so that her brothers and sisters can get proper education.When she married, it was not exactly a happy marriage but she held on for the sake of me & my brother. My father died 10 years back & she had to work again after a gap of 25 years.I became an engineer and my brother a doctor because of her hard work. i had a love marriage 3 years ago,not exactly against her wishes but she was not exactly happy with it either.Now, after a big fight, my wife has walked out of my home.We r thinking of seperating. my mom, in her old age, has to witness all this. She is upset all day. I WANT 2 MAKE HER HAPPY, BRING SOME CHEER IN HER LIFE. HOW DO I DO THAT. PLEASE ADVICE, PLEASE HELP ME

2006-06-18 19:14:27 · 8 answers · asked by archer 2

Do you wait till your baby comes out and detemine which name suits him/her better? Please help!!! Thanks! :)

2006-06-18 18:55:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been abused while growing up...at tiems it was emotional other times it was physical...one time when i was 23 and staying with my parents they dragged me out of bed and down the stairs literally becuase i didn't want to go to see an RV with them... Abuse comes in many forms and was wandering about this....

2006-06-18 18:51:03 · 12 answers · asked by darkmatter 3

I am a stepmom and now we have two little ones of our own, things get really stressed with how my husband raised his first two children and how we are raising our two. Is there a happy solution?

2006-06-18 18:26:19 · 7 answers · asked by suzy 2

well i told her i have a tattoo....butterfly.... and she got really mad and said that her opinion doesnt count at all and how dissapointed she is and how she doest want to be seen with me in public now...and if im doin drugs which im not...and 2 do w/e i want from now on....so i tried talking 2 her but she just said that she doesnt like tats and how could ive gone and got one sice i knew she disaproved but it doesnt matter if i like it i guess....so yep i dunno wat else 2 tell her now....and no im not a minor.....any suggestions....

2006-06-18 18:16:08 · 13 answers · asked by lore 3

That won't tell their child who their real biological father is?? Keep in mind, she claims she don't know. "So she says" Advise for someone to find their father with no info to go on.??

2006-06-18 17:45:58 · 6 answers · asked by Sunflower 3

They pretty much planned out my future, when I'm "allowed" to move out, date, and marry, what I'm gonna do with my life. I also can't do anything at all, like I can't even go to my own backyard without someone with me. How to deal?

2006-06-18 17:40:27 · 19 answers · asked by chicabonita 2

i can be very gloomy and discouraged sometimes .
i usually give advice to people but when it comes to me, i fail. Help, i want to succeed again.

2006-06-18 17:25:32 · 15 answers · asked by prince charming 3


im sooo..tired of my family.. its not like ya, u get tired ad want to run a way... im really tired they come home and pick on me when there is 5 other kids in the house....what should i doo about them pickin on me

2006-06-18 17:25:30 · 16 answers · asked by sexyteen 1

Everyday i seem to fight with my parents. Sometimes its just over stupid things. It seems as if my mum has something against me, she calls me names lik psycopath and stuff like that. Most of the time my dad sticks up for her and yells at me even though he doesnt know the situation. Also i'm like a dummy that they take their anger out on me. Now they are going to a councellor and i don't know what to do. I have a boyfriend that adds to the problem, the problem is that they havent met him because his scared of meeting my parents. They caught me doing something something on the phone doing things and called me a slut. Now they are awarding me to the state. what should i do?

2006-06-18 17:23:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is 11 years old. I understand that he hardly sees her but I don't feel like it's right to let her get away with everything. For example she wacked my one year old baby with a shirt across his head and my husband did not tell her anything. She only eats what she wants and my husband will make something else just for her. I have two other kids and I don't think that it is right for her to get royalty treatment when she is here. Am I wrong? I don't want to be the wicked stepmother. We get her for summers and Christmas.

2006-06-18 17:17:44 · 17 answers · asked by lifeislove 3

i gave up my two daughters when they were babies to give them a better life and now i want to know if i did the right thing and how they are and if they want to know me

2006-06-18 17:11:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-18 17:08:06 · 37 answers · asked by ml 1

My son was 18...just graduated from high school. I have no other children and feel like my life is over. I am so depressed. Help.

2006-06-18 16:49:46 · 13 answers · asked by rjteer 2

I miss my Dad so much. He passed away in January. Every time I think I'm over the pain hurdle something takes me by surprise. I was okay today, in a good mood...until I drove by something that reminded me of him and our past Father's Days together. I've been so depressed ever since.

2006-06-18 16:44:31 · 15 answers · asked by Ryans Mom 5

I am not a child asking this question, and yes I know why would an adult ask such a thing, but I feel like I should still do anything my parents say, I am just ready to live my life and try to understanding why they have treated me so wrong, when I feel that I have done everything that I could for them, my husband said to just try to do my best, but not to total boot them out of my life. Someone told me to go seek counciling but I just don't really believe in that.

2006-06-18 16:41:31 · 12 answers · asked by thats me 4

She says she is going to stop the affair. I think I should tell my brother in law. She has begged me not to and even offered me a lot of money not to do it. I mean a lot of money! What should I do?

2006-06-18 16:38:49 · 48 answers · asked by Jay 1

2006-06-18 16:32:06 · 9 answers · asked by Jay 1

she had them for 6 months, she was 2 at the time and wouldnt sit still at all, my whole family is mad and thinks Im an idiot.

2006-06-18 16:23:22 · 38 answers · asked by jennifer m 1

She's gotten a spanking twice within the last three weeks. My boyfriend spanked his daughter about three weeks ago for piercing her own nose. He also spanked her today. The reason for this spanking was because Friday night she left her mother a note saying she was sleeping overnight at a girlfriends house. Her mom was Pis###@@t, and called my boyfriend (the father) yesterday to come get her and he should deal with it. So today, he tells me he spanked her. I told him that was inappropriate discipline for a 16 year old girl. He should ground her or take something away for awhile that she would miss, etc. My BF told me he doesn't need me telling him how to discipline his kids. He has asked for my advice many times, but he didn't want to hear me say "he shouldn't spank her." I think she's too old to get a spanking. How do you spank a girl 24 hours after the fact?

2006-06-18 16:11:58 · 65 answers · asked by jeep 2

I'm in college and have a lot of freedom when I'm there. When I come home--as I am for the Summer-- I have a really early curfew of 10 PM on weekdays and 12 AM on weekends. I don't have time to go out with my friends and have fun! My parents reasoning for the curfew is that they don't want to go to bed until I'm home. I've tried talking to them but they refuse to consider anything but how it is now. Please help me!!

2006-06-18 16:10:39 · 67 answers · asked by tom_a_hawk12 4

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