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Family & Relationships - 15 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I've been depressed 'cause my family is not accepting or tolerating my sexual orientation. Should I be worried? feel bad? or be happy?

2007-11-15 08:31:26 · 35 answers · asked by Little Ryan 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

and i know your going to call me crazy but im in a serious mess. to make my question simpler, im going to describe two guys and i want you to tell me who you would pick.

#1- Stays where i stay. In the system[court,probation,parole,ext.]. Goes to GED. Father of my Unborn child. Lives off monthly income[SSI]. Going to be 19 [I'm 16]. Great sex life. Wouldn't do anything nice for me[no dates,wouldn't buy me an outfit]. Very rude. Thinks he knows it all. Thinks he knows more than doctors. Get vaginal infections from him [bacterial..not stds..i think its from him being unclean]. Has a mom who thinks i shouldnt give up on him but hes not going to change but she doesn't know that. But its so much pressure when im having his baby.

#2- lives in ny. still around after i cheated on him with guy #1 even though we are not together. He knows im pregnant and he still wants me back. In college. 17 [yes i know...smart] . Has tooken me to stores and told me i can anything i wanted. Has bought summer..

2007-11-15 08:30:40 · 13 answers · asked by Aubri's Mommie 4 in Singles & Dating

I want my husband to be more affec. and to keep marrige fresh

2007-11-15 08:30:05 · 10 answers · asked by snowball 74 2474 ssbbcc91397cats 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-15 08:27:30 · 19 answers · asked by John S2005 3 in Singles & Dating

I am 19 and my boyfirend is 22. We have been together for almost 4 years now. How long should we wait. My sister and her fiance were together off and on for 5 and got marrierd at 20. WE havent had any serious problesm like them, just usual things, but now i wonder if we should wait to get married a little longer.

2007-11-15 08:26:01 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have my own ideas and would like to compare them. The typical first date location/activity would include:

1. Bars & Loungues
2. Coffee Shops
3. Lunch (if not able to/doesn't drink alcoholic beverages or coffee)(not dinner as the usual guy would do nor do you want to spend much $ on someone you probably might not see again)
4. Movie Theatre (usually if you know the person somewhat or followed right after 1 & 2 on the same day)
5. Shopping (only after 2 & 3 on the same day)

Atmosphere: Usually a very crowded place with high energy where you can easily go to anyone of these places.(ex. Citywalk)

I know it seems very out there, but I do my research and keep improving my dating life one step at a time.

So to edit to main question a little bit, What is you typical activity to do on a first date and does my information regarding that proves to be accurate compared to your own? If not, what doesn't?

2007-11-15 08:25:02 · 10 answers · asked by 7th_engineer 2 in Singles & Dating

what are some things I can do to attract her her ??? please help, lol......

2007-11-15 08:24:47 · 2 answers · asked by music4life 1 in Singles & Dating

my ex boyfriend who says that he isnt a virigin keeps on talking about sex but as a joke and then i told him that he probably has stds and then he thought that i meant that he got stds from his ex girlfriend when no one even said anything about her lmao. & then he said im just jealous cause they had sex & he always talks to me about sex and i even told him that im not a whore like him. isnt he just a jerk?

2007-11-15 08:23:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I recently divorced my husband. He hadn't been able to hold down a job for any length of time in several year.

I still care for him (he's a very nice guy), and we seperated on good terms.

Anyway, the job he currently has (at least he's working) doesn't have good health insurance. When we were married I helped pay for most of his medication, including Viagra. He isn't able to maintain an erection, for sex, without it. He's asked me if I could continue to pay for his Viagra for awhile, because he needs all the money he's making now just to pay his rent (this is true..I made sure). On one hand, I don't mind helping him out (i've got a real good job, so it's not that much of a financial burden for me), but, on the other hand, I'm wondering why I should pay for his Viagra, if some other women are going to get all the benefits.

Would it be wrong of me to ask him for sex twice a month in return, as compensation??

Should I not help him at all??


2007-11-15 08:20:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I know my boyfriend is going to kiss me soon, I feel it coming. I know we will keep our mouthes closed or almost closed. Am I supposed to be tight lipped or allow one of his lips between mine. I just no there will be no tongue involved. So I'll appreciate any tips you have for those kind of kisses. Thank you.

2007-11-15 08:20:11 · 10 answers · asked by Sori 1 in Singles & Dating

Basically I went on a trip and I met this girl, and she was sitting really close to me by choice and yeah she seems special long story short I just want to know some signs that might help me out please

2007-11-15 08:18:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

In the second year of university i met this girl. i was instantly hooked and started to like her. we had many great experiences and good memories. we eneded up becoming best friends. after about a year i knew i was in love with her, however she gave me the whole friend vibe so i didn't want to comprimise our friendship and tell her how i felt.

yesterday she told me she had some exciting news:
she was going out with someone else :(

i am totally broken right now and want to crack. i need a way to forget. (anyone watch eternal sunshine?) i need some good advice. i don't know what to do.

ps. im writing a midterm in 2 hours, didint get much studying done because my mind is mush. heeeeeelp me!

2007-11-15 08:18:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How many of here have have had a divorce and how many times?

2007-11-15 08:16:49 · 27 answers · asked by Zed 6 in Marriage & Divorce

Like when their son/daughter is accused of truency. Or the fact that the son/daughter shot someone with the parent's gun. Or when the son/daughter want to move out and does something illegal.

2007-11-15 08:13:13 · 13 answers · asked by wilhelm-ja@sbcglobal.net 1 in Family

ok...there's this friend of mine...he's my ex, but we're still really close. well, i have no idea what to get him for his b-day. He likes to hunt, play video games, and he barely has any electronics...
I would get him a mp3 player or something...but i believe his girlfriend is getting him one. and i would get him some hunting gear...but he's still in boys scouts (he's turning 16) and so he has anything and everything when it comes to that. and idk what kind of video games he is into. so ya...i'm stuck in a bind...so if ya could help me, that would be great.

2007-11-15 08:09:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends


I'm a junior in highschool, and there is this one girl that i see in the hallway everyday, and she just catches my eye, I think she is really pretty, but I find it some what difficult to just randomly start a conversation with her out of no where, she isn't in any of my classes I just see her in the hallway, any advice?

2007-11-15 08:08:33 · 11 answers · asked by Kevin 1 in Singles & Dating

I cannot seem to find my way out of this dilemma. Guy 1 (T) has been in my life for the last 4 years but always wanted to take things very slowly and not commit to me. He travels a lot for work and with him being gone a lot and not wanting to commit, we started drifting apart.

Then I met Guy 2 (M). M was like a breath of fresh air and made me happier than I had been in a long time. Well wouldn't you know that T has now decided he wants to marry me! I still love him, but I think I am in love with M. They are two very different people with very unique characteristics so I can't really even begin to compare the two. M is definitely in no hurry to commit so I can imagine that if I choose him, I will be waiting around a long time as I did with T.

2007-11-15 08:07:50 · 10 answers · asked by elaine 2 in Singles & Dating

is there any website where you and your out of state bf can go on a virtual date? lol i no its a stupid question but i was just wondeing! lol

2007-11-15 08:07:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My fiance and I separated for about four months during which time he dated another woman. Now she is pregnant and says it is his. She wants him to go to all of her doctors appointments and be present for the birth. I think that any obligation he has will occur when it is conclusively established that the kid is his through a DNA test, and until then I do not want him to see or talk to her. He does not want to participate yet either but she is guilting him with constant text messages. What should I do?

2007-11-15 08:06:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I overheard this when my b'friend was chatting to a mate..??

2007-11-15 08:06:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

what do you like the ladies to do in bed that would satisfy the night?
if you could have a woman do anything in bed to make you crazzzy...what would it be?
give some advice...:)

2007-11-15 08:05:28 · 6 answers · asked by xcalisunx 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-11-15 08:03:13 · 27 answers · asked by monicanena 5 in Weddings

Im 14 years old. i have been living with my sister for about 4 months. My mom gets a cheak for 600$ a month from my dad that passed away. My mom has argeed to pay my sister $400 a month for basic needs. From the 4 months living with my sister my mom only sent out 1 cheak for 400$. I called and told her to send money. but she tells me its hers. my sister also calls and my mom refuses to give us money. My mom is a heavy drug user and i think shes using our money to buy drugs. do you think my sister and i need a lawer? i love my mom but my sister cant afford for me to stay at her house. she has many bills and 3 young children

2007-11-15 08:02:21 · 8 answers · asked by theresa r 1 in Family

i am, have a good evening or day what ever the case may be nite nite X X X

2007-11-15 08:01:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

This is a dumb question I feel, but I'd like to hear peoples opinions. Ok, lets start off by saying me and my girlfriend of two years now live together and she goes to school and I work practically around the corner from each other. Well since the first week of school she met and became friends with this one guy, who I've met and actually burnt a game for him and slowly over the past months he's been trying to get real close to my girl, and I had told her he seems to like her and looks like he's gunna try something, but she just said she doesn't think so. He has even started coming to school early and waiting for my girl outside of her class, so he can talk to her before she goes into class and then he waits outside of class for her to come out, then follows her to the computer lab where she talks to me online and stays there trying to talk to her until she leaves. Then recently my girlfriend said she gave him a hug bye and he tried to kiss her....

2007-11-15 08:00:10 · 4 answers · asked by InFaMy 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

My boyfriend is looking at my jewerly boxes a lot and the promise ring he gave me he takes that off a lot and looks at it frequently. He has mentioned this is the weather in south carolina for this week, were we plan on moving, also said I can't believe all my friends are married, and the last thing we were at petco and I mentioned I would like a bird and he said when we live togther we will get one.We both agreed not to live together until marriage. Also he said he 6,000 he had to pay off from a credit card bill, he is pretty good at paying off things and said he has never been late on a payment accept one time, I asked him for what and he wouldn't mention, he just said stuff. Also right after he asked when the exact day we started dating. Do you think he might propose soon. Are these signs? Thanks.

2007-11-15 07:59:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Everyone from gays to women to disabled to military to Democrats to teachers to children to elderly to EVERYONE BUT ME is being catered to.

When will I get to be treated as worthwhile and needed?

Yes, I'm a white male, middle-aged, hard working, honest guy, but can't somebody PLEASE advocate for me?

2007-11-15 07:58:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i have been married for 71/2 yrs and i put my wife through hell. i was told by 3 different doctors i have inattentive ADHD & anger problems also panic attacks. i really don't remember all the bad things i did. i'm on meds now & i treat her like a queen. someone please HELP.

2007-11-15 07:58:24 · 7 answers · asked by jamez1124 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my brother asked me why we didnt look alike and i told him it was because he was adopted
and now he wont quite cryin

2007-11-15 07:57:08 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

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