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Family & Relationships - 14 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

feel like his not been entirely honest with me he phoned me up telling me when his at the hospital for the birth he has a love bite but is from his friend they were drunk and his friend done it whilst he was asleep for a wind up ive asked him but he sais thats the truth but then whilst weve split in the meantime he has girls phoning him up who 1 he use to see when we split and the other a friend he went for a drink with would u beleive him or is he a compulsive liar?

2007-06-14 12:59:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family


2007-06-14 12:58:13 · 30 answers · asked by justasinnersavedbygrace 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My honeymoon has been cancelled because I have to have surgery a week afterwards. I'm having another one a few months before and the meds I will have to be on mess with my head a bit and I'm worried that I won't be able to really remember much.

On the other hand I've been waiting on this for a year. It was my bright spot while I was trying to get better. I love this man and we have so much of the planning all done, invites sent, people have booked travel, everything. I have a great photographer to capture all the memories and if I cancel it will be at least another year if not more before I'm healthy enough and have time to set another date.

I'm so torn. He says it's up to me whether we cancel the wedding or not.

2007-06-14 12:57:05 · 17 answers · asked by pspoptart 6 in Weddings

i'm going to take my gf to my coworker's wedding, but my gf doesn't know my coworker at all. so, do i have to include my gf's name on the wedding gift that i'm going to give to the couple? is it good to bring the gift to the wedding or just mail it out to them? i want to know the common way to do it, so i wouldn't get embarassed...

2007-06-14 12:56:50 · 16 answers · asked by MoniJ 2 in Weddings

2007-06-14 12:55:53 · 7 answers · asked by Hot Coco Puff 7 in Friends

is it only the boy who puts tounge? if not then where does the girl put her tounge?
no making fun=]

2007-06-14 12:54:28 · 31 answers · asked by bella s 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-14 12:53:05 · 6 answers · asked by ralph 123 2 in Singles & Dating

Was it a blind date or a regular date. Why was it horrible?

2007-06-14 12:52:01 · 14 answers · asked by cats 7 in Singles & Dating

now we all have heard those sayings.

1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. You don't really realize what you have until you completely lose it. No matter where or what that person is doing , (bf, gf, ex bf/gf, husband wife/ex husband/wife, lover , etc)...or where they are. They are always in your thoughts and not having them makes you realize how much more you love them and its only them you love/want!


2. Out of sight , out of mind. no one has a soul mate. We all can connect to tons of people..they are out there, maybe some are even better than the one you got. You are used to them, their company, their understanding of YOU and your understanding of them. So if they left, if they are gone for a while...and never came back. sure you'd be hurt but after a while you get used to it...out of sight, and eventually out of mind. You'll have someone again.
Which do you believe? And please back up your answer with real stories and experiences! let the battle begin!

2007-06-14 12:48:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-06-14 12:46:38 · 17 answers · asked by Mercury 2010 7 in Singles & Dating

I have been with for a little over year. We have been living together for about 4 months. About a month and a half ago he basically lost his mind. He got fired from his job which really stressed out our relationship. We got into a huge fight one night and we "broke up" (we all know how that goes). He took off until 4 am. When he came back I discovered that he slept with one of his ex clients (who happens to be 47 and hes only 22). This absolutely crushed me because he was such a great guy! He did everything a wonderful boyfriend would do. I moved my things out within 2 hours of this discovery, he left as soon as I discovered his dirty little secret in fear that my older brother was going to kick his a**. Well I went back to our place later that evening to get a few of my things I accidentily left behind and he was there which I was not expecting (I thought he would have been with "her"). Well he cried and cried and begged me for another chance but I didnt give in.

2007-06-14 12:44:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hello all. I am curious for these two situations. Please answer if they apply to you. and greatly appreciated, as this will be helpful for me.

1. Have you had a situation where your waiting for the person you love to come back to you (ex bf) and you or the ex bf/gf left you for a month or so to travel, study, vacation etc far away from you? Did it change things when she/he came back? Did it help to get away?

2. Do you think being away from each other helps the relationship knowing that when you come back things will be the same if not better or worse? Which is true. Absence makes the heart grow fonder? Or out of sight out of mind.

Thanks guys.

2007-06-14 12:44:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Not really sure where we want to go, it is all in my hands, she doesnt mind anything. Warmth, sun and beaches is the route i would like to go but am open to suggestions. If using an agency, any in particular i should check out. (Originating in Northern Ohio)

2007-06-14 12:43:07 · 7 answers · asked by dCon 5 in Weddings

I always see guys with girls that have things I don't, and
Most of my friends don't have anything, and only 1 has a boyfriend.

2007-06-14 12:42:21 · 43 answers · asked by Marie 2 in Singles & Dating

how do i get my husb to try new things in bed? we have fun but he seems kinda conservative, like i get some fetish outfits and other stuff but doesnt seem interested ouch!

2007-06-14 12:41:47 · 10 answers · asked by M W 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I rewrote this question since it was too vague las time. I'm 19 and I met someone who is 30 just a few days ago. She has a class with me in college. I noticed that yesterday, she sort of stopped walking suddenly as she passed me and said "hi" to me and wave. When I saw in the cafeteria, she looked up from her meal and smiled at me. There was eye contact definitely. I know she doesn't like me since we just met, but is she attracted/ interested in me? Is ten years too far older? Thanks everyone.

2007-06-14 12:39:56 · 2 answers · asked by Giant Donut 2 in Singles & Dating

whats the thing that ur parents did and u hated and were certain u wouldnt do it with your children?

for me
its my parents having me and my lil bro at such an advance age, now im in my teens and they cant keep up with me! its frustraiting , so i know i wont have any kids after 30!

2007-06-14 12:38:03 · 16 answers · asked by MAK 4 in Family

I've never been one of those girls who is obsessed with their virginity, nor do I believe premarital sex is morally reprehensible. Up until yesterday, I was a virgin more by circumstance (ie not finding a suitable partner) than choice. My boyfriend and I extensively discussed our feelings on having sex and whether it is the right path for us (he is from a very Catholic family). He made it clear that he wanted me, and that as long as we were in love there was nothing wrong with sex. Throughout our relationship it had been extemely hard for me to abstain... so hearing him say that was honey to my ears, right? But then after we actually "did the deed" he started expressing regret about it.... I asked him why he chose to do it with me then, and he said that he felt I would be hurt if he told me his fears... So I guess my main problem with this is that he didn't trust me enough to tell me how he really felt (that he wasn't ready). What can we do to get back on the same page?

2007-06-14 12:37:11 · 3 answers · asked by girl 2 in Singles & Dating

ok ok,Im 27,and i admit I have been too picky with men all my life.
and when they wanted me I was playing mind games,
so now theres this guy who I THINK IS GOOD LOOKING,BUT HE HASNT TOLD ME ABOUT HIS GIRLFRIEND,i know hes PLAYING ME to think hes single,but I WANT TO LOOSE MY VIRGINITY TO HIM,because Im tired of waiting for mr. right who doesnt exist.
is it ok i just ask him(my co-worker) for casual sex?

2007-06-14 12:35:30 · 16 answers · asked by lonelygirl15 1 in Singles & Dating

My cousin is from Chicago and everytime she comes to visit me in California she always tells me stories of some parties shes gone to and what she's done and most of it is going down on guys and other stuff and I've asked her & she says that its just the way they moan but I personally think its disgusting but she seems to love it.but probably other girls have other reasons.what r they?

2007-06-14 12:35:12 · 22 answers · asked by babycakes 2 in Singles & Dating

Hi guys. I am in a dilemna. I want to go study abroad , I want to go because I wanted to go for a while and also , I feel like its a good time because I just got out of a relationship (depressed), and I've never traveled. However, i just got promoted at my job so I'm making more money and I definently can use that money for bills and buying the stuff I finally want to buy. The trip is going to cost me 3-4 G's and if I stay (and don't go) I can make 3-4 G's. So I know, you can always travel later....and make money NOW! Or you can make money now, and travel later. Just from experience or hearsay, do you guys think I should GO? Or should I make money and travel LATER? Bottom line is this: If i go i gain growth, independence, and going outside of the sitation (ex bf) but i lose job, and 3G's. If i stay, i can suck it up and work my way up to being better again (not depressed)., and save money, travel later.

Honestly, what should I do?

2007-06-14 12:33:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

im not married, he and i just got married, he is the only man ive married and divorced

2007-06-14 12:33:14 · 14 answers · asked by ELIZABETH C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Body: Don't not stop reading you will regret it!
girl meets a boy on a messenger

crazy1 86: hey baby!!!

h0tNsPiCy91: who is this???

crazy1 86: ur secret admirer!!!!!

h0tNsPiCy91: oh really.... quit lyin! who is this???

crazy1 86: i loved u the first time a stared in your eyes...

crazy1 86: i think about u everyday... you are my dream come true.

crazy1 86: we met once! i dont think u remember tho.

crazy1 86: i cut myself because the pain takes away my feelings of u.

crazy1 86: u will see me sometime tonight....

h0tNsPiCy91: ..WHO IS THIS!?!?!?

crazy1 86:dont worry.... ill take very good care of you...

crazy1 86 had signed off.

The girl was so scared she locked all her doors and windows. She made sure her room was secured. She wasn't sure if it was a joke or for real. She didn't know when he was going to come. The girl was so frightened she decided to sleep with her little sister. The girl dozed off quickly.

Then she heard a knock on the window. The girl slowly walked to the window. It started knocking louder. The girl looked through the windows and saw nothing... just some of the tree branches. The girl went back to bed with her sister. The bed was wet and had a pretty horrid smell. Maybe her sister wet the bed... the girl checked and found blood everywhere. The girl panicked. She didn't know what to do. She ran and hid in the closet in case the killer was there for her. While looking through the cracks of the closet the girl saw a shadow. It was dark, so she couldn't figure out who it was. She started to get more frightened. The shadow crept closer to the closet. The girl closed her eyes as if it was a dream. Then suddenly he opened the closet door and pulled her out.

Her parents found her dead the next morning. She was completely skinned and hanging in her sister's closet. The younger sister was also found skinned and dead.

PART 2...

Two years after the Smith sisters deaths, the parents had a baby boy. The girl's room became a guest room and the little sister's room where the murder took place became the baby's room. The baby grew up to be a successful kid.

One night he was on the computer and received an instant message.

h0tNsPiCy91: Hey lil bro!!!

2seXay4u: Who the eff is this?

h0tNsPiCy91: It's your big sis.

2seXay4u: I never had a sister. I'm an only child.

2seXay4u: This is some kinda joke, huh?

h0tNsPiCy91: Mom and dad never told you?

h0tNsPiCy91: I died 15 years ago with your other older sister.

h0tNsPiCy91: We were murdered in your room which was once my little sister's room. She was killed in bed when I was sleeping. I was killed in the closet and skinned to death.

2seXay4u: Quit lying. I never had a sister. If I did my parents would have told me. Whatever. Your stupid.

h0tNsPiCy91: You don't believe me? Well if you wanna look in your closet floor.

h0tNsPiCy91: I carved my name and the time and date I was being murdered. Then I carved my little sister's name.

h0tNsPiCy91: If you don't believe me little brother check the internet. Google on ''Smith sisters murdered anonymously''.

h0tNsPiCy91: I gtg little brother. I love you and mom and dad soo much. I can't believe they kept us a secret from you. They should burn in hell.

The boy checked the closet. He saw the carvings. Was it true? He surfed the internet and information was there about the anonymous murder in the house. The next morning the boy went downstairs. It was so quiet. Maybe his parents were sleeping. Hours later the boy found his parents in their closet skinned and hanged. Then he found more carvings on the ground. They said ''I TOLD YOU I WASN'T LYING LITTLE BROTHER, I LOVED MOM AND DAD.... BUT THEY KEPT ME A SECRET. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. WELL I'M FREE FROM THIS COLD WORLD, I WON'T HURT YOU LIKE I HURT THEM. I LOVE YOU!"


This is a death chain letter. If you don't repost this in the next hour, the parents will kill you at night. They will kill you!


Repost as-"DON'T DIE!! I LOVE U

2007-06-14 12:30:28 · 13 answers · asked by Estrella 1 in Family

Ok, here's the deal. My husband and I are middle aged. We've been married a year, and are in marriage counseling. Neither of us have any children - just 5 cats! Our therapist suggested we have a weekly 'date night' - we are supposed to alternate weeks for lining up the date. We used to have dinner out every Friday, but that got old and stale. This is MY week to plan out our 'date night' -- it's Father's Day weekend and we'll be traveling on Saturday. I'm running out of time (and ideas) for something to do!! I could use some short-on-time ideas that won't cost me a fortune .... nothing extravagant. Guys?? Gals?? Thanks!

2007-06-14 12:30:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

background info; we are both in out mid 20s and have known each other for about 4 years, but we live far apart but she knows Im moving back there in like 6 months. I also think she is pretty scared to say much about her emotions because she was hurt badly by a guy in the past.

My question is does it seem like she wants to be with me if she sends me naked pics and I know Im the only person she does that to.

2007-06-14 12:29:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hmmm. Does that make any sense? Does to me.

2007-06-14 12:28:17 · 39 answers · asked by Hello Dave 6 in Singles & Dating

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