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Body: Don't not stop reading you will regret it!
girl meets a boy on a messenger

crazy1 86: hey baby!!!

h0tNsPiCy91: who is this???

crazy1 86: ur secret admirer!!!!!

h0tNsPiCy91: oh really.... quit lyin! who is this???

crazy1 86: i loved u the first time a stared in your eyes...

crazy1 86: i think about u everyday... you are my dream come true.

crazy1 86: we met once! i dont think u remember tho.

crazy1 86: i cut myself because the pain takes away my feelings of u.

crazy1 86: u will see me sometime tonight....

h0tNsPiCy91: ..WHO IS THIS!?!?!?

crazy1 86:dont worry.... ill take very good care of you...

crazy1 86 had signed off.

The girl was so scared she locked all her doors and windows. She made sure her room was secured. She wasn't sure if it was a joke or for real. She didn't know when he was going to come. The girl was so frightened she decided to sleep with her little sister. The girl dozed off quickly.

Then she heard a knock on the window. The girl slowly walked to the window. It started knocking louder. The girl looked through the windows and saw nothing... just some of the tree branches. The girl went back to bed with her sister. The bed was wet and had a pretty horrid smell. Maybe her sister wet the bed... the girl checked and found blood everywhere. The girl panicked. She didn't know what to do. She ran and hid in the closet in case the killer was there for her. While looking through the cracks of the closet the girl saw a shadow. It was dark, so she couldn't figure out who it was. She started to get more frightened. The shadow crept closer to the closet. The girl closed her eyes as if it was a dream. Then suddenly he opened the closet door and pulled her out.

Her parents found her dead the next morning. She was completely skinned and hanging in her sister's closet. The younger sister was also found skinned and dead.

PART 2...

Two years after the Smith sisters deaths, the parents had a baby boy. The girl's room became a guest room and the little sister's room where the murder took place became the baby's room. The baby grew up to be a successful kid.

One night he was on the computer and received an instant message.

h0tNsPiCy91: Hey lil bro!!!

2seXay4u: Who the eff is this?

h0tNsPiCy91: It's your big sis.

2seXay4u: I never had a sister. I'm an only child.

2seXay4u: This is some kinda joke, huh?

h0tNsPiCy91: Mom and dad never told you?

h0tNsPiCy91: I died 15 years ago with your other older sister.

h0tNsPiCy91: We were murdered in your room which was once my little sister's room. She was killed in bed when I was sleeping. I was killed in the closet and skinned to death.

2seXay4u: Quit lying. I never had a sister. If I did my parents would have told me. Whatever. Your stupid.

h0tNsPiCy91: You don't believe me? Well if you wanna look in your closet floor.

h0tNsPiCy91: I carved my name and the time and date I was being murdered. Then I carved my little sister's name.

h0tNsPiCy91: If you don't believe me little brother check the internet. Google on ''Smith sisters murdered anonymously''.

h0tNsPiCy91: I gtg little brother. I love you and mom and dad soo much. I can't believe they kept us a secret from you. They should burn in hell.

The boy checked the closet. He saw the carvings. Was it true? He surfed the internet and information was there about the anonymous murder in the house. The next morning the boy went downstairs. It was so quiet. Maybe his parents were sleeping. Hours later the boy found his parents in their closet skinned and hanged. Then he found more carvings on the ground. They said ''I TOLD YOU I WASN'T LYING LITTLE BROTHER, I LOVED MOM AND DAD.... BUT THEY KEPT ME A SECRET. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. WELL I'M FREE FROM THIS COLD WORLD, I WON'T HURT YOU LIKE I HURT THEM. I LOVE YOU!"


This is a death chain letter. If you don't repost this in the next hour, the parents will kill you at night. They will kill you!


Repost as-"DON'T DIE!! I LOVE U

2007-06-14 12:30:28 · 13 answers · asked by Estrella 1 in Family & Relationships Family

13 answers

if those parent scame at me i would ROUNDHOUSE kick them in the necks! Chuck Norris is never afraid thats right people im not afraid

besides you gonna die too because you did not post this with the exact title so

your gonna die

2007-06-14 14:02:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Actually the Smith Sister's are actually true... The killer was NOT a ghost, and the way the eldest girl was talking to the younger brother, was that the killer of the Smith Sisters, went on to the computer and and stole and hacked for the eldest girls password and found it. So when the boy turned 12, the killer Instant Message the boy in return and threated about the parent's and about herself. Which in return the Killer did kill the parent's. No there were no ghosts involved with this case. It was all the killer. Now, for the chain, the chain is just out there to scare you. You don't have to post it back on myspace or e mails. Because think about it, that case was so many years ago. Do you really think the killer is still alive reading your e-mails? No i didn't think so. Well thank you for your time....

2007-06-18 08:07:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The son (who we work out from the story is 12 years old: "15 years ago" less "2 years after the the sisters deaths" less a nine-month gestation period) lives those twelve years in the murder room yet never once notices the message carved in the closet. The girls were murdered "In 1993" yet the IM'ing ghost of one of them informs her brother she died "15 years ago." Our calendar says it's 2005, not 2008. Instant message capability didn't become an online reality until 1997 when AOL introduced its Instant Messenger service. Yahoo Messenger (which the narrative tells us was used by the murderer to contact one of the sisters prior to his killing her) began in 1999. However, while IM didn't exist in 1993, chat rooms did — IRC (Internet Relay Chat) was most certainly part of the cyber world at least as far back as 1993, else I retain rather vivid yet baseless false memories of what I was doing with a great many of my nights back then.

2016-04-01 08:08:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok this story is true. BUt all that carvings in the floor ****, and the whole parents hanging or whatever is bullshit. here is the REAL story of what happened.

In 1993, two sisters were brutally murdered in the small-town community of Plainfield, Wisconsin. Lisa Smith, 19; and her sister, Sarah Smith, 15; were attacked in their parent's home on the night of November 17th, around 1:30AM. Sarah was found stabbed and strangled in the bed where she had been sleeping. Her sister Lisa was found hanging in her sister's closet, skinned alive. Police conducted an extensive investigation, but to no avail. The motives for the attacks were never discovered, nor was the attacker ever found. The only lead athorities had was a log found in Lisa's computer, showing a series of threatening messages sent through an Internet Relay Chat service. The case was closed in October of 2000.

Now, alot of creative people like to get ahold of stories that they find and "edit" them, but its really up to you on what you want to believe. Sometimes you just gotta be smart.

2007-06-14 19:23:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

here what actually happen

In 1993, two sisters were brutally murdered in the small-town community of Plainfield, Wisconsin. Lisa Smith, 19; and her sister, Sarah Smith, 15; were attacked in their parent's home on the night of November 17th, around 1:30AM. Sarah was found stabbed and strangled in the bed where she had been sleeping. Her sister Lisa was found hanging in her sister's closet, skinned alive. Police conducted an extensive investigation, but to no avail. The motives for the attacks were never discovered, nor was the attacker ever found. The only lead athorities had was a log found in Lisa's computer, showing a series of threatening messages sent through an Internet Relay Chat service. The case was closed in October of 2000.

2007-06-14 14:31:17 · answer #5 · answered by oneofmillions 3 · 2 2

It may be true, I guess it depends on your opinion of 'true'. But there are a few 'yea right's' in text, for example; The younger sister is murdered while the older girl is either sleeping beside or going to the window to check on an odd sound, yet the older sibling hears nothing happening in the room and is alerted to something’s being amiss only because the bed is wet and ill-smelling upon her return to it. Rather than scream for help or run from the room, the older girl hides in the closet.

The older sister is pulled from the closet by her murderer and her body is returned there to be hung for her parents to discover, yet while she’s in this closed space before her killer takes her from it, she carves hers and her sister’s names and the time and date. If she had something with which to gouge messages into the floorboards or onto the walls, why didn’t she use it to stab at her attacker and escape his clutches? Also, wasn’t it thoughtful of her murderer to afford her time to finish her woodworking escapades before coming for her?

The parents (who we presume are sleeping in the same house, since the story doesn’t mention their being absent that night) hear nothing of their two daughters being murdered.

The son (who we work out from the story is 12 years old: “15 years ago” less “2 years after the the sisters deaths” less a nine-month gestation period) lives those twelve years in the murder room yet never once notices the message carved in the closet.

The girls were murdered “In 1993” yet the IM’ing ghost of one of them informs her brother she died “15 years ago.” Our calendar says it’s 2005, not 2008.

Instant message capability didn’t become an online reality until 1997 when AOL introduced its Instant Messenger service. Yahoo Messenger (which the narrative tells us was used by the murderer to contact one of the sisters prior to his killing her) began in 1999. However, while IM didn’t exist in 1993, chat rooms did — IRC (Internet Relay Chat) was most certainly part of the cyber world at least as far back as 1993, else I retain rather vivid yet baseless false memories of what I was doing with a great many of my nights back then.

2007-06-17 09:54:27 · answer #6 · answered by MissyK 1 · 4 1

Here's all the truth there is to this:

2007-06-14 14:40:55 · answer #7 · answered by Sarah 3 · 0 0

This chain letter is not true... The only reason people repost is because it actually does scare them. There is absolutely no truth in the threats made, so don't even worry about it.

2007-06-17 03:22:21 · answer #8 · answered by Tori 1 · 2 2


2007-06-14 13:33:36 · answer #9 · answered by neia88 2 · 2 2

I don't Know.

2007-06-17 08:25:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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