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Family & Relationships - 9 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-03-09 12:05:47 · 12 answers · asked by curiousin08 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Alright, Is it being dishonest to a boyfriend//girlfriend to not tell them every single thought that pops in your head every day is it? because I mean they are your thoughts and thoughts get pretty wild & crazy at times, are you entitled to your privacy about those things? because I mean they're only thoughts.. or am I wrong about this?

2007-03-09 12:05:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have been dating my boyfriend now for 9 months. He is mexican & i am american. At first my father didn `t know , it was just my mom and she didn`t care. But when my dad found out he got very mad & was telling me i had to break up with him because of a bunch of stupid reasons & he said because he was mexican, once i told him in the bible it doesn`t say you should be racist he shut up ...so my mom got on his side & said i have to break up with him..how can i get them to understand i love him with all my heart & he treats me great.
we are christians i don`t see why they are seeing him as just a mexican..my father looks down on him very badly & is always saying racist slurrs to me..im tired of it i just want them to except him just as god excepts him.

2007-03-09 12:04:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

My girlfriend likes it when her partner plays hard to get how can I do that with her? I need help i want to drive her crazy. Thanks for the help

2007-03-09 12:03:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok right now im dating this guy named jack and i dont know if i can trust him. some of his good friends tell me that hes a player and he cheats on all of his girlfriends. i cant choose who to believe i mean hes a really nice guy and he tells me he never did that and that he doesnt only want to date me cuz im an exsperienced maker outer (if thats even a word) will someone plz help me!!

2007-03-09 12:02:15 · 10 answers · asked by Cassidy M 1 in Singles & Dating

For a while I fell for my oldest friend, Matt, I've been friends with him for 9 years about and he's always been there for me.
lately he's been more affectionate and helpful, I was sick for four days and he came over to catch me up in one of our classes we have together, he's a senior I'm a junior.

So, everytime I see him, he goes to give me a hug or I hug him, he steals my hot chocolate or challenges me to a game, sport or some other random challenge.
We're also very open with eachother, so one day a few weeks ago I asked him if he liked anyone, he said no. I took a chance last week and asked him to prom, I wouldn't have if his sister didn't say that "you stole his heart" to me, b/c of the way he was acting with me. And usually he's quiet with other girls including his sister whose my best friend...
But all he said was "I can't say yes to that just yet"

2007-03-09 12:01:58 · 4 answers · asked by Redfox 2 in Singles & Dating

my friendshas a restraining order against him by his wife. The only time he can be near his wife is during visitation drop offs or his kid and they are not allowed to talk about anything but about the kid. One day he picked up his kid at the coffee shop. My friend and his wife both left. my friendreturned to the coffee shop moments later with his kid to order something, she returns to the shop and gets in line directly behind him at the coffee shop to order something. my friend has not been talking to her out of fear of violating the order. why is she doing this if there is a restraining order against my friend? The restraining order has been for 8 months.

2007-03-09 12:01:42 · 5 answers · asked by hurtin 1 in Marriage & Divorce

iI know this is the wrong place to post this kind of question but where i posted it nobody seems to be answering it! My friends say she was in her office and since its a small comapny shes the only recepionist there and she said that one of her co workers tryed to rape her in the office. She managed to get away but now shes scared to go back to work. Please help her with this situation!

2007-03-09 12:01:26 · 12 answers · asked by Moms Pretty little Princess 3 in Friends

Im in a 10 year relationship with 3 children. I am 28 years old. I have always been insecure since me and my partner have been together I always thinks he is cheating on me and I get jealous when he talks to any woman. Im scared of losing him. and everytime i open up to him he doesnt want to listen to me and i hate feeling like this all of the time and the only person i have to talk to is my mum because im a shy person so i don't really have any friends.

2007-03-09 12:01:15 · 1 answers · asked by tweety22au 1 in Singles & Dating

i need serious crying movies.. ideas please

2007-03-09 12:00:57 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hello all, this is sort of a long story but basically this girl i know and I have tried dating in the past, jsut weird things came up like misinteriptations, or we were both really busy or stupid stuff like that and we never really hit it off for too long. Now she tells me that she really likes me, like alot. However when we tried dating things never seemed to work out real well. Now this is the part im concerned about. I recently asked her to prom this week after she told me she really liked me, and she of course said yes, kissed and hugged me. Now i dont know if she is jsut using me to get me to take her to prom because shes only a sophmore anyways, or if she genuinly likes me. Also she like never talks to me/notices me in the halls after i asked her. Also She announced she was going prom dress shopping a day after i asked her, so it seems like all she cares about is going to prom instead of going with ME! help, any suggestons/analysis of the situation appreciated!

2007-03-09 12:00:52 · 14 answers · asked by xavier r 1 in Singles & Dating

it always seems like i do i just want to know if other girls do the same as me?!

2007-03-09 12:00:37 · 12 answers · asked by ♥Olivia♥ 4 in Singles & Dating

We where together for 15 years and I thought we where living the American dream. We are highschool sweethearts and have two young boys. Well she got a job in the school cafeteria and a job driving the school bus. She takes field trips for the sporting events. She developed a relationship with the football coach who is also the social studies teacher. She hid it very well and I had no idea until she left me. She is in the lust phase and is acting like we did back in highschool. I feel so bad.. how long will they last? Should I wait for her to come back?

2007-03-09 12:00:13 · 9 answers · asked by The best I can do 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I tried to make it work and suggested marriage counceling while things were rough in our relationship but she said she did not have time with her work schedule.She is 22 and I'm 28 and this is her 2nd marriage and my 1st.She blames me for everything and says we fight too much and that I don't listen to her.I know we fight a lot but it is hard for me to swallow divorcing after only a month of marriage without even trying to get counceling.There was never any physical violence, cheating or anything so that is why this is even harder to accept why she would just leave me.My friends tell me that I just need to move on, things will get better,there are other people out there for you,blah blah but they are not in my shoes.She won't talk to me about it, won't answer the few phones calls I've tried to make.Her mom told me that she does not want me married to her daughter and never did.I just want to stop having to cry myself to sleep.I wish there was something I could do to save my marriage.

2007-03-09 12:00:04 · 6 answers · asked by akclint22 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Men are there any men that respected women out there? Tell me about you and things you like and jsut stuff that you would like someone to know but could never tell them!! Oh yeah try to be single!! Also single!!

2007-03-09 11:59:58 · 3 answers · asked by ♥♥taken♥♥ 3 in Singles & Dating

Well we are constantly teaseing and stuff with eachother (like smacking each others *** and poking just small stuff like that) and I already know he likes me. My problem is he doesn't know I truely like him because I tease all the other guys just as much but were more all just pals (most of my friends are guys). And i don't know how i can show him. He is also told me hes too shy to ask anybody out. I don't want to come out and tell him it may be too much. i also dont know if i should take on a boyfriend because im going to germany for the year. he also told me he is going for a couple weeks in the summer and will come visit me.

2007-03-09 11:59:36 · 1 answers · asked by tiffers 3 in Singles & Dating

Would you go for a guy who liked you because he thought you were pretty, or a guy who thinks you are average looking but likes you for who you are (interests/personality)?
(let's assume that both guys look equally hot)

2007-03-09 11:59:30 · 29 answers · asked by Rafael 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm wondering if anyone else thinks its okay. Is it wrong?? We haven't done anything sexual.

2007-03-09 11:58:57 · 61 answers · asked by ~RT~ 2 in Singles & Dating

On ways to make the chairs at the cermony look nice? We are having an outdoor wedding ina beautiful park..the place that we are getting our chairs from do not have enough of the white wooden chairs to accomodate our wedding so we have to have white aluminum...I would like to do something to decorate the chairs that doesnt cost that much money since we are already forking out over 10,000 dollars just for the basic things..we are paying for everything ourselves and we are looking at about 300 people...ideas please??

2007-03-09 11:58:40 · 9 answers · asked by Soon2BMrsCarlson 3 in Weddings

just add a response to this. i just HAD to tell ppl

ok, to hide the embarrassment, i'll use code names.. ^_^

My friend, Cookie, is going out with Nimid. Nimid doesn't even like Cookie and he's going out with her! {wuts up with that!!} Nimid likes Gii. Gii is Cookie's best friend! Gii likes Nono, who hates Gii and loves Cookie. But the thing is, Nono and Nimid hang with each other and are half best friends. Nimid thinks he belongs and is awesome with Nono, but Nono doesn't quite like Nimid anyway. But after Cookie found out that Nono likes her, she started flirting with him! I really, really don't want Cookie to go out with Nono, but its her decision. I prefer Nimid because he's more hearty. Nono changes his mind of girls every week it seems. I don't want him to get into a deep relationship because he's a close friend of mine and I don't want it to be awkward with him every time I'm with him.
Cookie also prefers Nimid...she says its her first love and she likes him better, but who kno

2007-03-09 11:58:11 · 4 answers · asked by marie 1 in Friends

i do all tha time

2007-03-09 11:56:44 · 4 answers · asked by Mark W 1 in Singles & Dating

told someone you loved them..but not really meant it?... and then felt really guilty when you let them down?

2007-03-09 11:56:37 · 30 answers · asked by ♥♥Cat Lady♥♥ 5 in Singles & Dating

My friend got the guy i likes phone number for me but now i don't know what to do.I'm afraid to call him because i'm afraid. I don't know what of, but i'm afraid. I'm pretty sure he likes me. So,now what?

2007-03-09 11:56:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have guy problems...nebody know about a teen columnist that will reply to my e-mails?

2007-03-09 11:56:07 · 2 answers · asked by chicken legs? 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

This guy emails me on a dating site. I'm interested in him, so I don't reply. He emails me again two weeks later, so I reply just to be polite.

He begs me to meet him, and I basically meet him out of pity, cause I'm not at ALL interested. First date, just walk around and talk. At the end of the date, short kiss goodnight. He asks me to meet him again, and I claim to be busy so that I don't have to.

he called me very 30 minutes to a few hours...
tracked me down on facebook...
tracked me down on myspace...
started downloading my radio shows (I'm a radio dj)
emailed my sister constantly (who is also on facebook)

Then... I reluctantly went on a second date....
We watched "The Lake House" in a theater his apartment building has. Then all of the sudden, he turns and (no, not kisses me, but) sticks his tounge down my throat!

Needless to say I left. I told him I'm not interested. My best friend told him I'm not interested.
Now, he IMs me on different AIM names, and every time I block him he IMs me on a new one. Now he IMs my best friend to harrass him, too.

I told him to quit stalking me. Is it just me, or does anyone else see the stalker-ish behavior?

2007-03-09 11:54:58 · 25 answers · asked by ashleythequestionasker 2 in Singles & Dating

The day's just beginning,
You see the girl you love,
You don't know what to do or say,
You're friends,
You talk to eachother everyday,
On the phone, computer, etc,
You're walking with her,
Talking, laughing, having the time of your life,
The sun hits ya, you smile at her she smiles at you,
It's time to say goodbye,
You hug and walk off,
You're walking, past places where we played as kids,
Later you talk to eachother,
Time's ending,
You say you'll see eachother tomorrow,
You know what,
You're in goddamn love,
Is there anything else better in the world

2007-03-09 11:54:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

me and my boyfriend have lived together for the past 8 years and have a butyful family now. well he has an x wife who has been out of the picture for several years, till recently she popped back in to his life they have a child togher she is in her teens now and she want to be close to her daddy anyways my partner told me about her phone call and how she needed money well he has benn wiring her cash for the past 2 months but what i dont understand is why does the x have to call my man to his job instead of calling him at home or his cell and i might be wrong for feeling this anger inside of me but i hate the idea of them talking. like i repetetly told my boyfriend why does she have to call you so much and your daughter is big enough to talk to you with out her mother in the picture all of the time. my boyfriend mentioned that he has only spoken with his daughter once and for a brief minute all the other times it just the x that call him!! what to do help?

2007-03-09 11:54:32 · 3 answers · asked by kitty 1 in Marriage & Divorce

guys never really act that jealous...or they try to hide it...why is that? is it a sign of "weakness" or what? and what are some signs a guy IS jealous??!!

2007-03-09 11:54:08 · 26 answers · asked by katie 2 in Singles & Dating

If you were in an abusive relationship with someone who has since moved on, and is now dating someone new - would you warn their new GF (if you had the opportunity)?

2007-03-09 11:54:05 · 25 answers · asked by MO 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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