My mother has no one. It's pathertic, really. She talks to the television and her cats. She's made no attempt at meeting anyone or making any friends, ever. And why should she, she has me, right? I'm a 29 y/o man who made the tragic mistake of letting my mother move in with me this past summer because after my roommate and her b/f moved out and I told her that I wanted my g/f to move in with me she said, and I quote; "I knew it, I knew you were going to leave me here alone to die in this neighborhood by myself!" Followed by Oscar worthy sobbing. I don't like my mother, I love her, but the sound of her voice makes me want to throw myself in front of a train. I'm miserable and it's effecting my work, my relationship and my mental health. She can't afford to live in the house I rent by herself because of her limited SSI and her unwillingness to stop impulse buying and look at her situation practicaly. This can't go on any longer. I will end up doing something drastic and terrible.
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