Where on earth do I start with this question? I have SO many things I would change, it baffles the mind. The first thing I would do is wear a condom, not get married when she got preganant, go to college and get a diploma, make something of my life , use my head instead of my back at my job, and like myself better....and that's just for starters, lol. I would have gotten divorced, when I KNEW the marriage was over! I could go on for hours, but you get the point! I made many MISTAKES!!
2007-01-03 11:34:16
answer #1
answered by olderbutwiser 7
i would hope to have the wisdom i have now and not the wisdom i had back than. as if i had the wisdom i have now, i would have made alot less mistakes, and there would have been some people i never would have gotten in a relationship with. i would be kinder to people, be a better mom, and choose husbands more wisely. and i would depend alot more on god, to solve problems and work things out, before making my own decisions, and moving in whatever direction i thought was best. i would help others more, and show more compassion and be more giving. if i could only go back to the past, i would trust in the lord and know he had always been there for me all along, only i just couldn't have known it back than.
2007-01-03 11:36:08
answer #2
answered by jude 7
WOW!!! That's a good one Bori. First I would definately say to have all the life experience I have now so I wouldn't make the same mistakes again with the added blanket of innocence. It's a "make believe" dream that we know would never happen, but also to meet a natural lady, down~to~earth, uncorrupted, beautiful on the inside (with insight), GOD fearing, and ,...yes I'm going to say it...... a virgin. Unfortunately these thing are non-exestent these days but it would be nice to meet someone with most of those qualities. I would like to know what is the answer to your own question. You can email me if you like cause I'd really like to know your answer. Later....
2007-01-05 04:24:55
answer #3
answered by HARDBALZ 1
I am satisfied with what I have done so far. Inevitably, certain mistakes are the effect of age and time. Everyone makes mistakes but the genius learned from somebody else's mistakes and saves him/herself a great deal of aggravation. I am happy with the way I did it and I have accomplished most of the things that I wanted to do.
2007-01-03 11:43:50
answer #4
answered by alpha & omega 6
The one what if I think about is the Coast Guard. I almost signed up when I was about to graduate High School. I scored really high on the placement test (e-12) and was poised for a job at the pentagon.
2007-01-03 11:32:48
answer #5
answered by khanofali 5
Nothing. Everything I did, I believed was right at the time. Maybe in retrospect, I can see how stupid some of the things I did were, but I have NO regrets about any of it as it all brought me to where I am today which is where I am suppose to be. I am content.
2007-01-03 11:39:39
answer #6
answered by Nose 2
I would of gone straight to college from High School I would of been done by now. Instead of doing it now and I would of never married, because that was a mistake that ended up in a divorce.
I know life is a living expirence but DAMN, these type of mistakes really kick you in your ***.
2007-01-03 11:47:13
answer #7
answered by Fiesty 2
I think I would have had my children earlier in my life. I am in my mid-forties now...and my youngest is 3 1/2. I am getting too tired now to run after a 3 1/2 year old!!!!!
2007-01-03 11:38:24
answer #8
answered by Lynnie M 2
Not a thing. Every bad decision and every heartbreak has only made me stronger. Ihave learned from everything I have done. I never look at anything as a regret. I look at it as "if this wouldhave never happened iwould know this or be able to do this." I love my life and who ive become, I wouldnt change a thing.
2007-01-03 11:34:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Oh so many things.....I would spend more time with my kids when they were young. I would take better care of my body. I would make everyone around me know how much I care. I would live life to the fullest everyday.
2007-01-03 12:15:19
answer #10
answered by ? 6