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Family & Relationships - 3 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My partner & I broke up over 10 months ago. we went to couples counseling for two months to work out issues & get back together.We do not go to counseling anymore, but see one another once in awhile. She wouldn't do her part in counseling. No effort. I do not know where we are at with this relationship or when is it we are suppose to get back together. She doesn't say anything. In the mean time I have met someone else on the & I can't give them an answer of a commiment because I am not sure where my partner & I are at in this relationship. What do you do? I am waiting for her to say when & have told her that I don't know where we are at with this & she doesn't answer me.

2007-01-03 11:22:28 · 5 answers · asked by J.J. 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

please ony serious answers. I am a 12 year old girl and I love BOOGERS! the slimier the better!

2007-01-03 11:22:24 · 23 answers · asked by <--(**V**)--> 2 in Friends

Ok i like this person who's over 5 years older than me. what should i do?

2007-01-03 11:22:18 · 12 answers · asked by D 1 in Singles & Dating

I dont like dressing up that much, im more of jeans,and shirt person.

2007-01-03 11:21:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My fiance is looking for a Maggie Sottero wedding dress that the lady told her was style number S737. Another dress store told her that number is ficticious, even if it is a discontinued dress. Any ideas where to find the discontinued dresses or if that is a real style number or not? Thanks for the help! She really wants to find that dress!

2007-01-03 11:21:37 · 4 answers · asked by slap_shot69 3 in Weddings

My m-i-l died on Dec23rd! Do you think it's too late to take her presents back?

2007-01-03 11:20:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

this may sound childish but its annoying me! my older sister wanted me to help her friend get a job so i pulled a few strings and got her a job at my work. we started to get along great, but her life started to go down hill, she just left her husband and took her phone, so she had to get a new phone and #. well she just quit the job because she thinks i'm sleeping her ex cuz she saw my number in the phone that he took from her, but she's not bothering to see the date of the call and seeing it was when she had the phone.
so now she's going calling poeple at my work and saying i slept with her husband. my owners have a zero tolerance for drama and with all of this drama i'm afraid that i'll get fired. i'm staying quiet so i don't draw attention but there's alot of commotion still going on about it. i know she doesn't work there anymore but it can still get me fired. how do i make her stop this drama and realize she's wrong!!!

2007-01-03 11:20:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

It's been less then a year, she actually left him (husband) for another one of his friends (she may still be seeing this guy)after he cheated on her...believe me this marriage was doomed from day 1...i saw her last weekend at a bar, and she was begging for it, no strings attached, just an open invite for a night of fun? Can I? should I? She is really hot and we do have a friendship of sorts...i just don't know?

2007-01-03 11:19:47 · 20 answers · asked by Doctor J. 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Who do you think shouuld be the head of the household. Is it the man or woman? and why?

Family headship is not a shared responsibilty. It's the role of the man.

Actually according to God's word. The man should be the head of family. His decision is the final. His wife cannot tell him what to do. There has to be one head of the family. Two captains cannot stir the same ship. Family headship is not a shared responsibility between married mates. One has got to be the head. It doesn't mean that the bible demeans women. You know it's far from that. This way is just God's arrangement. Even if the husband is disabled or not making money as his wife. He is still the head of the woman and Christ is the head of the man. Wives are told to be submissive to their husband but not slaves.

2007-01-03 11:19:37 · 14 answers · asked by I'M GONNA GO PLACES 5 in Family

I am separated and in the process of divorcing. I went out with a guy who knew I am separated but I think he is holding off on any future dates until he knows I am officially single.

2007-01-03 11:19:30 · 18 answers · asked by Kelly 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-01-03 11:19:00 · 9 answers · asked by kmm4864990 1 in Other - Family & Relationships


2007-01-03 11:18:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

2007-01-03 11:18:02 · 13 answers · asked by jamican 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Stop loving ( with their whole heart) after they have been scarred or hurt from a previous marriage or relationship?

Do you know anyone like this? Are you one of them?

Just curious because I had a friend that told me to stop giving my all in any relationship after I survived a toxic marriage. In my opinion...I can only love 1ne way....All or Nothing. To me, I can't see what the purpose of loving some1ne if you can't offer all of yourself to that person....I'm talking about living trust...Ya' Dig?

your thoughts....

2007-01-03 11:17:49 · 9 answers · asked by ? 3 in Marriage & Divorce

What would it be like without any Hotties. Would we all be forced to have sex with fat, ugly and average-looking people? Would that be absolutely disgusting?

2007-01-03 11:17:37 · 22 answers · asked by NJboy 3 in Singles & Dating

You know when ur lying kissing a guy and he keeps giving u little kisses on ur forehead, smiling at you, cuddling you and playing with your hair? Though we are not dating as such yet but really get on well. Does he like me or are guys like this even when they dont care?

2007-01-03 11:17:07 · 17 answers · asked by louisem28 4 in Singles & Dating

AHH boys are sooooo confusing?
and well i herd he likes me and well I like him (I know not to believe everything you here) but this is pretty reliable soarces anyways. I like him so I want to talk to him. and I dont know what to talk to him about I see him at lunch before school and or in the hallways between classes. Any ideas

2007-01-03 11:17:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

U see, my friend and I have been close for a long time - when I told her I finally had a boyfriend, she told all my friends who told other people and it finally came to my parents.
Another time I sneeked out to go to a party that even she was attending. She told my parents; I wasn't allowed out of the house for a month.
She's even trying to take away by bf and friends...
Is it time to say good bye to a friend who has been with me from Year 6 to University???

2007-01-03 11:16:14 · 23 answers · asked by nikitha_1030 1 in Friends

then i call him back and he misses my call... should i just stop calling him and give up... phone tag!

2007-01-03 11:16:11 · 6 answers · asked by karmin 1 in Singles & Dating

Why do ppl think im a nerd i dont no if its my laugh or my love of reading i mean im cute for my age but i am only 11 but im so weird in a way. I love 2 read & love horses. Is it cause i dont always get my homework done?? Or r they just have envy of me??
I mean im really nice in a lot of way. I love meeting new ppl. I always give everybody a fair chance in being my friend but i dont no why ppl r just so mean . I mean im very strong when it coms to
anoyance & rudeness but im oviously not kool enough for them.

2007-01-03 11:16:10 · 9 answers · asked by Alexis A 1 in Friends

For girls answers only please

2007-01-03 11:15:51 · 14 answers · asked by vollleystar13 2 in Singles & Dating

Hair is shoulder level and we're talking about a mature artist (early 30's) whose not following any trends

P.S. Nothing ralated to rockers it's more of clean bohemian type of look

2007-01-03 11:15:18 · 12 answers · asked by Diego Rivera 1 in Singles & Dating

If a guy that you normally don't talk to, sends you a text. Do you always respond? If you don't respond to all texts in general, what is the main reason?

2007-01-03 11:14:27 · 21 answers · asked by Little Hulk 1 in Singles & Dating

I need help badly. Me and my BF haven't been real good lately and I want to break up(He is flirting with other girls and then gets way jel when I say i have talked to my best guy friend). Anyway I want to write him an email explaining why I want to break up. How do I do this and still manage to keep his friendship? Please please help me.

2007-01-03 11:13:55 · 30 answers · asked by sr_aldrich 1 in Singles & Dating

this boy said that bf is going out with thiz other girl from ma school and i kind of belive it ! wat should i?

2007-01-03 11:13:49 · 16 answers · asked by ~ Justine and Lil p forever ~ 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-03 11:13:45 · 6 answers · asked by jjj 1 in Singles & Dating

Just looking for some friends that went to Torrejon AB Spain schools while I was there in 1985-1987.

2007-01-03 11:12:24 · 1 answers · asked by bryan c 2 in Friends

I think the absolute shortest for me would be three months of dating followed by a one year engagement. What do you think? Please share your experiences.

2007-01-03 11:12:05 · 18 answers · asked by ahhihello 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Hey people.

I really need your help. Back in middle december, I was chatting to this girl iv known for a few months. She asked me if I was interested in going out sometime. I said yea that would be nice and she gave me her number. We then meet up and went on a date. It was great fun, we where chatting together, she wouldnt let me buy her a drink until abit later and at the end she kissed me on the cheek.

I then went away for a few weeks for the christmas hols and we where texting each other. On new years eve, I foned her up at midnight to wish her a happy new year and we had a quick chat. I then later sent her a message saying that I wanted to make love to her(after a few drinks). Next morning I thought that was a bad move and then without thinking I said to her that I sent the message to the wrong person. She didnt sound too happy when I said that I sent it to the wrong person. I didnt think and its like im trying to dig myself out of a hole.

Please any suggestions would be nice

2007-01-03 11:12:03 · 15 answers · asked by medic_man 3 in Singles & Dating

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