Like the title I bought it, test drove 4 others and needed a car with good mpg which is reliable. It seems the car is underrated and devalues alot on miles. I didn't test drive the corolla nor jetta. Has anyone driven all 3 cars and which one the liked the best. Heck, I should I just bought a focus with 40k miles for 5k, my mistake! Ive got 18k on the car so far with no problems at all ( besides drag and weak sound from the radio ), Im only getting 29 mpg, and once i hit 32 mpg. Also note this is city driving and with the a/c blowing. But i do not get better or worse mpg no matter how i drive either I floor or drive conservative same mpg. engine is surprising, it feels as much power as my 3.8l 2004 impalla, I was shocked! but anyway, please give out some suggestions whether my buy was good or not. I paid 12,000. Before taxes and such and was new. Thanks!
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