I was turning on my street,but there was a truck in one lane so I wasn't sure if there was a car on the other side of him looked and yielded and I thought the coast was clear but it wasnt, apparently a car zoomed on the other side of this car on the opposite side, I couldn't see anyone when i was turning but he rammed into my side and I turned as fast as i could on my street because I was in shock and went down the road a little and the other person didn't even come and follow me down so I could talk to him... but Im fine and my little brother is fine too but they gave me multiple tickets and now im just having an anxiety attack and i just feel like dying!!!!! I dont have a license or insurance.... but my mom has insurance for the car... but that dude also totalled the car (which was my moms) on one side, and were all poor so no car!! or thanksgiving.... or anything else. and I just want to die please help me....
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Other - Cars & Transportation