2 weeks ago my daughter's kia lights went dim,radio stop playing, and the the little man with the air bag infront of him came on all of a sudden, daughter made it back to school; that night and I went up the next day to fix the problem, found the car was dead as a door knob jump it off it cranked with no problem to the positive end of the battery of and the car kept running. So I figured it must be the battery so brought it to AUTOZONE they said the battery had a collasped cell. Okay I bought a new battery put it in evedrything okay for about two weeks, my daughter does not use her car to much at school but she calls me this morning and said it done the same thing it done last time with the addtion of the power door locks going up and down by themselves so I am on the way tomorrow to change out the alternator does this sound like this will fix my problem ,,, she probablly been running on battery for the last two weeks ??????? need any and all opions on this one
7 answers
asked by
lost for wisdom
Maintenance & Repairs