my father died last winter, and due to "bad wording" by my parents' attoney, my mother was forsed to endure the last almost 7 and 1/2 months, to get the probate court date of the 25th of this month. not, to mention the 10K it cost for "the fees". my father's passing was enough, but then my mother had a heart attack, which has left her pretty much disabled, at this point. during these tramatic events in our lives, we were just notifed that my mother's house, the house my father left her in his will, has had a foreclosure process just filed. i was forced to move in with her to help take care of things, bascially try to take over the situation. i don't mind saying it, because it is obvious in my question~i'm in over my head, to say the least. can i stop this foreclosure process somehow. where do i start. with just a limited income level myself (& two sons to raise), i JUST now caught her up to date on almost all ofher bills. she was in a three month back date on all her bills. ideas?
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Renting & Real Estate