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Business & Finance - 5 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

We are moving out in Sept and my landlords are AHOLES so I am making sure I am covering my butt if you know what I mean... what do you reccomend I do to get my deposit back - both before and after we move out?

My land lord has already stated *if* he has to replace the carpet it would cost 3000 dollars.

We have had 2 people here to inspect the place since we lived here and while one was a problem, the follow up claimed there was nothing wrong with the place and it is in good condition.

I think that the land lord is out to get our money as our deposit was 2600 - (yes this was the whole deposit - not including the rent... and it is including the pet deposit of 500 which is supposed to be refundable. )

Any suggestions?

2007-07-05 23:46:44 · 5 answers · asked by Willalee 5 in Renting & Real Estate

My leasing agency is saying a month?

Sound right?

2007-07-05 23:43:35 · 4 answers · asked by Willalee 5 in Renting & Real Estate

ah, life of retirement on a small fixed budget, ick. So I need to know every thing that uses elec in my home and how much it costs so I can cut back. I am 56 and know about frig etc. but i am a numbers person and would like to see a list of order of what uses the most and least. I know AC is expensive but would still just like to see a list. OK ? and heat pump costs compared to natural gas since nat. gas has quadrupled. THanks for any help

2007-07-05 23:26:03 · 2 answers · asked by I Love Jesus 5 in Personal Finance

Can anyone give me some information about which company or organization have the department of corporate communications?

2007-07-05 23:14:27 · 2 answers · asked by evelyn 1 in Corporations

I told him in writing two weeks ago that i had a doctors appointment today. I mentiond it numerous times since, and the last thing i said when i left work yesturday is " my doctor's appointment is tomarow " . it was at 9:30 am. at 10:00 am i get a call from the princpal on my machine ( my boss msut have told her i was a no call/ no show ) she says " its 10 am u were supposd to be here at 8:30 and have not called in, we need to know if your coming in or not " well anyawy does it sound like my boss is trying to get me in trouble telling the princpal of the school im a no call/ no show for the day when i told him about this appointment in advance?

2007-07-05 21:53:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

I'm 24 and since the age of 18 I've been working with law firms and have got my salary up to £30k. When I tell my friends and others my salary they go crazy and my mum is so proud of me earning so much. My husband doesn't even get £5k a year but he still has time off to do what he wants and I just feel like I can't work this hard anymore and need to take a break. The problem is I'm with a good law firm and to find another one would probably be really hard but I just feel as though I really want to take a break from it all. I've worked non-stop for the past 7 years and I just feel as though all I ever do is work work work - I don't care how much I'm earning I'm bored stiff and I'm young and my marriage is suffering. I want to try and do other things with my life and perhaps find a part time job at a law firm which would cut my salary in half, but I don't care. My weight is increased because all I ever do is sit at my desk and eat - I used to be slim and trim, now I'm just fat.

2007-07-05 21:50:49 · 4 answers · asked by snewell2222 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

ive checked the papers and some online sites. im not having very good luck... can you recommed something?

2007-07-05 21:49:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

my father died last winter, and due to "bad wording" by my parents' attoney, my mother was forsed to endure the last almost 7 and 1/2 months, to get the probate court date of the 25th of this month. not, to mention the 10K it cost for "the fees". my father's passing was enough, but then my mother had a heart attack, which has left her pretty much disabled, at this point. during these tramatic events in our lives, we were just notifed that my mother's house, the house my father left her in his will, has had a foreclosure process just filed. i was forced to move in with her to help take care of things, bascially try to take over the situation. i don't mind saying it, because it is obvious in my question~i'm in over my head, to say the least. can i stop this foreclosure process somehow. where do i start. with just a limited income level myself (& two sons to raise), i JUST now caught her up to date on almost all ofher bills. she was in a three month back date on all her bills. ideas?

2007-07-05 21:42:07 · 4 answers · asked by tam2u2000 2 in Renting & Real Estate

ok.. so i signed up for a paypal account, i added my debit card
and filled in the expanded use program, but i still don't have any money it my account..
whats the problem?

2007-07-05 21:32:32 · 6 answers · asked by wwwwwwweeeeee 2 in Credit

and alot did 2get a 30 day notice, why ? they wont tell me its their right! well Ive only been here 4 6 months! help! is this going 2 be on my credit? 30 day to quit ya or na!

2007-07-05 21:10:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

hypothetically asking, if you buy a house with a 30 year mortgage from a bank, and the bank went out of business. no sell out, no merger, just incompetent people running the place. do you still have to pay the remainder of the mortgage or is the house yours to own for good?

2007-07-05 20:54:08 · 3 answers · asked by jamz 5 in Renting & Real Estate

i sold a babys tracksuit on ebay and posted it saturday 30-6-07 2nd class the buyer emailed me to say she had not recieved it when every1 else got theirs as i sent them all together same day. but the thing is shes saying this happened to her twice before and shes only been a member since feb should i belive her? she will also be wanting a refund.

2007-07-05 20:53:46 · 7 answers · asked by katie j 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I would like to call in to work tomorrow but I need a good enough excuse. The biggest problem is that I live with one of my coworkers so if I don't actually appear sick, I can't use that excuse. Any ideas on a good excuse?

2007-07-05 20:53:16 · 16 answers · asked by mb20and151 5 in Other - Careers & Employment

What will you do with the money?
Buy a private property?
Donate to charity?
Just tell me what you would do.

2007-07-05 20:44:52 · 7 answers · asked by Jazzy 2 in Personal Finance

If someone uses land as collateral on their house can the parents still will it to their children or sell it to them.

2007-07-05 20:43:36 · 3 answers · asked by ravenscloud00 2 in Renting & Real Estate


2007-07-05 20:40:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Legal

We just bought the house one year ago with an appraisal, and did no work on the outside what so ever. The city is telling us our house costs 5,000 more than last year. How can they decide that when there are 28 foreclosed homes of 1500 households which was not that high when we first moved in, can we do anything about it?

2007-07-05 20:36:51 · 6 answers · asked by LELA 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I have a good job....I am with same company for 4years but it's not good enough? All the realtor or apartment owners determine their potential tenant by only credit history?
My credit was ruined about 6years ago.

2007-07-05 20:02:05 · 3 answers · asked by stardust 2 in Renting & Real Estate

My boss lives in another city. Hand delivering is not happening. Should I mail or email?

2007-07-05 19:56:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

...and I have to keep paying insertion fees each time I relist it?

They will add up over the course of all the auctions and the amount may exceed the cost of the item.

2007-07-05 19:48:06 · 8 answers · asked by ~ 1 in Small Business

My friend is coming to Australia for 2 weeks, she has a return ticket to the US, but she owes just under $1000 US in taxes, which were due to be paid by June this yr. Will they stop her from leaving the country as she has unpaid taxes, or will she be ok as she has a return ticket. (she didnt pay for the ticket if that helps).

2007-07-05 19:43:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

I'm planning to do a research on shock advertising, but I have difficulties in searching for the examples other than Benetton, French Connection, and Calvin Klein. Can anyone give me some other examples of shock advertising? I prefer print ads though.

Thx in advance! =)

2007-07-05 19:31:14 · 3 answers · asked by AngelicDevil 2 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

Ok i know this could be deemed weird but serious responces only How would one advertise an adult website for free? cuse i know its deffrent then advertising a reqular site any help would be nice or visit my site and help me make it look good.

2007-07-05 19:22:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Search Engine Optimization

Cuz i need a job, and the only thing that seems possible to me right now is monster.com. unless you know if someone is hiring in fresno, ca?? then that would be super..

2007-07-05 19:21:34 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

Has anyone had any luck purchasing text links for your blog or website on eBay? like the ones saying 10,000 unique visitors $9.95 buy it now

2007-07-05 19:08:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Search Engine Optimization

fedest.com, questions and answers