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Business & Finance - 5 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I offered to sell my corner lot to the village I lived in but they are choosing eminent domaine instead. I don't mind the whole eminent domaine process because I expect fair market value but I'm wondering who determines what that would be.

2007-07-05 12:17:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

Cigs,booze cheaper,----touch more vat, ---income tax less for most,----but higher paid get clobbered.
Parasite MP's won't go for it..... would you?

2007-07-05 12:16:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Taxes

I started working at a retail store almost month ago, and know be threaten with being fired . I think it's better to quit then get fired ? Which is true? Need answers ASAP go back to work in the morning.

2007-07-05 12:13:02 · 10 answers · asked by Rhonda L 2 in Food Service

If your credit line is $500, does that mean you can't spend more than $500 for the entire time that you have the card. What does it mean.

2007-07-05 12:10:01 · 14 answers · asked by cherryblossoms 3 in Credit

Hi. I have owed my creditors money for 6 months. I owe about 13000 and my monthly rent is 600. I have a total of 9 creditors. Two of them, CHASE and Bank of America, have offered to forgive about 3000 of the debt. They are willing to do this if I pay them 4000 right now. I dont have that kind of money now. I just recently became employed again. Should I declare bakruptcy or seek a consolidation agency to help me negotiate further. My family says I should declare bankruptcy but my friends say I should seek credit advisors for help. Is there anyone who has ever been bankrupt or in a similar situation.

2007-07-05 12:08:13 · 10 answers · asked by koki c 1 in Credit

Only the 1st letter of my name is incorrect. Will my bank still accept it? I have an account there and it has my address on their as well. should I have a problem?

2007-07-05 11:50:03 · 8 answers · asked by curious? 3 in Personal Finance

As soon as we paid off our land note with the bank, we asked the bank to finance the building of our new home. I was shocked to see they are charging us for a title policy on a new home, on land they held the note on and we just paid off. The courthouse is all computerized and all you have to do is go there and find out in 2 minutes if they have been any liens on the land. Also, the attorney works as his own closer, so he splits the title policy with the title company 60 / 40. Why does a title policy cost so much when it gets pocketed by the title company and other closer? Would all banks require this title policy? It doesn't make sense but I know it is a ripoff. Anybody that works for the title insurance company, please justify these fees when you can go to most courthouses and look up these things in minutes. Why is it a well kept secret that if you pay tile insurance and sell within 7 years, you don't have to pay it all over again?

2007-07-05 11:46:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

cause you know when you go in you say 40 on 5 ($40 on pump 5) and just leave. is it ok if i ask for a receipt or something. does arco, chevron, shell, 76, all do receipts? cause i know you can get a receipt with a debit or credit card but can you get one with cash? anybody ever try?

2007-07-05 11:35:34 · 9 answers · asked by thehundreds 2 in Personal Finance

When first moved into apartment owners husband said it was ok if we broke our lease to buy a home. Now he states that since we are not purchasing one from his wife (a real estate agent) then he wants his money even though I have someone that wants to move in after I move out (with rent and deposit, plus my deposit will be left) The real question is can they use their power (being the landlord and a realtor) this way? Gave more than 30 days notice to and repainted the whole place and it's better than when we moved in.

2007-07-05 11:34:15 · 11 answers · asked by bobby_maxwell2000 1 in Renting & Real Estate

my parents are going farther and farther into debt and i cant get a job,is there any way for me to get money online without paying?

2007-07-05 11:33:40 · 13 answers · asked by devonance 1 in Personal Finance

If we make improvements in the house during a lease to own can the leasor decide not to sell it to us and keep those improvements for himself?

2007-07-05 11:17:27 · 6 answers · asked by rosezene 1 in Renting & Real Estate

is it the Federal Reserve Bank or which one ??
I'm not an american, i'm trying to find this out for a school project.

Thank U for answering

2007-07-05 11:17:10 · 2 answers · asked by Ol-Blu-Eyes 4 in United States

Just wondered how that worked. I work for a TV production compan and wanted to find out if forced hiatus was normal, and if it is, does a production company still pay you for that time off? My company forces us to take any week off work when there is a federal holiday, just so they don't have to pay the holiday pay. is that normal?

2007-07-05 11:12:25 · 1 answers · asked by J W 1 in United States

I mean is there a general rule for this? For example, is offerering $190,00 on a $220,000 home to low? The home needs some work (it's a cape and the 2 bedrooms upstairs need to be dormed, needs paint, needs new kitchen, etc).

2007-07-05 10:58:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

engines properly and listed with Yahoo Yellow pages & etc, etc.. I would love to hire a company to do this stuff for me, but it sounds like they are taking over your website (& business?).
It's like $140 bucks a month and they put a trackable phone number routed to your # and supposedly it's month to month, but if you cancel what happens to the people who have that phone # that they provided and what type of control has Website Pros taken of your website? I built my own and tho I do think I need help, I want to be the sole proprietor of my site. I will add, I'm a bit low tech and built my site on Go Daddy-I got the Trailblazer package to submit to search engines and I doubt if I did much good at all! lol. Anyhow, thanks.
P.S. They are somehow aligned with Discover, Yahoo & Google.
P.P.S. When I built my site I got lots of great advice from Yahoo Answers about how to do all this stuff myself-but, man, it is all so freakin' complicated.

2007-07-05 10:55:49 · 5 answers · asked by OK 2 in Search Engine Optimization

I was wondering if I became an authorized user on a credit card, can the primary card holder sue me for the purchases on the credit card? I have read that as an authorized user, I would not be responsible for paying the debt. Is this true, and if so, would it hold up in a small claims court if a lawsuit was filed?? Thanks!!

2007-07-05 10:45:03 · 14 answers · asked by Rage 2 in Credit

i don't have pay pal and i don't have a credit card either what do i do?

2007-07-05 10:31:23 · 11 answers · asked by marlon a 2 in Personal Finance

I've been sharing a house with house mates for over five years. The carpet is stained and has holes in it. It's probably been there for over 15 years. the house has been around since the 60's. We asked the land lord to have it replaced, he said he would only if we agree to pay for a third of the cost. is this legal? is he required by law to replace the carpet after a number of years?

2007-07-05 10:22:43 · 6 answers · asked by paul p 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I live in a condo, and we have a 100% mortgage. We have to pay mortgage insurance because it is not under 80%. So now our home is worth 170,000 and we paid 140000 for it, and we bought it in february. Is it bad to refinance this early? Please let me know the pros and cons of doing this. Will it poorly affect my credit? Does it cost alot? etc. etc.

2007-07-05 10:16:34 · 10 answers · asked by Sally Skellington 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-05 10:06:23 · 3 answers · asked by NewLife 3 in Other - Business & Finance

I have an Excel list of a thousand different stocks, and I want the historic opening and closing stock prices to be automatically updated on that Excel list. Doing this manually is extremely tedious. Is there any Excel functionality or plug-in that will enable me to grab the updated stock prices automatically from a website (e.g. Yahoo Finance)?

2007-07-05 10:00:56 · 4 answers · asked by Karen 1 in Investing

Please name ones that are free also

2007-07-05 10:00:53 · 2 answers · asked by Yuri ^_^ 5 in Other - Business & Finance

tell me about yourself and what are your weakness.

2007-07-05 09:55:12 · 15 answers · asked by Diego 3 in Investing

When asked your salary requirements how should you respond when there is going to be a set salary anyways? It seems like a pointless question to ask to me but I know I'll be asked.

2007-07-05 09:51:29 · 6 answers · asked by devp444 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

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