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Business & Finance - 5 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

Do I get more money by claiming my children during the year or should I get taxed harder and get a bigger refund? Is one better than the other, or does it all equal out in the end?

2007-07-05 15:33:10 · 8 answers · asked by Jr. fan 2 in United States

the whole domain name thing is ambiguous can someone please define it for me. What can I do with one.

2007-07-05 15:33:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

the basements are never finished. been looking at houses. they look like they are built like crap and are so expensive

2007-07-05 15:32:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

the things one can be doing from time to time to ensure its investment.

2007-07-05 15:31:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

for 1 year was $1375, what was the principle?

a $38,750
b $30,000
c $25,000
d $25,000

2007-07-05 15:30:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

...just trying to figure out what the rules are for getting equity out of my house and what I can spend that money on legally. Thanks in advance!

2007-07-05 15:29:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

My friend just learned that his apartment, before he signed his lease, was the site of a very violent crime. In fact, he has discovered pictures of his apartment on the internet about news coverage of the violent crimes. It makes him VERY uncomfortable. He would like to know if he has cause to break his lease since the landlord didn't tell him about what happened before he got there. My guess is he doesn't have a case, but maybe he does? Thanks!!

2007-07-05 15:27:23 · 3 answers · asked by nodoubt2002002 1 in Renting & Real Estate

We have been approved by the underwriters for our home loan however when asked to show proof of reserve meaning 2 mo. worth of payment do they look at ending balance or average balance on your bank statement? Right after I get paid we have the 2 mo. reserve but after I pay my bills we fall short will a loan office take this into consideration? I am so confused and don't want to be turned down just because I cant prove the 2 mo. payment requirement. On average we have 5000 dollars worth of deposits each month into our checking but our bank balance is a lot less then this due to monthly bills. Is there any way around this? Our anticipated close date is Aug. 15th so do they just need proof before we close date or is this something that we need right away?

2007-07-05 15:26:23 · 5 answers · asked by Amy T 2 in Renting & Real Estate

why on my 3in1 credit report i have 3 different credit scores. they average to 635 but they are so different. does anyone know what that means. how will that effect me bying or leasing a truck. thanks for your help.

2007-07-05 15:21:17 · 7 answers · asked by kevin p 2 in Credit

I would like to know how to donate a vehicle, and how to calculate the tax deduction (federal tax ? state tax). Who I should contact with?

I have an used car current market price is about $5000, and would like to sale or donate, but this car requires $1500 to repair if I want to sale it. I would like to know if make vehicle donation (sorry, I won't fix the car) will be better for me.

Please don't give me any answer like "Giving it to someone in need of a car will be a lot more charitible ..." or "make you feel pretty good to help others ...", I am not in the level to give away few thousands, so please give me advice if you know anything about vehicle donation.

2007-07-05 15:16:49 · 7 answers · asked by Chris 1 in United States

What would be the best way to start something like this?

2007-07-05 15:16:49 · 2 answers · asked by cindysoto 1 in Small Business

i need to know step by step in simple words.

2007-07-05 15:16:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Advertising & Marketing

I have my associates degree in health administration. I am still working for my bachelors, but need to work full time while I earn it. I am a CNA and have been working in home health with the disabled for the last 3 years. I would like to work using my associates degree rather than my CNA now. I am moving to Abilene Texas in a couple of weeks if that helps. I could use help knowing what to put in search engines to have other positions besides CNA jobs come up. I'm not sure what the associates degree qualifies me for until I earn my bachelors. Any ideas?

2007-07-05 15:15:39 · 2 answers · asked by Deborah B 1 in Health Care

I was wanting the name of that specific bank form that lets you borrow money you never have to pay back.

2007-07-05 15:09:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

My fiance and I are have become aware that an ex-boyfriend of hers is currently attempting to get credit (car loan) and is using OUR home address. He did live her over a years ago and he is using this address because it is a house. He lives in an apartment and is being kicked out on July 25th (heard it through the grapevine) so the reason he is using our address is because he is claiming to be a home owner. he does not own MY home nor does he live there so I am wondering what I can do, if anything, to make creditors aware that he is using a fake address? We considered dropping a letter off to him at his apartment but he is not entirely stable and he might pull some kind of stunt. Could we do anything through the courts, something officialy that lets him know he is forbidden to use our address on his credit applications?

2007-07-05 15:09:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

I live in Calif and told my friend who lives in another state that I got a clearance price on my home. It's a 2bdrm 1bth for 275,000. Th owner could have sold it for 500,000 easily. My friend couldn't believe how much the homes are here. She said for the price I paid for my home I could have bought a huge home with all the upgrades for about 230,000 in Utah where she lives. I'm just curious to know what is out there. California is a great place to live , just a little expensive.

2007-07-05 15:06:49 · 10 answers · asked by Me 4 in Renting & Real Estate

with 3 kids,(15,13,11) mortgage(1350month),savings(30k).Our home is worth 215k and we owe125k on the note.No loans on it. I purchsed policies (not term) for all of us years ago. Mine and my wifes personel policies are 100k, and the kids are 25k . The monthly premium totals are about $135.00 for all. Do I or my wife really need this addtional insurance? The kids? I would like to invest the monthly premiums if its a good idea .Plus if I cash in my wife and my policies, I could get about 14k..

2007-07-05 15:06:23 · 3 answers · asked by Flashbark 2 in Personal Finance

or is it 41 cent

2007-07-05 15:04:53 · 8 answers · asked by njpinkprincess 2 in Other - Business & Finance

THat is for a single person age 28years old.

DO you know how much would be the federal and the state tax???

2007-07-05 14:55:31 · 4 answers · asked by the d 6 in United States

and you rode in a taxi what could you give him exchange for money or something valuable??

2007-07-05 14:55:15 · 3 answers · asked by JENN-JENN 2 in Personal Finance

I work as a nurse so I make a decent salary but i'm in the group that makes too much to qualify for help but not enough to make ends meet. I have a 2 year old little girl and her monthly daycare bill is 725. Please help. I have no family besides my husband and it really hard having no other help around.

2007-07-05 14:52:54 · 1 answers · asked by newrn82 1 in Personal Finance

Just starting off with "investing" and I don't know too much about it.. should I try mutual funds or bonds first? If not, then what? Thanks!

2007-07-05 14:52:41 · 8 answers · asked by Emo B 5 in Investing


my boyfriend lives in a town about 60 miles from me. we want to start co-habiting in my town, in my house. he is self employed in landscaping and cant figure out an easy way to make the transistion without him having to drive 60 miles a day for work....any suggestions??/

2007-07-05 14:49:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

2007-07-05 14:47:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

I am thinking about switching my major to Radiologic Technology. I was just wondering, if I just go through with my associates and not a bachelors, would I still be able to work in that field? I mean, I have to take almost 80 credits to get the associates so I would think I would be pretty well trained. And also, what could I expect for salary?

2007-07-05 14:38:23 · 3 answers · asked by tennischick_1605 2 in Health Care

I went to dataentrybusiness.com and read everything and I thought it was a scam but I just noticed this site about someone who tryed it. Do you think that the site is telling the truth?


2007-07-05 14:37:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

2007-07-05 14:32:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

I'm trying to teach myself about investing any honest advice would be helpfull

2007-07-05 14:29:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

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