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Business & Finance - 5 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

but they just hired a guy in and im sure are paying him more than i was makeing what do i do do i have any legal rights?

2007-07-05 16:49:53 · 5 answers · asked by steve and angie 1 in Law & Legal

2007-07-05 16:48:49 · 11 answers · asked by phantomgirl714 2 in Investing

I'm looking for something cheap since I'm just out of college. The exterior of the building is already covered. I guess all I have to worry about is fire and theft on the interior.

2007-07-05 16:45:31 · 13 answers · asked by Brian H 2 in Insurance

we probably owe more on our house than we could get out of it but we need to get out of here due to major reason,
I was wanting to know how much it is going to cost to sell our house and what the whole process includes, thanks!

2007-07-05 16:41:46 · 8 answers · asked by 3 girls call me mommy 5 in Renting & Real Estate

Do your credit score need to be higher to get an interest only or ARM loan? Are the downpayments higher? I have a median score of 602, income/debt ratio is fine. Looking to buy a house to stop wasting money in rent. It will not be my dream house and moving in 5-7 years will not be a problem. The housing market in my area is doing ok, dont anticipate any problems selling later.

2007-07-05 16:35:15 · 6 answers · asked by da_red12 2 in Renting & Real Estate

My sister is executor of Mom's will. We are closing on her house. The house is still in Mom's name. We are the only two inheritors. My sister says I can grant her power of attorney and she can sign all the papers legally. She also says our husbands do not need to sign anything because it is an inheritance. Is this correct?

2007-07-05 16:31:08 · 10 answers · asked by Shirley S 2 in Renting & Real Estate

for expample.. i got a lot of cards from every bank.. what happens if i waste more than 10.000 $ and dont pay it back 2 the bank? can i go to jail

2007-07-05 16:28:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

My landlord issued a letter to all of the apartments in our building advising that he would give a 48-hr notice to CHECK THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE UNITS. I asked him WHAT specifically he was looking at and he said PER THE CALIFORNIA TENANT HANDBOOK HE LEGALLY HAS THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE UNIT TWICE A YEAR. I could not find anything remotely close to this other than for emergencies, general repairs, and should be between business hours, typically 8am or 9am to 5pm on weekdays.. What is this fool talking about and can someone show me WHERE in the CALIFORNIA tenants handbook this is listed?

2007-07-05 16:26:58 · 11 answers · asked by A hardworking American 2 in Renting & Real Estate

i am co-owner of my house and my roomate's g.f. keeps getting involved where she has no say. her little brother has now been "staying with us" for 2+ months. and just got mail today! i feel that surely i am not crazy suggesting some kind of payment. it was two couples, now it's 5 people! should i ask everything be split 5 ways equal? Thanx in advance for any good advice! ;-)

2007-07-05 16:23:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

-Apply for house loan with false numbers...
-Get the loan and move in...
-Then get caught with the false numbers...

I saw it happen with grossly exagerated numbers. I just wanted to know what could happen to the borrower if they are caught after moving in.

2007-07-05 16:09:02 · 5 answers · asked by HonestGuy 2 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-05 16:06:20 · 2 answers · asked by janie p 2 in Health Care

Hi I just wanted to get some diverse opinions on this topic that will be crucial to an assignment I am completing for uni. My question is, audits are important for companies as they certify that the proceedings of the company are legit and so forth.
But there are times when certain factors affect the efficiency of an audit. Would you (the community familiar with business and finance) agree that the main reason audits cannot be completed on time is because of a lack of cooperation between the auditor and the client? or is there another factor that affects the efficiency of an audit?

specific and extensive answers are most welcome

2007-07-05 16:01:14 · 5 answers · asked by Caitlyn Y 1 in Other - Business & Finance

My husband has terminal cancer and has been given 4 months to live. Am I responsible for debts that do not have my name on the accounts (such as medical bills, personal loans, and mortgages).

2007-07-05 15:58:48 · 6 answers · asked by S Knittel 1 in Credit

a statistical analysis
b rent or lease analysis
c cost/benefits analysis
d analysis of choice

2007-07-05 15:53:43 · 4 answers · asked by editing l 1 in Other - Business & Finance

a progressive
b regressive
c 4% or 5%
d non-existent

2007-07-05 15:52:32 · 4 answers · asked by editing l 1 in Other - Taxes

a control who borrows money
b regulate the interest rate
c print the money in circulation
d operate other banks

2007-07-05 15:51:34 · 1 answers · asked by editing l 1 in Other - Business & Finance

Just trying to figure out my options here. I could just sell the home, but that's taxes galore. Is there a tax-free way to get this money to be usable for a time, without getting shafted by the bank?

2007-07-05 15:50:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I'll be 17 in two months, I'm planning on getting my own apartment. These apartments go off income, and I make around 650$ a month. I'm willing to work more hours then I already am if needed.

So I have a couple questions.
- Could a parent sign a lease for me, in their name with the apartment complex knowing that my dad isn't going to be living there with me. Will they okay it? If I prove I'm financially stable.
- Can I apply for food stamps at 17 if I live on my own?

Also, my parents said I have to leave when I'm 17, or else I'd stay until my 18th birthday. I have a 3.8 in school, and I've never been in trouble with the law.

2007-07-05 15:49:58 · 17 answers · asked by Baby Kay 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I applied for an apartment and paid $100 application fee.I was not shown the 3 bedroom model that I wanted because they claimed it was still occupied.I was shown the 2 bedroomed.The offered me the 3 bedroomed and I was due to move in august 1. I paid the deposit. 2 days later I called to tell them that I was withdrawing the application and they have charged me $250 for 6 days which is the time they say the took off the apartment off the market.This apartment is still occupied until end of the month. help

2007-07-05 15:49:13 · 3 answers · asked by mimi 2 in Renting & Real Estate

a 1% interest
b. 1.5% interest
c 4%interest
d different rates of interest

2007-07-05 15:48:59 · 1 answers · asked by editing l 1 in Personal Finance

I havent had a job for the last two years, and I have a $20,000 credit card debt to need to pay off, what shall I do until I find a job? my credit card company stricktly forced me to pay off eventhough I don't have a job? could you tell me the best way to do at this time since I don't have eaither a job or money?

2007-07-05 15:46:19 · 8 answers · asked by dessalegne a 1 in Personal Finance

My ex is filing for bankruptcy, he is 60grand in debt. A couple a months ago my 89 Berlina finally died and as an extremely nice gesture he financed a 2004 commodore but put it in my name as we had just found out our one year son needed surgery and would require many car trips to Princess Margaret Hospital.

But as the story goes he is way in over his head now and cannot afford the repayments on all of his debts.

But seeing as he put the car in my name I was wondering if they will take my car away. I'm not upset if they do but I was wondering if they can take a car off someone that was given to them as a gift.

2007-07-05 15:42:54 · 6 answers · asked by ammee_lee 1 in Personal Finance

they spend money on adds and no one has the luxury of choosing where they get their electric or water from . all the while raising our bills to ungodly high rates . am i the only one who is truly disturbed by this

2007-07-05 15:42:50 · 10 answers · asked by KC 2 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

im 18 and live in spokane and getting kicked out for supproting myself and my fiencee in less then 15 dyas. im trying to think of programs to look into like financial aid or housing things but i just dont know how. pluss how do i get around with no car? and still have to do all this ontop of highschool senor yar , fiencee and possible baby on the way, this is insane and i just dont know what to do.i cant join the military because i need to be ther efor taking care of the baby, and my feincee wont let me... im trying to find more employment but its tough and i only make around 400 a month, rent is 450-550 a month here, pluss food 150, and electrical 50-100, and phone 45, and who knows what els. please post any ideas please i need help fast!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-07-05 15:42:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I sold a couple of Items to one customer and they paid through paypal but for some reason it took a few days to clear.Then it finally cleared but the paypal invoice has a different address than the ebay invoice.I have sent the costumer a couple of emails to see which address is correct but they do not respond. What should I do?

2007-07-05 15:40:46 · 1 answers · asked by J's leather emporium 3 in Small Business

a. a liability
b part of the balance sheet
c part of the expenses
d an asset

2007-07-05 15:39:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

a. a check
b. an accounts payable voucher
c. personal check of the receptionist
d petty cash

2007-07-05 15:36:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

The "Do Not Call" list will soon be offered in Canada, and I would like to take advantage of it to block myself from telemarketers. I still want to receive calls from businesses and services who I am already a customer with (my phone company, my bank, etc.). Is there a way to allow calls from those companies, or will they be disallowed because I would be on the list?

2007-07-05 15:34:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

What percentage of the budget was devoted to savings?

a 30%
b 35%
c 25%
d 25.9%

2007-07-05 15:33:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

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