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Tattoos - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

I have an adorable brown teddy bear on my back around my shoulder blade area that is for my son. It has his name and his birth year.He is very quiet,shy and sweet so that's why I chose a teddy bear. NOW..I have 18 month old daughter, she is the total opposite, very high strung, but still sweet, most of the time =).
Any girly ideas on a tattoo that would represent her. I thought of a girl tazmanian devil looking sweet and innocent, but I couldn't find any pictures to go by.

2007-08-31 20:46:18 · 13 answers · asked by blessed1 4

I got mine cause I just got out of a very bad relashonship where I allowed myself to be controlled and then I broke up with him and my friend was getting her tattoo added on to so I went with an idea and got my first 1. A bomb on my hip.

2007-08-31 18:15:15 · 18 answers · asked by Marge 5

I don't want anything big, or for it to look trashy..just something cute, i was thinking of my foot? Not too sure..any ideas?

2007-08-31 17:02:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

my girl friend wants me to give her a small tattoo she wants her name no bigger than the size of a quarter, does any one know where i can get some info on how to proporly sterilize the needles and how to apply the tattoo with minimum pain because i dont want to end up hurting her while doing this.

2007-08-31 15:04:16 · 8 answers · asked by Dal3y 1

I am 20, and I want to get a tattoo on my arm, but i am worried if over time, I work out more or i get fatter, my arms may get biggger, will it stretch out the tattoo really bad? If I loose the weight will it go back to normal or always be streched out?

2007-08-31 13:44:35 · 13 answers · asked by Josh-dizzle 1

Me and my best friend are getting similar tattos, we both grew up in phoenix, and want to take pride in where we live and what we call home..

Anyways, we are getting the Phoenix Bird (the city logo) on our arms.. We are getting the same outline, but doing the inside different.

Here is the basic design, what should I expect to pay for the outline?


I want to get it in black, at least outlined in black. I might do the AZ flag or something on the inside, but I am just wondering the price of the outline? Its going to be about 4 inches in diameter..


2007-08-31 13:40:10 · 4 answers · asked by Josh-dizzle 1

2007-08-31 13:14:07 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had my industrial pierced for about a 2 weeks,when my grandpa gave me a hug and his arm accidently hit it really hard,it started bleeding pretty bad. I heard that rough activity leads to bumps on it. I hit it again about 2 weeks after that,and the bumps got worse. A couple days ago I woke up and there was a really big blood blister type bump. Everything else is fine, the puss is watery and yellow like I read it should be. I dont see any signs of infection,but I always can't find anything about the bumps. I've been putting tea tree oil on it to try and help it,but I havent seen any changes in it. It hasnt gotten any bigger or smaller. Are these red bumps an infection or just because rough activity? And will they go away with me cleaning it with salt water and putting the tea tree oil on it? Do you recommend anything else? Thanks :)

2007-08-31 12:40:57 · 11 answers · asked by J 4

I just got a tattoo today and the guy said not to go swimming for 2 weeks. I know I should really stick by that, but i swim everyday...Do you think i could cut it down a week or so?

2007-08-31 09:34:28 · 18 answers · asked by E M 1

i am curently fifteen and my mom is going to let me get my bellybutton pierced i think its cute and i really want it but i have no idea what the pain is going to be like ive only gotten my ears pierced and cartillage on one side anyone who can help me thanx =)

2007-08-31 09:33:33 · 10 answers · asked by erin g 3

What symbol or anything, really, comes to your mind when you think of "Discipline"?
Concrete images only, though - no long phrases or stories. :) Thanks! It's connected with some tattoo ideas I have, just trying to chase down the right thing. Thanks for helping.

2007-08-31 08:59:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


just wondering what people think of this..i could never get it cuz having sumthin implanted in my eye freaks me out but more power to people who have the balls to do this...would u get it? why or why not? do u guys think this is gunna become mainstream and we are gunna see alot of kids getting it done? thats a scary thought.. parents of people around my age are complaining that their kids are getting tongue rings and "tramp stamps" (i hate that term!!)...maybe this will be the newest trend when i have kids...yikes!! lol

no rude answers please...everyone has their opions and not everyone likes piercings or tattoos but dont bash others because they have them..thanks :)

2007-08-31 08:29:57 · 18 answers · asked by jennybean7985 5

Ok so I am thinking about getting a hip surface peircing cuz I think they are really cute.... Now I dont kno if it would look tacky or slutyish but I dont have any tattoos and the only peircings I have are a tiny crystal stud in my nose and a tiny crystal stud on the side of my bottom lip its the same size as my nose ring so very tiny just like a little sparkle... Now I m not the type of crazy peircing tattooo freaky girl... I am pretty preppy or I dont know what you would call me... lol... I dont kno... im not emo or rockerish or preppy I just wear like clothes from forever 21 stuff like that like funky chic stylish styles i dunno... I just dont want to look like a freak... no offence to the people who have that style its just not for me... well I want to get this piercing but I dont want too look freaky or anything... its like gettin a little tattoo on your hip but instead its not permament so what di you think this is the piercing I want just only on one side..

2007-08-31 08:10:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so I am thinking about getting a hip surface peircing cuz I think they are really cute.... Now I dont kno if it would look tacky or slutyish but I dont have any tattoos and the only peircings I have are a tiny crystal stud in my nose and a tiny crystal stud on the side of my bottom lip its the same size as my nose ring so very tiny just like a little sparkle... Now I m not the type of crazy peircing tattooo freaky girl... I am pretty preppy or I dont know what you would call me... lol... I dont kno... im not emo or rockerish or preppy I just wear like clothes from forever 21 stuff like that like funky chic stylish styles i dunno... I just dont want to look like a freak... no offence to the people who have that style its just not for me... well I want to get this piercing but I dont want too look freaky or anything... its like gettin a little tattoo on your hip but instead its not permament so what di you think this is the piercing I want just only on one side..

2007-08-31 07:51:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

After giving it much thought I have decided that I want a very detailed tattoo on my arm. However I do not have any experience with tattoos and do not know if any able tattoo artist would be suitable for this or if I have to search for a specific artist.
If you put "quasi-crystal pattern" into google images you can get an idea of the sort of pattern I want.
Is this too unrealistic?
I would also appreciate if anyone could recommend a good tattoo artist in England.
I would be prepared to pay the money a good tattoo takes and also to travel over a distance to find a good artist.

2007-08-31 07:30:07 · 6 answers · asked by Malomo 2

so many people here ask the dumdest question because they are tou young use common sence about what they are asking

2007-08-31 06:59:45 · 20 answers · asked by THE TATTOO MAN 2

I want to get a tattoo for finishing law school, but can't decide what. I don't want anything obvious (scales of justice, gavel). Ideas?

2007-08-31 05:56:51 · 9 answers · asked by Louie 2

2007-08-31 05:39:17 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

the tat itself is a two inch tribal cross in the middle a tribal angel wings. the wings are about ten inches and it's about 5 inch across at its widst point. mostly outlined only the tips will be shaded and they'll fade as they go up

2007-08-31 04:24:21 · 4 answers · asked by DirtyRed 2

will the spray make the ink fade or mess with a new tattoo that is less than 24 hours done?

2007-08-31 03:16:04 · 13 answers · asked by txktmiller69 1

So, I've decided to get a tattoo on my private parts & wanted some advice on where & how to maintain it. First, I wanna tell you up front: I'm aware how painful it will likely be (I have a tat, which already hurt & know this will be a lot more painful). I don't think it'll be slutty because a sl*t is a girl who sleeps around & I don't, regardless of where my tats are (and I don't plan to show it to a lot of peeps). Also, I don't think I'll regret it as with aging there'll be a lot worse things to complain about than a (albeit wilting) flower. So, please don't give me opinions about those things. My question is about hair: Is it a good idea to get it in an area where hair grows? I thought about getting it above it, but there's less room there. Will waxing/shaving/plucking (Yes, I've been known to pluck) make my tattoo fade faster? Is it a good idea to wax beforehand or could that hamper ink-absorption? Any experienced peeps have any thoughts? I'd really appreciate it.

2007-08-30 22:54:44 · 9 answers · asked by VioletRose 2

2007-08-30 11:02:17 · 15 answers · asked by samrsix 1

do tattos hurt?any way im trying to get a tatoo which covers me back and arms all i found was this http://www.rankmytattoos.com/f/uploads/skull-tattoo-11339496451703.jpg
can u please give me a link to tattos which are better please also im getting this on my legs http://www.rankmytattoos.com/f/uploads/flame-tattoo-11525698036903.jpg
it is basicly that but larger also if u can find better tattos please tell me the web or sned a link please

2007-08-30 09:38:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I already have three tattoos: ribs, lower back, and lower stomach. I already know what i want for my fourth one. I was thinking and almost a 100% sure i want it on my right upper thigh. I've been trying to look online for pictures of them but i can't really find very many. My question is if and women out there have them and if they like the placement, and also maybe some sites i can look at, so i can see the placement and give myself a better idea on if i want it there or not. Any other information on placement in this area is also greatly appreciated. I have already gone through previous questions looking for answers. They weren't very helpful. I've been on bmezine, but there are so many pictures to look through and I've been through a lot and have not found many.

If your one of those people who says tattoos are ugly or you don't like people with them, Please don't answer the question. I'm sure there is something else you could be doing with your time.

Thanks in advance for your an

2007-08-30 09:30:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I've been wanting a tattoo for a very long time and I have a few ideas on what I want. I can take pain to a certain level (I have 8 piercings, 2 on each lobe, a double on my left ear [orbital], cartilage and eyebrow) none really bothered me much and were all done with needles. Where's the least and most painful spot that you've ever had tattoo'ed? And where would you say is a good place for a first tattoo? Between upper back/ shoulder blade areas or my upper arm (bicep?) which hurts worse?

2007-08-30 09:17:26 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

if the answer is none dont bother answering

2007-08-30 09:14:33 · 62 answers · asked by rock star 5

I have one and I am not a "tramp"

2007-08-30 08:43:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got my tattoo on tuesday and im following all the directions for the aftercare. ive been told to try to keep it away from any type of water does this count for it when i shower. i shower daily so im curious if this affects the tattoo. if the tattoo were in some other place id understand but my tat is my butt.

2007-08-30 08:36:00 · 13 answers · asked by ♥Belle Erreur♥ 2


2007-08-30 08:33:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous